Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 254 Hui Yuan Ai’s organizational aura

Conan didn't realize that there were two missing people behind him.

He was looking intently at the hall, his eyes occasionally resting on people wearing black clothes passing by.

And among those who were stared at by him, Toru Amuro was not included at the counter.

——Unlike Gin, who wears black in all seasons, Toru Amuro prefers casual clothes of various colors and styles, which is very inconsistent with the organization's dress standards.

Therefore, he initially escaped Conan's random casting of the net.

On the other side, Jiang Xia has brought Hui Yuan Ai to the blind spot deep in the corridor.

He remembered that Toru Amuro knew Shirley. Although Toru Amuro didn't know that adults could become smaller yet, if a mixed-race child who looked like Shirley and had exactly the same hair color suddenly appeared next to him, he would definitely notice it.

Hui Yuan Ai adjusted his collar and looked at Jiang Xia with some confusion: "?"

Jiang Xia also looked at her slightly puzzled.

Isn't it said that Haihara Ai is equipped with an organization radar? She can sense it every time someone from an organization is nearby, and she starts to tremble. Why are you so calm now? Her radar shouldn't be able to distinguish between undercover agents and real wine, and she will react uniformly...

Jiang Xia hesitated for a moment and did not mention the topic of aura. He only said, "You are right. The organization sent people over, and they are in the hall."

Hui Yuan Ai was startled, her eyes lost their brightness, and she shrank subconsciously.

Jiang Xia looked at her silently. Well, yes, this is the normal state when she detects members of the organization nearby.

...In other words, the reason why Hui Yuan Ai was so calm just now was not because she was now so bold that she was no longer afraid of the organization, but because she didn't sense it.

Thinking about it, things like human radar are still not very scientific. Perhaps in this world, Haihara Ai is not actually equipped with such a strange function...

While Jiang Xia was studying this former colleague thoughtfully, Haiyuan Ai was also a little scared.

Contrary to what Jiang Xia thought, she could still smell the unique aura of the organization.

Jiang Xia also has it.

However, breath itself is not good or bad, it is only related to the person who owns it.

Before defecting, Haiyuan Ai felt the aura of his colleagues, which was a little annoying at most.

At the beginning of her defection, because she knew the consequences of being captured by the organization, and her sister also died in the hands of the organization, she would be disgusted and frightened when she felt the same aura again.

And in the following period of time... the member of the organization that Hui Yuan Ai had the most contact with was Jiang Xia, who often came to her place for dinner.

The frequency is still very high, and sometimes we can meet several times a day.

Therefore, her reaction to the organization's aura gradually changed from panic + vigilance at the beginning to "Oh, Jiang Xia is here."

I even vaguely feel that this is quite convenient - as soon as Jiang Xia arrives at the doctor's house, she can quickly find out whether she is in the kitchen or the laboratory.

After gradually getting used to the aura of the organization, after listening to Jiang Xia's words, Haiyuan Ai vaguely felt that indeed, Jiang Xia seemed to be not the only one in this hotel who had that kind of aura.

Only then did she begin to panic.

Fortunately, Haihara Ai had already thought that she might meet members of the organization who came to investigate the Night Baron here, so she came prepared.

She forced herself to calm down, and then under Jiang Xia's slightly curious gaze, she held her mini travel bag in front of her and took out a bottle of Dr. Ali's black-tech hair dye and a Baseball cap, a cartoon mask.

Jiang Xia: "..."

Quite complete.

Conan looked around the hall seriously, but found no suspicious man in black.

So he relaxed a little, walked to the counter, and tried to talk to Toru Amuro.

Toru Amuro had met them several times before, and he was the boss of Jiang Xia's office. Conan felt that this could barely be regarded as an acquaintance of his.

Moreover, he just heard the words "Izu Mysterious Journey" next to him, and realized that Toru Amuro's purpose may be the same as theirs. This boss came first and may have some useful information.

Conan came to Amuro Toru's legs and was about to talk to him. At this time, Amuro Toru looked at him and was startled.

Soon, Toru Amuro looked to the side again, and then asked with slight surprise: "Did you come alone?"

"No, I..." Conan turned around, then froze.

...Where are Jiang Xia and Huiyuan Ai?

But don't be afraid that someone from the black organization was passing by from behind. Seeing that Hui Yuan Ai's hair looked familiar, he picked him up and ran away, and then Jiang Xia went after him...

Every time Conan encountered something related to the black organization, he would be more or less aroused to have a bit of persecution paranoia - maybe Gin's blow with the stick was too hard, and the process of APTX4869's physical transformation was too painful, leaving A psychological shadow.

When Toru Amuro saw the child's face turn ugly, he didn't think much about it. He just thought that the child was a bit stupid. It was probably until he heard his question that he realized that the guardian was missing, so he was worried.

Tohru Amuro took out his cell phone in a benevolent manner: "Did you come with Jiang Xia, or did you follow that high school girl?"

He didn't save Mao Lilan's number, so he could only ask Conan.

However, when he lowered his head, he saw that Conan did not answer the question, but was thinking about something with a solemn expression, and even started to sweat.

Toru Amuro sighed inwardly and expressed his understanding - a first-grade child who was so far away from home suddenly found himself lost. At this time, he didn't wipe away his tears and cried loudly. He could already praise his stability.

But in Conan's current state, he probably wouldn't be able to get his number if he asked him, so he might as well ask Jiang Xia directly.

Toru Amuro was about to dial.

But at this moment, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a familiar figure from the corner of his eye.

He raised his head and saw Jiang Xia walking towards him, leading a little girl beside him.

...Another kid?

Jiang Xia actually takes care of other people's children, even taking care of two at a time. It's true that a person cannot be judged by his appearance...

Conan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Jiang Xia and Haiyuan Ai appear.

Seeing Haihara Ai's appearance at this time, he immediately knew what the two people had just disappeared to do.

Speaking of which, Hui Yuan Ai didn't change her clothes all the way, and she only started to change her clothes now... Could it be that she found someone from the black organization in the hall, so she asked Jiang Xia to help guard them and changed her hair style?

Jiang Xia was talking to Amuro Toru.

Conan took the opportunity to walk next to Haiyuan Ai, keeping some distance away from Jiang Xia, and asked in a low voice: "Is there someone organized here? You didn't tell Jiang Xia, right?"

"No." Haiyuan Ai quite appreciates this about Conan. The harder Conan tries to prevent Jiang Xia from contacting the organization, the easier it becomes for her to cover Jiang Xia's waistcoat.

But just now, the two people suddenly abandoned Conan and ran to put on disguises. If they didn't explain clearly, it would easily arouse suspicion. I have to make up an explanation...

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