Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 280 Conan: Let me go

Xiaobai can sense the mutual feelings between two people to a certain extent.

And Jiang Xia remembered that Takasugi Toshihiko and Matsumoto Sayuri were actually a pair of childhood sweethearts who had a mutual affection for each other.

But later, something happened to Takasugi Toshihiko's family, and he quickly moved away, and the two were separated.

Later, the two of them happened to go to the same university. In college, Sayuri Matsumoto quickly recognized Toshihiko Takasugi, but Toshihiko Takasugi failed to realize that Sayuri Matsumoto was the girl he had a crush on before - the two met at that time. We played together without even asking our names.

Jiang Xia thought about the messy entanglement between the two people, and then glanced at Xiaobai who was about to make a move. After a while, he felt that it was okay.

Although Mr. Matsumoto is a bit silly, he is still a nice person. And no matter what the process is, as long as the ending is that Takasugi Toshihiko is unable to kill, then the murderous aura in him will fall off... The harvest is the same. For Jiang Xia, at most there will be a little less fun in killing the murderous aura.

Since today is Children's Day, let Xiaobai have fun. It's best to evolve his skills when he's excited...

When Xiaobai heard Jiang Xia's decision, he immediately broke free from the frustration of being photographed and resurrected with full health.

It reached into its clothes and felt around, and took out a translucent noteboard that seemed to be made of fish scales.

Jiang Xia took a closer look curiously and found that the mini-characters on top of it were "script", and below was a string of even more subtle characters.

Jiang Xia: "..."

This ghost is worthy of being the son of a star, he has so many dramas.

Parents are pretty awesome. Just a short while ago, they actually taught their babies to write...

The ghosts help each other progress and have a good relationship. The free-range psychic said he was very pleased.

After deciding to help Xiaobai with his script, Jiang Xia did not continue hanging out in the bride's waiting room. Instead, she excused herself to work and returned to the previous venue.

But here, there wasn't much that needed his help. The wedding was approaching, and everything had already been taken care of by others while he was fishing.

Jiang Xia then went to the lounge and found a sofa in the corner. Feeling a little guilty, he leaned on it and hung up the phone, pretending to take a nap.

His consciousness possessed the little white puppet that he had kneaded before, and he drove the little boy puppet along the corridor while avoiding the eyes of others.

There were many people in the bride's waiting room. In addition to Mao Lilan, Suzuki Sonoko and Conan, a bunch of other relatives and friends came to visit Sayuri Matsumoto.

Conan didn't have lunch, so Mao Lilan took the time to buy him a sandwich nearby.

Conan finished the sandwich in a few bites, then left the bride's waiting room, intending to go to the bathroom to wash his face and hands.

In the bustling church, no one noticed Conan's route of action.

Only at the corner of the nearby corridor, a pair of eyes stared at his leaving figure, and then followed him quietly.

The mysterious stalker is, of course, Jiang Xia driving a Xiaobai puppet.

Jiang Xia just looked at Xiaobai's script and found that the first line on it was: A beautiful drama should not have a detective suddenly rush to the rescue when the male and female protagonists are about to part ways.

Jiang Xia: "..."

...Xiaobai is quite thoughtful and is really a leader in the baby world.

Jiang Xia put away the script happily, thinking that this problem was not difficult to solve, just put down the detective.

Conan picked up a handful of water in the bathroom and washed his face leisurely.

As I was washing, I suddenly felt a chill on my back, and suddenly felt a creepy feeling that I was being watched by something.

He was startled and opened his eyes suddenly. Two figures were reflected in the bright mirror in front of him - one was his, and the other was Xiaobai who had appeared in the bathroom at some point and was standing silently behind him.

Conan was stunned for half a second, then suddenly remembered something and hurriedly shouted: "Wait...!"

As soon as he uttered a syllable, he felt a sudden pain in the back of his waist.

Conan: "..."

A familiar feeling of dizziness came over me.

Conan struggled to hold on to the sink, and without even looking, he knew that Xiaobai must have injected him with a needle just now.

...If there is something to discuss, why should we take action directly? Is there a man in black at this church, or is there a high school detective in desperate need of rescue? ...There is something about him, an innocent first-grade primary school student, and why he was stabbed.

Conan's mind was racing, he had mixed feelings for a moment, and he had a lot to say.

However, his thoughts were still alive and kicking, but his body was already numb. Before he had time to express his questions and emotions, he fell to the ground and lost consciousness.

Jiang Xia looked down at him.

Conan's fighting ability is still so worry-free...

He pulled out the anesthesia needle, dragged Conan to the waiting chair in the corridor, and put him in a sleeping position leaning against the chair.

It is very reasonable for a child of a few years old to suddenly fall asleep... After a while, Mao Lilan and the others will walk through the corridor where Conan is sleeping and go to the auditorium after watching the bride... Then they will be able to pick up people along the way. Pick it up.

After K.O. completes a detective, there are only two obstacles left to complete Xiao Bai's script.

Among them, the main unit is hanging up quietly, so there is no need to worry. In this way, there is only Toru Amuro left.

Jiang Xia thought for a moment, then observed the bride's waiting room, but ultimately did not go to him.

Toru Amuro's goal is Matsumoto Kiyonaga, not Matsumoto Sayuri. He will not stay next to Matsumoto Sayuri like Conan.

In other words, after Xiaobai's script unfolded, even if Toru Amuro heard the news belatedly, it would be difficult for him to rush to rescue immediately. If you leave him alone, it won't be a big problem.

Of course, this is only one of the reasons.

Another reason is that Jiang Xia's intuition tells him that it may not be very safe if he drives Xiaobai's puppet next to Toru Amuro...

Also, after using the porcelain technique once, it is difficult to replicate it again. If he were to switch to the puppet of his parents at this time, he might be able to bring Toru Amuro down silently, but there is really no need to switch puppets back and forth for a script that doesn't bring much murderous intent.

So, amid Xiaobai's subtle protests, Jiang Xia ticked the first note in the script and pretended that the problem had been solved.

Then he slipped back to where he was and continued to secretly observe Sayuri Matsumoto's waiting room.

In the bride's waiting room, a group of relatives and friends came and went. Sayuri Matsumoto's best friend, her father, and the student who had a crush on her all showed their faces and then left.

The last person to visit was the groom, Toshihiko Takasugi, who brought sodium hydroxide and planned to poison him.

Takasugi Toshihiko was distracted and stumbled hard as soon as he entered the door.

He got up with an awkward smile, patted his trouser legs under Suzuki Sonoko's increasingly disgusted gaze, and said hello to Sayuri Matsumoto.

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