Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 273 Continuous kidnapping and murder of girls

Jiang Xia nodded: "The manager of the First Search Division." The immediate boss of the Mu Mu Police Department.

No matter from which aspect, the name "Matsumoto Kiyonaga" left an impression on him.

——From the current detective standpoint, as a frequent visitor to the Metropolitan Police Department, Jiang Xia once met Matsumoto Kiyonaga by chance, but they didn’t have much interaction.

From the perspective of the "prophet" who has mastered the spoilers, Jiang Xia remembered that Matsumoto Kiyonaga was also a very unlucky person, and several cases had occurred around him.

One of them was his daughter's wedding. On the wedding day, the prospective son-in-law threw sodium hydroxide into his daughter's drink and poisoned his wife to death.

...Wait, my daughter is getting married?

Thinking of this, and then thinking about the content of today's part-time job - helping a wedding company, Jiang Xia suddenly guessed the purpose of Tohru Amuro taking this part-time job.

She should be here to take him paddling... Ah no, she should be here to take him to do tasks for the organization.

The content of the mission may be to collect relevant information about Matsumoto Kiyonaga.

Compared to the heavily guarded Metropolitan Police Department, this kind of private setting is more convenient for getting some information.

Seeing that Jiangxia knew Matsumoto Kiyonaga, Amuro Toru continued without further explanation: "Matsumoto Kiyonaga has a daughter named Matsumoto Sayuri. She is one of the protagonists of today's wedding and also our client - compared to Matsumoto Kiyonaga , you should be more familiar with her."

Jiang Xia paused for a moment and acquiesced to this statement.

Sayuri Matsumoto was Jiangxia Tongzhi's music teacher in junior high school. In fact, the two of them are not very close, and they only have a few classes together: after all, Jiang Xia Tongzhi, like Jiang Xia, is also a habitual truant who disappears every day, and often skips serious classes, let alone music classes.

However, Jiang Xia didn't explain these details to his recently active boss. He knew that to Toru Amuro, these things actually didn't matter - Toru Amuro had to investigate other tasks carefully to prevent the organization from discovering that he was fishing for money.

As for this kind of internal police information, Tohru Amuro could handle it however he wanted. He only needs to ask his subordinates from the public security side to help find out the information, and then act alone for a period of time during the investigation. After that, he can release some of the information he has as appropriate and pretend that he has worked hard... This is the joy of Ke Xue's undercover work. Unpretentious.

In Toru Amuro's view, this task is related to Sayuri Matsumoto, and then to Jiang Xia. So theoretically speaking, he can contact Sayuri Matsumoto through Jiang Xia's relationship, and then contact Matsumoto Kiyonaga... In short, this is a very suitable task to lead Jiang Xia to improve his performance and prevent him from being targeted by the organization for excessive paddling. .

Of course Jiang Xia would not refuse.

It may be difficult to get souls in this wave, but you can definitely pick up some murderous intent.

The wedding company's car is quite old. Very bumpy and noisy.

Not long after Amuro opened the door, she couldn't help but frown, regretting not bringing her car over to use it.

However, now that the car is on the road, time is tight and there is no time for him to change cars.

I could only hold my nose and drive this little shabby car, running around in several places to pick up the custom-made items for the wedding.

I followed the list given by the wedding company and picked it up one by one. Soon, only the last item was left.

Toru Amuro parked the car on the side of the road, got out of the car with Jiang Xia, and went to move a set of special folding garlands.

The two crossed the road and entered the company on the other side of the road.

Not long after, in the Mihua Park next to the car, Ayumi Yoshida passed through the park gate and ran out sneakily.

——She was playing hide-and-seek with her companions from the Junior Detective Team. She was almost found by Genta just now, but now she has escaped in a hurry and is eager to find another hiding place. Children are very serious when playing games and do not want to lose.

Ayumi Yoshida stood on the side of the street and looked around cautiously, looking for a new hiding place.

When she saw the flashy car next to her with a wedding advertisement painted on it, she suddenly became happy - the trunk of this car was actually buckled and not securely closed.

Hidden here, no one will be able to find it.

Yoshida Ayumi happily ran closer, climbed in with her legs raised, and closed the lid of the box again.

There were some odds and ends piled up in the trunk, and the remaining space was not very large, but it was more than enough for a thin first-grade elementary school girl.

Ayumi Yoshida quickly found an opening. After she lay down, she grabbed a piece of cloth and covered herself. She felt that the probability of being found was smaller.

Ayumi got up very early today. She was already a little tired after running and jumping all morning while playing hide and seek with her friends.

She originally just wanted to hide in the trunk for a while, but she yawned unknowingly and fell asleep leaning on the sundries.

Not long after, two workers carried a folding faceplate that was not too heavy but quite large back to the car.

Toru Amuro did not open the trunk, but directly opened the rear door - the remaining space in the trunk was not enough to put this huge round prop, so it could only be placed in the car.

After all the props are delivered to the place, there will be no need to continue driving this annoying little car... Amuro Toru breathed a sigh of relief when he thought of this. He closed the car door and got in the car with Jiang Xia.

The two drove straight to the wedding venue.

Mihua Park.

During the hide-and-seek, Yuantai, who was in charge of looking for people, successively picked out Conan who was hiding on the legs of passers-by, Mitsuhiko who was hiding in the bushes, and Haibara Ai, who was completely unmotivated and was reading a book behind a tree perfunctorily.

However, Ayumi could never be found.

Conan yawned at the gathering place, looked at Genta who was looking for someone everywhere, and then looked at his watch: "Let's get here first today, I have something to do in the afternoon."

In the morning, he found Mao Lilan packing her things and going out. When he asked, he found out that the afternoon was Sayuri Matsuda's wedding.

Conan used to have a good relationship with Mr. Matsumoto, so he planned to follow him there. Although I can't say hello to the teacher as Kudo Shinichi, of course I still have to join in this kind of commemorative fun if I can.

Conan had something to do and had to leave the hide-and-seek team. Seeing this, Haihara Ai took the opportunity to suggest that it was time for her to go home.

As soon as there were fewer people, the fun of hide-and-seek dropped drastically. Several children discussed it and decided to find Ayumi Yoshida who was hiding somewhere, and then go back to their respective homes.

However, several people searched for it, but could not find Ayumi at all.

Conan looked at the empty park and gradually remembered one thing - when he was hiding next to passers-by during the hide-and-seek game just now, he accidentally glanced at the newspaper in the hands of passers-by.

The above happened to be a report about a serial kidnapping and murder case. The case has not yet been solved. There are already four victims, all of whom are little girls of Ayumi's age.

Could it be...

Conan's expression changed slightly, and he subconsciously rushed outside the park to find someone.


Update time: 8:30 am

If it falls early, it is because it is preventing theft. don't panic

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