Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 274 Saw and Human Head

On the way, Conan caught a glimpse of the Youth Detective Corps badge on Mitsuhiko's chest and stopped immediately.

——By the way, Ayumi is not an ordinary little girl, she wears a badge made by a doctor.

You can use the badge to contact her and even locate her...thanks to Dr. Almighty!

The young detective team badges produced by Doctor, each child has one.

It can be used as a walkie-talkie. In addition, it has a transmitter installed on it, and the reception range is ridiculously large.

Conan immediately found his badge, contacted Ayumi, and pressed his universal glasses a few times to bring up Ayumi's current location.

In the car, Yoshida Ayumi was awakened by the badge.

She was dazed for a while, then remembered what happened before falling asleep, and told Conan that she was hiding in the trunk of a car. The vehicle is currently moving and making a lot of noise.

Genta and Mitsuhiko then suggested that she shout to get the driver's attention so he could put her down.

Ayumi nodded and was about to shout, but at this moment, the vehicle suddenly turned and a paper bag fell to the ground next to it.

Ayumi looked over in confusion. In the dim light, she saw a large bag full of money scattered out of the paper bag.

"Wow~" Children at this age have already understood the beauty of money. Ayumi wanted to raise her hand and touch it, but when she thought it was someone else's money, she retracted her hand and lay beside her, watching helplessly.

At the same time, she did not forget to share her joy with her friends through badges: "There is a lot of money in the car, about a hundred times a million!"

In Mihua Park, Hui Yuan Ai's expression changed suddenly when he heard these words.

One hundred times one million, that’s 100 million. Who would put so much money in the trunk? At this age, she has only seen people like Gin and Vodka running around carrying a lot of cash. By analogy, the owner of that car...

Conan thought of more - such as the serial kidnapping and murder incident he just read in the newspaper.

He tried to recall the scene outside the park, and vaguely remembered that there was a fancy wedding car on the roadside just now.

But at that time, Conan had just glanced, and Yuantai discovered his hiding place. He could only withdraw his sight and wait for the people at the gathering place... As for when the car came and when it left, he No more impression.

The two tomboys looked at each other with solemn expressions.

Genta and Mitsuhiko didn't think much about it, and still naively lamented that "the car owner is so rich."

Yuantai asked excitedly and expectantly: "Is there anything else in the car?" For example, gold-plated and diamond-encrusted eel rice...

Yoshida Ayumi casually touched to the side and touched a round package.

She couldn't help it, she opened it curiously and took a look, and said hesitantly: "There is a saw. It is dirty, as if there is a layer of stuff on it..."

Blood, yes blood! Hui Yuan Ai and Conan's faces turned pale again, and they let out silent shouts.

"Huh? There is a round thing wrapped in newspaper under the saw." Ayumi poked the newspaper bag in the package.

Haiyuan Ai was startled, as if there was an electric current running up her spine. She stopped solemnly: "Don't open it!"

But it was too late.

Ayumi Yoshida raised her hand and opened it, and a bloody human head rolled out from the newspaper. The head was still there, the hair was messy, the corners of the mouth and face were covered in blood, and the hair was stuck together in clumps.

Ayumihe was caught off guard and looked into the head. There was a buzz in her head, and blood flowed straight to the top of her head.

A horrifying scream echoed through the trunk.

In the dilapidated wedding car that was driving, Toru Amuro suddenly glanced at the rearview mirror.

A flash of the scene was reflected in his eyes - beside him, a campaign vehicle with a loudspeaker was being overtaken by him. On the side of the road diagonally behind, a little girl fell down, hitting the ground and wailing. Behind her, there happened to be an amusement park, and the roller coaster built on the edge of the amusement park whizzed by, leaving behind a string of happy screams.

...There are a lot of screaming factors, maybe he heard it wrong?

Toru Amuro quickly looked away and continued driving to the wedding venue.

Jiang Xia had been closing her eyes in the car to relax, but now she had opened her eyes.

He also heard the vague scream just now, and he always felt that the sound sounded familiar.

Jiang Xia turned around and glanced at the road behind him through the rear window. He didn't find anything noteworthy, so he quickly sat upright again.

During this process, an eye was watching all this from the gap in the worn-out seat in the back.

When he saw Jiang Xia's profile, his young eyes were full of disbelief.

But soon, I don't know what the owner of the eyes thought, and a kind of despair that "this is reasonable" quickly emerged.

After peeking into the car, Yoshida Ayumi shrank away from the cockpit and picked up the badge tremblingly: "Brother Jiang Xia...I, I saw brother Jiang Xia was also in the car!"

On the other side of the badge, the remaining four members of the Young Detective Team were collectively stunned when they heard the news.

Immediately afterwards, the four people suddenly differentiated into two completely different states - a question mark slowly appeared above Conan's head. The faces of the other three people turned pale at the same time, and the two little boys started to tremble frankly, looking a bit like quails that suddenly encountered natural enemies.

Conan couldn't figure out why Jiang Xia was in a car with a human head hidden in it.

He couldn't help but confirm with Bumi again: "Are you sure that's Jiang Xia?"

Bumi's crying sound came from the opposite side, and it seemed that she didn't want to believe that Jiang Xia had degenerated into a beheading murderer.

Conan couldn't ask, so he had to take out his mobile phone and look for Jiang Xia's number.

However, just as he was about to dial the number, Haiyuan Ai suddenly raised his hand and turned off the screen of his phone.

Although Haiyuan Ai believed that Jiang Xia was not the kind of person who killed children indiscriminately, in her opinion, there was a crazy organization behind Jiang Xia, and it was not surprising that the organization would do anything.

Moreover, what Ayumi just said was "Jiang Xia is also in the car." This kind of wording made it sound like there were other people in the car. In other words, Jiang Xia is likely to have other organization members around him at this time.

If that's the case, then once Conan calls and exposes Bumi's presence in the trunk, Bumi may not be able to survive at all, and Jiang Xia will also be in a difficult situation... It's better to secretly send a message to Jiang Xia and let him wait for an opportunity. And move.

Of course Conan didn't know what Haihara Ai was thinking.

However, after being interrupted from dialing, he thought about it and felt that it was really inappropriate to call him rashly.

"...Forget it, I'll go over and check out the situation first. You guys stay here and wait for my news." Conan gave up the idea of ​​calling Jiang Xia directly for the time being.

He stepped on the solar skateboard, ready to start a hero to save the beauty, or the hero to save the hero and save the beauty feat.

When the switch is pressed, the dust around the skateboard is blown away by invisible force.

The moment it charged up and flew out, Haiyuan Ai jumped up with a rare agility and caught the wind board.

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