Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 34 Stop scolding yourself

The police in the island country are different from the law-abiding criminal police.

The police often spread their wings on the edge of the law. Sliding doors and picking locks is the norm, and there are not so many framework constraints.

In other words, if Toru Amuro really wanted to investigate, he and his subordinates would not be able to gain anything from an ordinary murder case.

Although Toru Amuro is a police officer at heart, he appears to be a ruthless organization boss and cannot handle small cases such as "killing a friend to cheat the insurance company".

But at the same time, he does have the title of "detective".

And Jiang Xia feels that in this world, anyone with a little bit of detective buff can just push them to the edge of the case...

They themselves will be very proactive in getting involved, working hard to investigate the case and find the truth, which is very worry-free.

Jiang Xia made some calculations, and when Toru Amuro was looking at the photo, he leaned over and explained the reasons carefully.

Toru Amuro glanced at Jiangxia when he talked about "alibi".

This kind of trap of substituting players midway would appear very retarded if laid out directly.

But when everything is not yet clear, it is not so easy to see through it if it is dominated by inertial thinking.

Jiang Xia can detect this kind of trap immediately, which is really powerful.

It seems that when he came to apply for a job a while ago, he said that he was good at reasoning. He was not bragging, but he really had something.

After Jiang Xia finished explaining the antecedents, he began to secretly hint:

"What should you do if you know that a person has committed a murder, or even guessed the general process of his murder, but there is no physical evidence?"

Toru Amuro picked up a photo and turned it around twice with his fingertips: "It is difficult to completely erase the traces of what really happened. Since we can deduce the modus operandi, we can follow the suspect's movement trajectory at that time. Try to figure out his thoughts, simulate his behavior, review his actions, and find out the traces of that incident.”

Jiang Xia: "..." He understands everything.

But if you want to check this, you must go to Gunma Prefecture where the body was found.

And Jiang Xia wants to stay in Tokyo.

——It would be a big loss if a ghost suddenly appeared next to Conan or Mouri Kogoro as soon as he left.

Jiang Xia pretended to think for a while, then continued to hint: "What if I still can't find it?"

"Then we won't look for it." Toru Amuro threw the photo on the table and said indifferently, "Not all cases can be solved."

He, Jianggu Ling, is a professional undercover agent.

Each identity has a character corresponding to each identity.

——Rei Futani is Rei Futani, Toru Amuro is Toru Amuro, and Bourbon is Bourbon.


Facing Jiang Xia, Amuro Toru spent a few tenths of a second choosing a vest.

Then I felt that the identity of "Bourbon" was the most suitable.

He is an important undercover agent of the country, so he must be cautious and not reveal his feet at all times.

Although Jiang Xia's painting style is very different from that of the organization, he is still a member of the organization anyway.

Therefore, you must be careful when facing Jiang Xia.

Jiang Xia failed again: "..."

Damn it, is the law that "detectives must take the initiative to get involved in surrounding incidents" wrong?

Or is Toru Amuro's detective skills too low to apply to this rule?

There is no new way out.

Jiang Xia thought of Plan B again - beating him with a sack.

This plan is not difficult to implement.

But I'm afraid that after working so hard to beat someone up, in the end, the ghost still won't be relieved, and in the end I still have to choose between being sent to prison to kill someone, which is a waste of effort.

Jiang Xia recalled Conan's operation in the comics and asked hopefully: "If the person is led to say, 'I killed him,' can it be used as evidence?"

Amuro Toru's hand trembled, and he almost slapped Jiang Xia on the face with a set of "Criminal Law": "Of course not."

When this kind of evidence is brought to court, not only is it easy for the defense lawyer to yell at you until you can't even lift your head, it might also be labeled as "confession-inducing" or "violent law enforcement"...

After Toru Amuro finished speaking, he glanced at Jiang Xia in surprise.

I didn't expect Jiang Xia to be so persistent in the case.

Maybe because this is the first commission I have received, it has a different meaning.

Or maybe it's just pure dedication... The billboard outside is a good example of this.

After Toru Amuro agreed to Jiang Xia's part-time job, in his mind, Jiang Xia changed from "an unrelated passer-by" to "a person with whom he may have long-term contact."

Therefore, in addition to installing some surveillance and eavesdropping devices in the office, Toru Amuro also obtained relevant information from the organization, Jiang Xia's school, and the hospital where Jiang Xia had been treated.

Then he discovered that Jiang Xia's experience was indeed not much different from what he said.

Psychological problems do exist, and Shirley is not making a fuss about them.

When he saw the hospitalization record, Toru Amuro was a little surprised. Before, he had never noticed that Jiang Xia had any mental problems.

There's also something surprising.

——After returning to school after being discharged from the hospital, Jiang Xia’s grades began to climb evenly.

Finally, I climbed to the top and never came down. Regardless of the quiz or the mid-term or final, every subject counts as a subject, and all scores are perfect.

Tohru Amuro was once a top student.

But when he got Jiang Xia's information, he fell silent in front of the pile of bug-like transcripts.

It was at that time that Toru Amuro suddenly realized that he seemed to have picked up a talent.

Although it can't be compared with those geniuses who graduated with Ph.D.s in their teens.

But if this trend continues, it is logical for Jiang Xia to enter a top university and benefit society.

And talents should all belong to the country.

What's the point of staying in the black organization and shining brightly?

There were too many defensive forces surrounding Shirley, making it difficult to abduct her.

But Jiangxia was completely ignored.

Moreover, it seems that Jiang Xia has no sense of belonging to the organization. He just has no other place to go, so he has stayed in the organization and acted as an emotionless task machine.

Thinking of this, Toru Amuro leaned on the table and said with disdain:

"Why are you thinking so much? There's no commission fee anyway, so why not throw the clues you have to the police and let them find evidence on their own - those tax thieves have eaten so much taxpayer money, it's time for them to do something."

He euphemistically expressed a theme - if you have trouble, go to the police.

Tohru Amuro feels that at Jiang Xia's age, his ideas are easily affected.

As long as the police call is successful this time, Jiang Xia will taste the sweetness and remember to "call the police if anything happens" in the future. If similar things happen again and again, are you afraid that he will not get close to the police?

Jiang Xia was still thinking about how to put on a sack.

At this time, he suddenly saw Amuro Toru scolding himself, and he was startled when he heard it.

After coming back to his senses, Jiang Xia originally wanted to say that Gunda Ikumi had already submitted evidence.

But when I looked up and looked at Toru Amuro, as a "prophet" who has read a lot of comics and knows a lot of facts,

Jiang Xia suddenly had an idea and accurately interpreted the purpose of Toru Amuro's words.

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