Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 281 Angel among Devils (More updates with monthly ticket)

Sayuri Matsumoto was just telling two cute students interesting stories about her childhood sweethearts.

Seeing the subject of the topic come in at this time, she hurriedly gestured to Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan, asking them not to tell others what they just heard.

The bride ignored Takasugi Toshihiko for the first time, but he was not unhappy, but instead breathed a sigh of relief.

He took the opportunity to pick up Sayuri Matsumoto's half-drinking lemon tea, and then while complaining, "Why do you always drink such poor and sour drinks?", he secretly threw the sodium hydroxide and an empty capsule he had prepared in advance into the can. .

——Sodium hydroxide is used for poisoning, and empty capsules are used to confuse the time of poisoning and give yourself an alibi.

After Sayuri Matsumoto finished instructing the two students, she turned around and saw Takasugi Toshihiko's back, then looked at the drink he put on the table again, and was silent for a moment.

She hesitated for a moment, then approached calmly, talking to Toshihiko Takasugi with a smile, and picked up lemon tea.

Touching the wall of the cup, which was a little hotter than before, her heart, which was still filled with anticipation, suddenly sank.

In this intermittent love affair spanning twenty years, Sayuri Matsumoto knew far more than Toshihiko Takasugi.

After they met again in college, Sayuri Matsumoto discovered that Toshihiko Takasugi was probably the neighbor kid she liked very much back then.

So she secretly investigated what happened twenty years ago - she didn't ask Toshihiko Takasugi directly because she was afraid that it would be embarrassing if she recognized the wrong person.

As a result of this investigation, not only did she find out that Toshihiko Takasugi was her childhood sweetheart, but she also found out the accident that led to the death of Toshihiko Takasugi's mother.

Several things were before her eyes, combined with Takasugi Toshihiko's subtle attitude, Matsumoto Sayuri vaguely guessed the real reason why Takasugi Toshihiko was with her.

After knowing this, Sayuri Matsumoto did not break up, but kept thinking about how to make Toshihiko Takasugi let go of the "hate" he had twenty years ago.

A while ago, after she agreed to Takasugi Toshihiko's proposal, she originally wanted to arrange a police and criminal stage play that combined current events. In this way, she tactfully told Takasugi Toshihiko that her father did not ignore death, but did not see the blind spot. woman inside.

But she didn't expect that Toshihiko Takasugi hated her so much that he wanted to kill her.

At this time, a staff member passed by the door. The man ran over and came back: "Mr. Takasugi is here - it's almost time. Please get ready." After that, he hurriedly left.

Takasugi Toshihiko was startled. He didn't expect that the wedding would start so soon. As a result, Sayuri Matsumoto would have no time to drink, and the poison he put...

"Don't worry." Just as he was thinking, he suddenly heard Sayuri Matsumoto say next to him, "You go over first, I will be there soon."

Takasugi Toshihiko always felt that his fiancee's attitude at this time was a bit unusual, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong.

In the end, he had to think that he was wearing glasses with a guilty conscience, so he looked at everyone with problems... Thinking this way, Takasugi Toshihiko nodded and went out with Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko.

After the footsteps outside the door left, Sayuri Matsumoto looked at the poisonous cup of lemon tea in her hand, her eyes changed several times, and finally settled on "I don't want to live anymore."

She moved closer to the straw and tried to drink the drink.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden click from the window behind him.

Sayuri Matsumoto was startled, then turned around and saw a little boy clinging to the window. The child seemed to want to come in from there, but he didn't expect the window to be locked.

The child who climbed up the window was much younger than the students she taught. Judging from his age, he seemed to have just entered elementary school. He wore a scarf to cover his neck. Even in the summer, it still gave people a refreshing feeling.

When Sayuri Matsumoto saw the person at the window, she immediately stopped sipping her drink sadly. She quickly walked over, opened the window, and took the child into the house.

He was about to ask whose naughty child this was, but before he could speak, Sayuri Matsumoto was suddenly startled.

——Isn’t this room on the second floor? ! Moreover, the first floor here is extremely high, and the windows on the second floor are naturally opened very high... How does a child climb up to this height?

Jiang Xia saw her shock, and he randomly picked a topic as a preface: "There is sodium hydroxide in your cup of lemon tea."

Doubt flashed in Sayuri Matsumoto's eyes. But soon, she remembered that the child might have been hiding outside the window just now and saw Toshihiko Takasugi's poisoning action, and those doubts receded.

She touched the cute child's head and sighed softly: "I know."

Sayuri Matsumoto actually had a lot to say at this time, but thinking that it was somewhat inappropriate for children, she finally swallowed her words.

She was trying to find someone to take the child to the parents, while she continued to drink the bitter lemon tea alone with the sad BGM.

However, at this moment, the child in front of her reached into her pocket and touched it. Suddenly she took out a small blood bag and handed it to her: "Here."

Sayuri Matsumoto subconsciously took it into her hand, and then a "?" appeared above her head.

"It's the blood bag used in the play. I stole...borrowed it from the stage staff." The child looked at her calmly, his eyes were clear but bottomless, as if he had understood everything, "You You want to drink the poison, right?"

Sayuri Matsumoto was silent.

Jiang Xia looked at her, recalled the lines written by Xiaobai in the script, cleared her throat, and recited them: "Theoretically, I don't recommend you do this - there seems to be some misunderstandings between you that have not yet been resolved. Whether it’s because he feels guilty for his father, or he is simply disappointed with the groom and thus the world, taking poison is too hasty.”

Sayuri Matsumoto listened in bewilderment as a primary school student told her these lines that were too lengthy for children. I felt something was wrong, but I couldn't find a suitable opportunity to interrupt.

The child ignored her hesitation and continued in a calm tone: "You can think of this blood bag as a regret medicine - only by actually experiencing it can you truly see the consequences of doing so and avoid some disastrous consequences. s future.

"Otherwise, if you really take poison and die, and the other party regrets it, one of you will end up in the cemetery and the other in jail... Is this the result you want?"

To deal with an unreasonable love brain, you must choose the right method.

Sayuri Matsumoto now wants to take the poison voluntarily. Saying "entering the cemetery" may not stop her from seeking death.

But if a "contrite Takasugi" is dragged in at this time, her determination to take the poison will collapse.

Interrupt her death wish reading first, and then follow Xiao Bai's script...

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