Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 255 Gin’s Mental Journey

Thinking about this, Hui Yuan Ai said calmly: "I told Jiang Xia that I used to be a rich second generation, but was later plotted by someone who was fighting for the family property. I just saw my former enemy nearby - my hair color is relatively rare. It’s easy to be recognized just by looking like that, so I wanted to change my look.”

Conan: "..."

Sounds so familiar.

Isn't this a scene from the recently popular eight o'clock TV series?

Fortunately, Jiang Xia doesn't like watching TV...

No, this kind of rhetoric is full of loopholes. Even if Jiang Xia has never read the original version, it will be difficult to hide it from him.

...It should be said that fortunately, Jiang Xia prefers to guess on her own when encountering a problem, rather than asking for the root cause. Just like I had already guessed Conan = Kudo Shinichi before, but never took the initiative to expose it.

From this point of view, Jiang Xia is quite considerate...

At the same time, after Hui Yuan Ai finished speaking, he tasted it and felt that this reason was not bad.

I have to go and write a string of words with Jiang Xia in a while, don’t get involved later.

When the two children were muttering about "big things" that seemed very important, but were actually useless.

Jiang Xia had already completed the check-in procedures. He and Toru Amuro walked to a place where no one was around. The two briefly exchanged the reasons for participating in the mysterious tour of Izu.

Toru Amuro's purpose is indeed what Haibara Ai had speculated before, to investigate the "Night Baron" virus.

Jiang Xia told the superficial reason why he was here - a neighbor's friend accidentally gave him a place, and the child insisted on going out to play. He was also interested, so he came together.

Although Jiang Xia's target of "Dark Shark" this time, Tokio Ehara, is sitting in the hall and is destined not to survive this "Mysterious Journey to Izu".

But Jiang Xia was not worried that Amuro Toru would associate this incident of human life with him afterwards.

First of all, it is true that Jiang Xia did not kill the person. He just went out with Conan for a normal relaxing trip, and later encountered a murder case.

Secondly, Toru Amuro may not have known that Tokio Ehara was the assassination target of the organization. Regarding the assassination of Ehara Tokio, although the confidentiality is not high, "not high" does not mean "none". Such a list cannot be made public without much care. Moreover, there are many people the organization wants to kill. When Toru Amuro collects intelligence, he will definitely focus more on major events and important people. There is no need to specifically look for information about Ehara Tokio.

To take a step back, even if Toru Amuro discovered that Tokio Ehara was the target of the organization, it would be difficult for him to regard this matter as "Enosha's plan", and he would only feel that Tokio Ehara was unlucky.

After all, there have been many cases in the past where "during a mission, an organization member or mission target was suddenly involved in a passing murder case, and was subsequently led away".

Toru Amuro cannot see Usa's "true face", not because his brainstorming skills are worse than Gin's, but because he and Gin have different information.

At the beginning, after Jiangxia Dark Shark diplomat got the code name and accepted the "criminal mastermind" setting that Ginjiu had given him without permission, he also wondered why Ginjiu had such otherworldly ideas.

Later, Jiang Xia had nothing to do. After thinking about it carefully, she felt that this seemed to make some sense.

——When he was not an official member, Miyano Akemi defected. At that time, in order to avoid Ginjiu's unreasonable rebellion, Jiang Xia used Xiaobai's puppet as a tool man, and later in order to eliminate evidence, he pretended to strangle Xiaobai to death. , and also twisted and folded the innocent "kid" and stuffed it into the bag. In short, because of this incident, in Gin's eyes, he is far from a "good guy with a clear conscience".

In addition, Gin himself is an intermittent suspicious person - when faced with various "coincidences", he often thinks about the real cause and effect behind it like a demon, and refuses to let go of any clues.

These two characteristics, coupled with the fact that during the assessment, Gin Jiu issued the task of "assassinating the diplomat" to Jiang Xia, the diplomat's wife stabbed the target to death with a poisonous needle. The wife had interacted with Jiang Xia before... ...This is why Jiang Xia inexplicably became a "little expert in crime script writing".

Various cases that came across later reinforced Gin's belief in this speculation again and again.

...Amuro Tohru, apart from being occasionally suspicious, does not meet any of the above necessary conditions.

So at least for a long time, you can safely follow the cases near him without worrying about him overthinking.

After hearing the story of Jiang Xia's "helping neighbors take their children out to play", Toru Amuro didn't have too many doubts.

On the contrary, he was a little relieved: Jiang Xia seemed to have become cheerful after gradually getting rid of the work of peripheral members. Making friends, being friendly to neighbors, traveling often...this is what people of this age should do.

Thinking of this, Toru Amuro couldn't help but think of his green years in the police academy and the few close friends he had at the time.

It's a pity that all my friends are dead now, and the most loyal one died because of the organization.

...The evil black organization will throw them all into prison sooner or later.

In the lobby of Izu Princess Hotel.

Jiang Xia said, his voice paused slightly, and he was surprised to find that Toru Amuro had a little murderous aura in him.

And the grade is not low.

There was a precedent for gin being a long-term murderous aura supply machine. Jiang Xia's eyes lit up implicitly when he looked at Toru Amuro's bottle of wine, which was not weak in ability.

However, it is a pity that perhaps the murderous aura did not have a clear target. By the time the ghosts floated past, the newly generated murderous aura had quickly dissipated.

The foggy dog ​​jumped into the air. It hung in the air, flapped its wings blankly, and could only fly back again.

The mermaid was more irritable. She circled her arms around Toru Amuro several times like a little overseer. After making sure that this person did not have murderous intentions, she patted him twice with her tail to vent her anger, and then swam slowly. return.

Toru Amuro didn't feel the mermaid's "attack".

Because of Jiang Xia's pause, he came back to his senses from his memories and saw Jiang Xia sighing inconspicuously. Her interest was a little lower than before, as if she was disappointed because of something.

Amuro Toru was startled, realizing that when he recalled the past just now, his expression might have been very bad. Jiang Xia may have thought that he was condemning him for not doing his job properly.

"I was just thinking about the mission." Toru Amuro said calmly that he didn't mind Jiang Xia going on a trip, "There's nothing else to do, you go and do your business."

However, Jiang Xia did not leave. Instead, he took the initiative and asked, "Can I help?"

...Although it's not easy to find the boss' murderous intent, he can at least attract some cases.

Currently, based on Jiang Xia's experience, every time he meets Toru Amuro when he goes out, he always starts with two ghosts.

This boss is like a randomly refreshed double experience card. When you meet him, your efficiency becomes higher.

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