Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 31 There are more strange things

A week later.

When Toru Amuro came back from a business trip, he originally wanted to go home first and sort out the information he had collected.

But when passing by the Metropolitan Police Department, he suddenly noticed that several people were gathered around the street, looking up at something on the telephone pole.

Toru Amuro raised his head in confusion and followed them to look up.

A motorcycle-shaped billboard jumped into view.

The brand has a black and silver background, an arrogant shape, and a few large characters written on it - Amuro Detective Agency. The edge of the font has a ripple pattern, which is very impactful at first glance.

Toru Amuro: "..."

...What is this thing that he is talking about?

Originally, Toru Amuro should have walked straight at this time.

But he looked at the billboard and froze at the intersection for several seconds. Finally, he turned around and turned into the alley.

On the way, Toru Amuro thought about it carefully.

... He was sure that he told Jiang Xia that the firm did not need performance.

Moreover, the funds he allocated to Jiang Xia were ostensibly the operating expenses of the firm.

But in fact, Toru Amuro thought that they should know it well-this was a subsidy to Jiang Xia.

Just now it seems...

Is this "knowledge" unilateral to him?

Jiang Xia was surprisingly an honest person and didn't understand his hint, so he really used the money to buy billboards and advertising space?

Toru Amuro walked into the office with a complicated mood.

At a glance, Jiang Xia was sitting on the sofa in the store, holding a bottle of Coke, eagerly waiting for business.

Seeing that it was him who entered the door, he seemed a little disappointed.

Toru Amuro felt Jiang Xia's vague dislike, and his mood became more complicated:

"What's going on with that billboard at the intersection?"

Jiang Xia stood up first and brought a glass of cold water to Tohru Amuro, and reviewed the hospitality of this office.

Then answered the question just now:

"I put it up a few days ago - the massage shop next door happened to be closed down, and its advertising space was for sale at a low price. I asked about the price and felt that the customers it attracted would definitely make up for the advertising expenditure, so I bought it."

Toru Amuro nodded: "That's right..."

After finishing speaking, I was a little speechless.

The main reason is that I can't think of how to say "There is no need to advertise, you can just use the organization's funds yourself" in a tactful and decent way.

...Especially now it seems that this new apprentice is very attached to this firm.

"I want to make it the most beautiful store on this street!" is written all over his face.

Amuro Toru stopped talking.

However, if you think about it carefully, dedication is actually a virtue.

This is a good thing, a good thing...

He reluctantly swallowed the topic of "corruption of public funds".

Moreover, let’s not mention the funding issue.

Now it seems that the effect of hanging billboards is different.

——Toru Amuro saw a pile of photos spread out on the desk.

Looking at this posture, Jiang Xia has actually received the commission.

Jiang Xia followed Amuro Toru's gaze and his eyes fell on the photo.

He did have a commission.

Although there is no commission fee.

But in another sense, the rewards are great.

——After finishing this job, Jiang Xia will be able to pick up a ghost shikigami.

This morning, Jiang Xia took a walk to the street as usual and admired his billboard.

After admiring it, when he was about to go back to the office to do some work, the ghost baby poked him a few times.

Jiang Xia turned her head and saw a man and a woman walking out of the police station.

The man is an elegant uncle.

Next to him, Jiang Xia knew the woman wearing a cheongsam.

——It was the detective from another nearby agency, Ikumi Gunda.

The Metropolitan Police Department is in such a good location, so of course there cannot be only one detective agency nearby. Jiang Xia actually has several new detective neighbors now.

When he left the Metropolitan Police Department, the elegant uncle was very proud.

The female detective's face was very ugly, she was full of hostility towards the uncle, and she seemed a little unwilling if she looked closely.

Jiang Xia glanced over and her eyes stopped on the uncle's legs, unable to move away.

——On the calf of the elegant uncle, there is a very flat, paper-like soul hanging on it.

Jiang Xia's eyes lit up as she watched.

——This is the leg-picking shikigami.

Although its strength is far less than that of the ghost fetus, it is equivalent to a lower substitute for the ghost fetus.

But it also has many uses. For example, using raw materials to build some unscientific puppets...

in short,

Jiang Xia wants it.

So when the two people passed him, Jiang Xia turned around and followed them.

Arriving at the door of the "Gunda Detective Agency" next door,

The man and woman in front quarreled for a few words in a low voice, and then the atmosphere became stiff and they separated.

Gunda Ikumi frowned as she watched her uncle's car disappear around the corner.

Then she turned back and looked at Jiang Xia, who was following her unabashedly.

She had long recognized him as the new apprentice from the office next door.

Gunda Ikumi suspected that Jiang Xia was here to watch the fun, and raised her hair irritably: "What's the matter with you?"

Jiang Xia was in the mood to make up excuses.

So he lowered his voice and said very mysteriously: "That uncle gives people a very bad feeling. I doubt he has killed anyone."

Gunda Ikumi was startled.

Normally, if a detective said something like this to her seriously, she would definitely slap a copy of "Materialism" on that person's face and tell him to study hard.

But at this time, Jiang Xia's statement coincided with her thoughts.

But she came to this conclusion after more than a day of careful reasoning.

Jiang Xia just glanced at them as they passed each other...

No, detectives shouldn't trust those random instincts.

The detective wants evidence!

...Perhaps the actual situation is that Jiang Xia has evidence that some uncles committed murders.

It's just that he has some scruples and doesn't want to say it out in the street.

That's why I used this nagging way to give her hints, hinting that she "needs to communicate."

Gunda Yumi touched her chin, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt that this idea was right.

She opened the door of the office and invited Jiang Xia: "Come in and talk."

Although colleagues are enemies.

But when encountering a murder case, priority should still be given to solving the case.

Now is not the time to compete for performance.

Moreover, Ikumi Gunada remembered very clearly that Yutaka Abe, that elegant uncle, came to her on Monday to ask for a commission.

At that time, she happened to be sunbathing on the balcony on the second floor. As soon as Yutaka Abe walked to the intersection, Ikumi Gunda noticed him.

At first, Abe Yutaka had no intention of going this way.

Later, he was attracted by the strange billboard at the intersection, looked at it for a while, and then turned in thoughtfully.

Ikumi Gunada guessed that Yutaka Abe initially wanted to find the "Amuro Detective Agency" on the billboard.

But that office happened to be closed.

So he saw the "Gunda Detective Agency" a little further in, and ran to Gunda Ikumi's place.

...Since they were attracted by Jiang Xia's billboard, Jiang Xia should indeed have a share in this case.

In this way, on the way to take Jiang Xia in, Gunda Ikumi quickly convinced herself that she planned to share the case with her new neighbor.

She poured Jiang Xia a cup of tea, held her chin elegantly, and waited for Jiang Xia to tell her the "evidence of murder" she had witnessed.

However, Jiang Xia took the tea and tasted it politely, then looked back as if waiting for her to speak.

The two of them looked at each other in confusion for a while.

After a while, Gunda Ikumi couldn't hold his breath and urged: "What on earth did you see?"

Jiang Xia looked confused: "Ah?"

Gunda Ikumi: "...?"

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