Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 271 Your green plum is in my hands

While the boss was struggling, Jiang Xia flapped the puppet's wings and fanned the anesthetic powder toward Nakamori Aoko.

Letting Nakamori Aoko fall asleep is the easiest way to prevent Kidd from falling off the horse later. In this way, Kidd's identity will not be exposed to the police, and he can continue to be a stable energy core-producing thief...

While doing these things, Jiang Xia did not forget to start knocking on the boss in the dark.

If the boss was knocked unconscious just now, then unless he happened to have a dream in which he put down the butcher knife and became a Buddha immediately, the murderous intention would not be completely shed, but only a little bit on the surface.

Only by making the boss soberly realize that "killing" cannot be achieved, and using fear or objective circumstances to eliminate his murderous intention, can the murderous intention be eradicated.

Although time is a little tight, Jiang Xia is very skilled at beating people and knows where it hurts the most. And now, in addition to his hands, he also has an extra pair of powerful wings.

In addition, the pampered boss' endurance was simply negative. Soon, under Jiang Xia's triple speed, the pain caused the boss to have no other thoughts in his mind. After belatedly realizing that the younger brothers beside him had been knocked down, he let out an incompetent roar, and the murderous aura finally fell off his body.

Kidd finished blowing the anesthetic and opened the window in the dark.

The moonlight and the neon lights of the city poured in, making the room much brighter than before.

The boys in black were lying on the ground. Kidd had expected this.

To his surprise, the boss was not affected by the anesthetic. This cunning man somehow predicted and avoided the anesthetic attack.

Fortunately, this was not a big deal: the next second, Kidd saw the foggy dog's wings snap. The boss suddenly turned around like a whipped top, grunted a few times, and fell to the ground. This time he was dizzy. Very thorough.

...Thanks to Wutian Dog for helping to clean up. Kidd muttered something in his mind.

Then he reached for the cue that was inlaid with gems and looked at Toujiro Renra, the nominal owner of the cue, who was some distance away from the people in black and had not been knocked down by the drug.

"Just as the trailer said." Kidd stood by the window and pressed the brim of his hat. "I took this legendary club with me."

The white-haired Renra Toujiro was staring at the foggy tengu in the shadow, secretly wondering what it was.

Suddenly hearing Kidd's words, he was startled and hurriedly stopped him: "Wait! You said in the notice that you want to take the club from me. But in fact, the club has changed hands now. "

In the dim environment, Toujiro Renra pointed to the place where his opponent was just now based on his impression: "Only the champion deserves to own this club. I have owned it for twenty years, but now - I sincerely want to To this young man.”

Kidd was silent for a moment, a little touched. According to his observation just now, Renluo Tongjiro is indeed a person who is relatively persistent in billiards - during the game, the boss proposed a rule that Kidd was not familiar with, and Renluo explained it to him carefully at that time... More importantly, he felt a little guilty after hearing Lian Luo praise him so much.

After all, Kidd knows in his heart that he can defeat Lian Luo not by his superb billiards skills, but by his superb magic skills...

Kidd looked at this dignified old man, sighed, and fell back into the house from the window, intending to leave the club behind: "So that's it. As you said, doing things other than what was announced is the right thing to do. Tarnishing the name of the Phantom Thief..."

Kidd's words stopped abruptly.

——He suddenly discovered that next to him, the pair of fangs of the foggy dog ​​had grown out again at some point, and they were reflecting a faint cold light.

After noticing Kid's gaze, Kiritengu turned his head and looked faintly at Aoko Nakamori, who was sleeping soundly next to him.

Through the night vision lenses, Kidd could clearly see the fangs gradually extending in its slightly open mouth, as if it was preparing to eat.

Kidd: "..."

His hand that held out the club froze. A moment later, under Lian Luo's doubtful gaze, he turned around pretending that nothing had happened, and tipped the brim of his hat with a club like he was holding a cane.

Then he took advantage of this action and took the club back: "... Doing things outside of the notice is a stain on the name of the Phantom Thief. But if everyone changes ownership of the things in a hurry before I take them away, I It will also be very disturbing - in short, loopholes cannot be exploited. Sorry."

...Of course, the above are all excuses.

The most important thing is that Wutian Dog will catch people to satisfy his hunger if he can't eat enough gems. Nothing is more important than human life, not to mention that Wutian Dog seems to be eyeing Qingzi now... Tsk, he really knows how to pick, in a group of big and powerful people. Among the bodyguards, I picked the most tender one.

Speaking of which, Qingzi was clearly far away from where he sprinkled the anesthetic powder, so why did he faint...

Kidd was a little confused.

But now is obviously not the time to think about these issues.

The pair of terrifying fangs of the foggy dog ​​have not been retracted yet. And the police are almost here - according to the plan that Kidd and the others discussed before coming here, Terai had already called the police just now.

In short, it is not a good place to stay for a long time.

Kidd left a "goodbye", turned over and jumped to the window, ready to leave.

Toujiro Renra looked at his figure, subconsciously took a step after him, and shouted: "I heard that you will return what you stole. Please return the club to that young man directly when the time comes!"

Kidd sent him another good guy card in his mind, then nodded and said calmly: "As you wish."

He flicked his cloak and flew out of the window.

At this time, a group of police cars had gathered outside.

The moment Kid jumped out, he had already carefully changed out of Kid's eye-catching white clothes and put on the dull casual clothes worn by Kuroba Kaito again.

——In the original plan, he planned to let Terai change into Kid's clothes and run away for him, while he would use the identity of Kuroba Kaito to stay in the club and deal with everyone.

But now, the foggy dog ​​suddenly came. In other words, the person who left with the club will inevitably have to face the foggy dog ​​who wants to eat people and seems to be a little angry because Kidd doesn't want to steal the club...

Kidd remembered the way Grandpa Terai was panicking and covering his chest just now. He felt that all this was too heavy for a gray-haired Mediterranean old man.

I had to do it myself.

As for the club, it can only be explained that he sensed something was wrong with the atmosphere and slipped away in the dark in advance... This was a bit embarrassing, but fortunately, not many people present knew Kuroba Kaito...

Kidd glanced at the police officers swarming into the club, held the club in his hand, and ran quickly into the alley, following the shadows.

He was not worried that the foggy dog ​​would be caught by the police, because the gem-encrusted club was now in his hand... Just as he was thinking about it, a shadow suddenly fell on the ground, and the air above his head was disturbed by the waving wings.

The foggy dog ​​passed him and landed in front of him, his gaze accurately stopping on the club.

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