Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 272 Boss, you recharge so fast

Kidd didn't waste much time and immediately handed over the club.

Wutiangou lowered his head and looked at it, took the club, and wiped it with a cloth very carefully, and then started eating with satisfaction.

Kidd observed secretly and found that the foggy dog's teeth that symbolized "I want to eat people" were retracted, and he was relieved.

Krypton gold is still useful. In order for Qingzi and other innocent people not to be bitten by monsters, he and Grandpa Terai sacrificed too much...

Kidd sighed, and while Kiritengu was busy dealing with the club, he turned to look outside.

The police officers who had just poured into the billiard hall were not here for Kaito Kidd, but police officers from the Organized Crime Countermeasures Department. The unconscious boss and the boys in black were being loaded into the car one after another.

Lian Luo, as the boss's old subordinate, was also among those taken away. Grandpa Terai even chased him out, and the two old rivals looked at each other sympathetically.

No one noticed here.

Kidd withdrew his gaze and walked back to the foggy dog. After hesitating for a moment, he said in a low voice: "By the way, after a while... I may go to your hometown."

Jiang Xia: "...?"

He was confused for a moment, and suddenly his mind matched with Kidd's - "Hometown" should refer to the mountain where Shanni Temple is located.

The legend of the foggy dog ​​is most popular in that area. That's why the old monk used the legend to kill Zhongnian.

Otherwise, this "hometown" cannot possibly refer to Jiangxia's own home...

After figuring this out, Jiang Xia looked at Kidd with a strange look - just go, why did you specifically inform him, are you addicted to being robbed?

In addition, what treasures can be found in the deep mountains... Jiang Xia began to search for related cases in his memory bank.

Kidd noticed the foggy dog's slight doubts, so he chose his words and continued: "I'm not going to steal treasures this time, I just want to go and inquire about something. So I'll tell you in advance."

——Mainly because he was afraid that the foggy dog ​​would discover his whereabouts again like today and follow him secretly, naturally thinking that there was a treasure. Then when we get to the place, we find that there is none, so we beat him up out of anger, or eat people to satisfy our greed... That would be too unfair.

This time, Jiang Xia failed to keep up with Kidd's vast brain circuit.

But there was one thing he managed to understand - there might be a case.

Jiang Xia temporarily put down the club and asked Kidd about the time he entered the mountain and the specific location.

After Kidd answered, he curiously thought of a question - how do monsters usually keep time, and also use calendars?

...However, he is a monster living in modern times after all. Since the foggy dog ​​can follow the notice in the newspaper every time and come to rob him, the date is of course not a big deal. There should be nothing to worry about.

Wait, speaking of following the notice in the newspaper...

Kidd hesitated to speak, but in the end he could not suppress his curiosity.

. Seeing that Wu Tiangu was holding a club and seemed to be in a good mood, he took the opportunity to ask: "How did you find me today? That boss probably didn't publish my notice letter in the newspaper."

Jiang Xia said perfunctorily: "An encounter."

"That's it..." Kidd was relieved. The foggy dog ​​should not bother to lie. It seems that the monster brother did not follow him secretly. He mainly relied on newspapers to find the place where he committed the crime and then stayed there.

But when it comes to newspapers, a monster who usually lives in the mountains shouldn't be able to order something like that. Did he steal... rob... take someone else's newspaper?

After all, newspapers are usually inserted into the mailbox, where they are easily accessible...

After Jiang Xia absorbed the last bit of energy core, he looked at the comfortable ghosts around him and handed the club to Kidd.

Then Kidd was silent for a moment, and suddenly imparted his experience in a low voice: "Don't just catch newspapers from one family. It doesn't matter if you lose such a cheap thing once or twice, but if you lose it every time, the owner may call the police or even throw it at the door of your house." Install a camera.”

Jiang Xia: "...?"

After Kidd finished speaking, he quickly left with the club. At the same time, he felt guilty, feeling that he had taught the monster badly.

Jiang Xia watched him run away inexplicably.

After Kidd's back disappeared, Jiang Xia still didn't understand the source of the words just now, so she didn't bother to continue to figure it out.

He took care of the things on the vest, dismissed the puppet, and returned to his true body.

The next day, Jiang Xia went to the detective agency to check the mailbox as usual.

There were a lot of things in the mailbox, so he took them all out, walked into the house, picked out the advertisements, and threw them into the trash can.

After throwing it away, the thickness of the stack of paper in his hand suddenly decreased by half.

All that's left is a pile of newspapers and the client's appointment slip.

Jiang Xia was about to categorize the orders, but at this moment, an envelope suddenly fell out of the newspaper and clattered to the ground.

Jiang Xia was startled and picked up the letter with a hint of surprise.

Turning it over, Jiang Xia said: "..."

——The place where the sender was placed was written with three big characters: Nakamura Cao.

With a glimmer of hope, she opened it and looked at it. The contents inside clearly expressed the hope that Jiang Xia could go to her grandfather's villa and help solve the mystery.

The watch case that was just solved.

...It seems that after the letter was sent, the Jiangxia people arrived first before the letter arrived.

The first commission letter I received turned out to be an old case. Jiang Xia sighed quietly, tore up the phone number and name on the letter, and threw the letter and the advertisement into the trash can.

Jiang Xia's mood plummeted after being shot falsely by the client.

But in the evening, he suddenly received a call from Toru Amuro - inviting him to work part-time.

Early the next morning, Jiang Xia followed the address given by Amuro Toru and came to a wedding company.

Then at the gate, I was surprised to see Toru Amuro.

The surprise was because Toru Amuro often gave him part-time jobs in the past, but those few times he was always asked to take over the job.

But today, looking at this situation... Toru Amuro actually wants to do this part-time job together.

...The boss recharged his energy so quickly?

Jiang Xia approached suspiciously and expectantly, opened the door and got into the passenger seat.

Today, Tohru Amuro did not drive his beloved Mazda, but drove the advertising car of a wedding company - he took a part-time job here to help prepare for a wedding.

The main selling point of this wedding company is "personalization" - the customer is God. As long as the customer makes a request, no matter how outrageous it is, the company will try its best to fulfill it.

In order to cope with the various strange requirements of customers, it is inevitable to go to various places to purchase various items and customize various props. Today, Toru Amuro and he are responsible for coordinating those bits and pieces.

On the way to pick up the customized props, Toru Amuro turned on his anti-eavesdropping device and walked around in the car.

Then he turned off the instrument and looked at Jiang Xia: "Have you ever heard of Matsumoto Kiyonaga?"


Update time: 8:30 am

If it falls early, it is because it is preventing theft. don't panic

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