Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 32 Necessary qualities of a detective

After looking at each other for a minute.

Gunda Yumi realized belatedly that she was overthinking.

But now that everyone has been brought in, it's hard to drive him out again - I can't tell Jiang Xia that the reason for driving him away is that I over-imagined it before, and now I find that the reality is inconsistent with my imagination...

Gunda Ikumi pressed her forehead tiredly.

In the end, she still didn't have the nerve to speak and chase people away.

Under Jiang Xia's inexplicable gaze, she could only follow the flow and start chatting, pretending that she invited Jiang Xia in just to chat.

Two detectives sit together and of course talk about the incident.

Gunda Ikumi talked about the strange things he encountered recently.

——On Monday, Yutaka Abe came to ask her to follow a bearded man.

The time limit is 3 days, the commission fee is 500,000 yen, and the reward is generous.

Ikumi Gunda followed for three days from Monday to Wednesday.

On Thursday, she finished work, happily applied a cucumber mask, and prepared to take a day off.

Unexpectedly, when I turned on the TV and was looking for a bubble drama to lighten my mood, a familiar person suddenly appeared on the murder news.

——The bearded man is dead.

His charred body was found in a bonfire at a Gunma Prefecture festival.

Gunda Ikumi stared at the photo of the deceased on the TV, so shocked that the cucumber dropped.

While surprised, as an experienced detective, she quickly zeroed in on a suspicious person.

Her client - Yutaka Abe.

After seeing the news, Ikumi Gunda rushed to the police station immediately and provided relevant clues.

The police found Yutaka Abe, and after a brief investigation, they found that this person did have a big problem - some time ago, the deceased bought an insurance policy, and the beneficiary was Yutaka Abe.

Now, when the bearded man dies, Yutaka Abe can get 500 million yen.

As a result, the "suspect" label on Yutaka Abe's head will never be removed.

However, the police and Ikumi Gunada were unable to find any evidence that Yutaka Abe committed murder.

In addition, Yutaka Abe also gave himself an alibi.

——Wednesday morning, which was the last day that Ikumi Gunda followed the bearded man, Yutaka Abe went on a trip with his colleagues.

Not only were there witnesses throughout the entire process, but there were also photos as physical evidence.

After saying this, Gunda Ikumi picked up the tea and took a sip of it.

She was waiting for Jiang Xia to ask, "Why do you still think he is the murderer when there is a clear alibi?"

Then she could tell Jiang Xia that she had found a flaw in Abe Yutaka's alibi.

Later, Jiang Xia, as a new young detective in the industry, would probably ask her why she didn't arrest people even if she had a flaw.

At this time, you need to tell the young man in front of you that detectives can't just rely on reasoning, but also evidence - with a solid alibi, you can immediately get rid of suspicion. But "there is no alibi", but it cannot be used as ironclad evidence to arrest someone.

Ikumi Gunada was holding tea, her face calm and steady, her mind was full of scripts, and she had opened many small theaters with rich sounds and emotions.

——As a detective, when telling the case, what you want is twists and turns.

You can't just talk dryly, you must skillfully use various rhetorical narratives and flashbacks to predict the audience's reaction, throw in timely twists, tell the story, and create suspense... Only in this way can the reasoning achieve perfect results.

In this world, it is difficult for a detective who cannot tell stories to become a famous detective.

However, Gunda Yumi finished half a cup of tea and her throat was almost wet, but Jiang Xia still did not ask questions according to her script.

Jiang Xia actually failed to discover Gunda Ikumi's little thoughts.

Normally, he might have noticed.

But now, in Jiang Xia's heart, she can only pretend to be the ghost on her uncle's lap.

We have to go through the process quickly and get the stubborn leg-picking shikigami...

When Gunda Ikumi was halfway through speaking, Jiang Xia already understood what kind of case this was.

Now, he just wants to fast forward to arrest the uncle and pick up the ghost himself.

So Gunda Yumi stopped, and Jiang Xia waited politely for a while, but could not wait until the next step.

I couldn't help but help her finish the rest of her words:

"It's not easy to accurately determine the time of death from a burnt corpse. I'm afraid that gentleman died while you were following him, and was replaced by others similar to him. As for the ones you took when you were following him, photo……"

When Gunda Ikumi was telling a story just now, he brought over a dozen photos and spread them out on the coffee table. The photos were marked with dates.

Jiang Xia found a few pictures, put them in front of his eyes, and pointed at them one by one:

"On Monday and Tuesday, the target was still playing golf, eating, and writing with his right hand. But on Wednesday, he suddenly became left-handed. In other words, he probably died on Tuesday night, and Yutaka Abe left on Wednesday. That alibi is not actually valid.”

Gunda Ikumi: "..."

She raised the tea cup slightly to hide her slightly stiff expression.

She just gave it a try...and all her lines were taken away? !

How could today's young detective do this...

Gunda Ikumi put down the tea cup and continued what she had thought before: "You really witnessed the crime scene!"

"I didn't!" When Jiang Xia said this, she actually felt a little guilty.

Strictly speaking, he did "witness" it while reading the comics.

But this kind of thing must not be said.

Jiang Xia also clattered his teacup on the table and secretly used a trick to divert disaster to the east, using offense as defense:

"If you notice something is wrong immediately on the third day, even if it is too late to save people, you can still find some evidence that the murderer has not yet had time to deal with - with a little care, it is not difficult to distinguish between left- and right-handers."

Gunda Ikumi: "..." She also felt guilty.

The reason why Abe Yutaka entrusted her to follow the bearded man was that he was "worried that his friends would be in danger or commit suicide."

So when Ikumi Gunada was following, she faced a man with thick hair that was too unsuitable for her aesthetic goals. Her attention was focused on the matter of "people just need to be alive" and she did not observe carefully.

This is also a common problem among detectives in this world.

——Before the murder, everyone was somewhat dull.

They have to wait until someone dies for their detective powers to fully awaken.

Gunda Ikumi's shortcomings were suddenly exposed, and she looked a little confused.

She brushed her curly hair irritably, looking a little embarrassed, and responded to Jiang Xia's question, "You can do it!"

...Then Jiang Xia did whatever he wanted.

He borrowed those photos and other relevant evidence and brought them back to the Amuro Detective Agency.

Even if it doesn’t work, it has to work.

——The soul in Yutaka Abe's leg, although weak, is extremely persistent.

If the killer of them is not punished, then even if Jiang Xia rips off the leg-striking shikigami, it will only break and become a useless soul.

Of course Jiang Xia would not do such a thing that harmed his soul and was not beneficial to himself.

He borrowed the information from Gunda Ikumi, intending to find evidence on his own first, and send Abe Yutaka to prison, so that the leg-picking shikigami could get his wish and let him go and pick it up.

This is PlanA.

And if Plan A doesn’t work, Jiangxia also has a Plan B

——Put a sack on Yutaka Abe and beat him until he can pull the shikigami from his legs.

But now, I don't know if it was God's will, but Toru Amuro made a rare appearance in the office.

And before Jiang Xia even hinted at it, he noticed the photo Jiang Xia put on his desk.

Toru Amuro is looking at the photos.

Jiang Xia is looking at Toru Amuro.

The clear eyes reflected several big characters - Plan C.

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