Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 275 Jiangxia doesn’t want it

Although Mitsuhiko and Genta are afraid of Jiang Xia, they also want to save their classmates.

However, the reaction of the two people was a little slow, and Hui Yuan Ai took the lead.

Mitsuhiko, a precocious child, saw Haibara Ai on the skateboard, so he spent a second debating whether the man and woman should kiss or not. He went up and hugged the waist. Before the battle between heaven and man in his mind could be concluded, Conan was already driving. The skateboard flew away, leaving a cloud of dust behind.

Mitsuhiko coughed and choked a few times.

Genta was blocked by Mitsuhiko and also failed to get on the skateboard.

The two people who were left behind looked at each other. After a moment, they whispered: "...Why don't you call the police first?"

While chasing Ayumi on his skateboard, Conan's face became paler and paler.

At first, he was still worried about Ayumi and Jiang Xia wholeheartedly.

But halfway through, all he could think of was "pain, pain, pain, pain."

——Haihara Ai grabbed his shoulders in order not to fall off the speeding skateboard. But now, those hands had unconsciously pinched into Conan's flesh. Half of it was probably because of the lightning speed of the skateboard, and the other half was probably because of the two acquaintances next to the bloody heads.

"Don't think too much." In order to avoid delaying business, Conan generally would not comfort people in emergencies. But now, if he didn't speak, he suspected that he would be strangled to death before he could catch up with Jiang Xia and the others.

So I could only comfort Haibara Ai with a calm face: "Don't let the child lead you astray. You don't understand him - Jiang Xia cannot be a kidnapper. It should be Ayumi who has made a mistake."

After a pause, he felt that Jiang Xia's face was really not one that the general public could see wrong, so he added: "...or there may be some misunderstanding."

——Because after Ayumi said "Jiang Xia is also in the car", the other three people's reactions were very synchronized, so Conan mistakenly classified Haibara Ai's thoughts into the same category as Genta and Mitsuhiko, thinking that she also felt that Jiang Xia was in the car. Kill someone.

This is understandable, after all, Haiyuan Ai just saw Jiang Xia's hobby of beating people a few days ago, and she has not known Jiang Xia for a long time, and most of the time they only eat together. It can be seen that her impression of Jiang Xia is correct. We are at a stage where things can easily change.

The corners of Haiyuan Ai's eyes twitched when he heard this, and his eyes gradually revealed a fierce look: "Jiang Xia really wouldn't do such a thing, but..."

...But if it was an organization's task and Jiang Xia was just there to help, that would be different.

However, if such words are said, Jiang Xia's vest will definitely be stripped off.

Hui Yuan Ai could only take a deep breath: calm down and don't get angry with the Hanhan detective.

After stepping on the high-speed skateboard and taking a breath of cool air, Haihara Ai's thinking became much clearer.

As she spoke, she silently turned around and said, "...But if it's being coerced by someone, that's not necessarily the case."

When Conan heard this, for the nth time, the prisoners rolling around on the ground flashed through his mind, as well as Jiang Xia's strength that made him so envious that he wished he could just collect it and install it on himself: "..."

Who can coerce Jiang Xia...

However, on second thought, coercion does not necessarily involve force.

If those despicable criminals used little girls as hostages, they might actually have a chance to succeed.

Thinking of this, Conan took out his phone and looked at it.

Just now, after being stopped by Hui Yuan Ai from making phone calls, he instead sent a message asking Jiang Xia to contact him.

However, Jiang Xia has not replied until now... I don't know whether it is because he didn't see it or because his phone is out of battery.

After hesitating for a moment, Conan took the risk and called Jiang Xia before Haiyuan Ai could react.

He felt that this phone call could actually be made.

After all, he, Conan, is just an innocent first-year primary school student, and he belongs to the type of person who is least likely to cause others to be alert.

Of course, you must pay attention to the wording during the call. It is best to make Jiang Xia aware of Bumi's situation, but at the same time, do not let possible observers hear the same thing...

Jiang Xia was holding a paper flower salute and playing with it casually.

When the car stopped at the intersection, the rattling noise of the little broken car subsided, and he suddenly heard his cell phone ringing.

Amuro Tooru also heard it, glanced over with curiosity, and quickly looked away.

The one that rang was the cell phone I used every day.

Jiang Xia picked it up and looked at the caller ID and found that it was Conan calling.

...a rare visitor. The God of Death rarely calls him, but if he does, it usually means someone is about to pick him up.

But now, Toru Amuro also has a case here. If there is a conflict between the two parties, should he pick it up with Tohru Amuro or Conan...or make a timetable first?

Matsumoto Sayuri's husband who was about to poison him was said to be a second-generation rich man. If he found an opportunity to put a sack on him and beat him up, he should be able to get the murderous intent very quickly, and maybe there would be enough time.

Jiang Xia looked forward to the future with some anticipation while answering the phone.

Then he was shocked by Conan's cute tone.

Conan drawled a child's voice and said sweetly: "Brother Jiang Xia, didn't you agree to come and star in our town's drama before? Why haven't you arrived yet? By the way, Ayumi is also late. If you don't come, you guys The drama can only be cancelled."

Jiang Xia: "..."

He silently took the phone away and stared at the screen with slight vigilance.

...Is Kudo crazy?

Under Toru Amuro's confused gaze, Jiang Xia had no expression on her face and hung up the phone.

Then I started to think, well, it’s unlikely that Conan went crazy.

If you suddenly pretend to be a child on the phone, you may be in trouble.

And specifically mentioning Ayumi...Conan and Ayumi were kidnapped together?

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia subconsciously glanced at Toru Amuro next to him.

The police should be very good at rescuing hostages. Although Toru Amuro is not an honest policeman who handles kidnapping cases, his expertise may not be the same...

However, before asking for help, Jiang Xia felt that this idea was not quite right.

——If Ayumi was really kidnapped together, Conan wouldn't have said "she's late" just now.

He specifically mentioned Bumi, and put Bumi into the late arrival group together with "Brother Jiang Xia", as if Bumi was closer to him... Wait, speaking of Bumi...

Jiang Xia suddenly remembered the faint scream he had heard on the road just now. It was like a flash of lightning flashed through his heart, and he suddenly had a suspicion.

——As a "prophet" with the power of spoilers, he certainly remembers a certain incident of someone hiding in the trunk.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia used the action of putting the phone back to catch the mermaid who was circling Amuro Toru, trying to find murderous intent in him. After communicating with him in his mind, he asked him to get into the trunk and take a look.

In terms of perception, ghosts are extremely sensitive to murderous auras and souls, but are average to humans. Unless that person is like Gin, always filled with murderous intent.

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