Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 291 It’s so scary, in short, it’s so scary

Jiang Xia said "DNA parentage test" and then disappeared as if nothing happened.

In fact, he didn't pay much attention to the fantasy technology in this world that was advancing and receding. He only occasionally paid attention to the doctor and Haibara Ai - these two people basically represented all the cutting-edge technologies that were useful to him... In short, since this group of people from the Niuchi family People didn’t go for testing, maybe because we just don’t have that kind of technology at this stage.

And even if there is, if he proposes it now, the Inne family will not do it because it is already too late.

At ten o'clock tomorrow morning, the lawyer will announce the will. Even if it is sent for appraisal now, by the time the results come out, the fake uncle will have already taken the money and flew back to Brazil.

A series of thoughts flashed through Jiang Xia's mind and were quickly forgotten.

Whether he had time to do a DNA test or not actually had nothing to do with him. He was just a passing ghost-picking psychic...

On the way from the courtyard gate to the mansion, people from the Yinei family came out in a similar queue. Everyone added a little bit of information to Jiang Xia and pieced together the whole picture of this inheritance battle.

In short, this family is currently divided into two mutually hostile camps - ① The Niuchi family members who are trying to prove that Niuchi Yifang is a fake and want to expose his true identity before 10 a.m. tomorrow; ② Having received two threatening letters, this time The ever-vigilant "Zhen Nei Yifang" and his strong Brazilian bodyguards.

The Brazilian bodyguard is a tough guy with a ruthless face, a square chin, a tall figure, and bronze skin. He always followed Zhen Nei's foster family closely, with a strong intimidation and a look of being unable to communicate. The other people in the family were a little afraid of him, so they all walked around him.

Jiang Xia glanced at the Brazilian guy, then looked at him again, and began to unconsciously compare the skin color of this man with Hattori Heiji. Then I was surprised to find that Hattori Heiji was a little darker than the foreigners.

The Brazilian guy stared back expressionlessly at first. After being stared at by Jiang Xia for a while, he gradually began to feel uncomfortable. Finally, he stiffly turned his head away and silently walked behind his adoptive uncle.

Hiromi Niuchi was quite surprised when she saw this scene.

Then she became happy and hid behind Jiang Xia and whispered to Kudo Yukiko: "I said there must be something wrong with 'Uncle Foster', otherwise how could this personal bodyguard be so guilty! He must be afraid that Jiang Xia will find out the truth."

Just now, while others were introducing the situation to Jiang Xia, she secretly searched for Jiang Xia's name.

Then she was pleasantly surprised to find that this was a famous detective who was as famous as Kudo Shinichi. Although related entries such as "Kudo Shinichi is possessed by the dead soul" made her a little confused... But this is not the point. As long as Jiang Xia can help Just let her expose the fake uncle's true face.

Yukiko Kudo and Hiromi Niuchi thought of going together.

While she was just happy, she was also a little confused: She didn't expect that Jiang Xia was so famous now that even a foreign bodyguard would recognize him, and be stared at by Jiang Xia's casual eyes so that he dared not look directly... The child will grow up. So fast.

Jiang Xia listened to their whispers and felt that she had been forcibly promoted to a level that did not exist.

As a cheater with the power of spoilers, he knew in his heart that this "Brazilian bodyguard" actually didn't know him at all.

When they looked at each other just now, the bodyguard was the first to be targeted. He was more embarrassed and shy than guilty.

Because this Brazilian guy is not a bodyguard at all, but one of the protagonists of the split will-he is the son of the foster uncle and a Brazilian woman.

In fact, Ni Nei Yifang was dead, so when the Ni Nei clan leader wrote his will, he left the inheritance to his younger brother's son.

Now the "Uncle of the foster family" who came here with the mixed-race Brazilian guy is a friend of the foster family.

A while ago, they received a threatening letter that said, "You have no share in the inheritance. I'll kill you if you dare to come." So their friend uncle, who is very good at Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, came back with the mixed-race guy, and he carefully pretended to be " "Uncle of the adopted brother", he asked the real heir to pretend to be a bodyguard and exchanged the identities of the two people. In this way, if someone really has bad intentions, they will only come after him.

The mixed-race boy grew up in Brazil and does not speak or understand Japanese. In fact, he didn't know what he was here for, so he turned away with a guilty conscience when Jiang Xia stared at him, because he felt embarrassed that he was being watched by foreigners in other places.

Although Jiang Xia knows all the truth, it is difficult to tell such spoilers directly from metaphysics.

So he made a few random moves and tested the "Uncle of the Adopted Household" in a perfunctory manner. Of course, we couldn't get the result - after all, Ninai Yoshifu has been away from home for more than thirty years. The only people who have seen him are Kudo Yukiko and her when they were young, so there is too little known information.

Jiang Xia's attention was more focused on the two women in Ni Nei's family than on the Yi Nei family.

One is the young step-in-law of the clan leader.

The other is the clan leader’s daughter-in-law.

They both have some murderous aura wrapped around them, the former is very heavy, the latter is slightly lighter, but it is also very obvious.

The goal of the two people is very clear - to prevent the foster uncle from dividing the inheritance, and they will not hesitate to kill him if necessary.

Jiang Xia was quite pleased. It seemed that this trip was not in vain.

In addition, he also took a close look at the legs of everyone in the family.

He remembered that someone had died in this family - 15 years ago, the wife of the chief of the Gennei clan accidentally slipped and fell into the well when she climbed up the edge of the well in the courtyard to pick camellias.

Jiang Xia originally thought that if this was a murder, he could pick up a ghost by the way. Unfortunately, we don’t have that kind of thing at home.

Or I can only pick up the murderous aura...

After some useless testing, it soon became dark.

Stepmother Machiko went out to attend a friend's wedding, while others were preparing to make a hot pot meal.

Jiang Xia watched Machiko go out, full of murderous aura.

At this time, he suddenly felt an appraising gaze from his side.

Jiang Xia turned her head suddenly and saw a sneaky man wearing a cap, covering his face with a collar, and wearing sunglasses.

As soon as his eyes caught the suspicious figure, the peeper shrank back behind the door and quickly disappeared from Jiang Xia's sight.

Jiang Xia looked there silently for a few seconds, did not chase after him, did not make any noise, and went back to the house to eat hot pot as if nothing happened.

Although the peeping man's appearance and behavior were very suspicious, Jiang Xia knew that there was no murderous intent or ghost in that man.

Because that was not a suspect or a killer, but Conan's father - Yusaku Kudo who had just pissed off his wife.

Now she is hiding and refusing to show up. Maybe she is worried that Kudo Yukiko has not calmed down, or she wants to train her juniors, so she is looking for a suitable time to appear.

If Kudo Yusaku is allowed to wander around, he doesn't know if it will affect his great cause of killing murderous intent...

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