Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 292 The Disaster of the Brain Ceiling (Updates added with monthly tickets)

When Jiang Xia entered the room, a hot aroma hit her face. The hot pot on the table was simmering with soft tofu, mushrooms, beef and other ingredients.

Jiang Xia sat down at the table and looked up at the watch on the wall.

It's almost eight o'clock in the evening.

There is a clock placed in the living room of Zhennei's house next door. Every hour on the hour, it will sound a low chime, which can also be vaguely heard around the courtyard wall.

Thinking of this, and then thinking of Kudo Yusaku who was wandering outside, Jiang Xia leaned against the wall, facing the table, pretending to be distracted while staring at the food.

In fact, Miyano Akemi was asked to carry the shikigami through the wall and build a puppet behind the house.

A few seconds later, the "Anonymous Miss" who had been beloved by major newspapers wore a long black dress, held up her wide-brimmed hat, and left silently along the courtyard wall.

The world-famous mystery novelist, the non-staff consultant highly respected by the police, and the brain ceiling of the world, Kudo Yusaku, is currently wrapped in a thick trench coat exclusive to villains, exploring and walking around the inner house.

As a smart person who has considerable experience in "coaxing Kudo Yukiko", he knew that if he showed up now, he would only be disliked by Kudo Yukiko and even receive a scolding.

So you have to choose a handsome enough moment to appear - Yukiko's character is sometimes like a child, easily affected by various factors. In short, Kudo Yusaku felt that it was best to wait for the juniors in the room to start solving the puzzle, and then he would stand up and comment, completing the part that the children could not solve, and be a hidden hero.

Originally, Kudo Yusaku wanted to use his son who secretly swiped his card without telling him as a stepping stone on the road to reconciliation - in the eyes of the innocent old father, this was what Conan should do.

However, what surprised Kudo Yusaku was that Yukiko did not bring her son, but a neighbor's child who was also very good at reasoning.

This made Kudo Yusaku deep in thought.

After thinking about it, he decided to stick to the original plan. Of course, he would have to remove a few of the original mocking lines as appropriate...

The prerequisite for achieving this effect is to grasp as many clues as possible about the "Uncle Foster".

Thinking of this, Kudo Yusaku wore a chic windbreaker, went into the Niuchi house, and came to the outside of the warehouse silently, planning to go in and look for past letters from the Niuchi family.

When I pushed open the warehouse door, the bell rang at eight o'clock in the evening.

The creak of the wooden door was masked by the sound of the bell, and it also masked other subtle movements.

Such as approaching footsteps.

...Another example is the hand knife that struck from behind.

As soon as Kudo Yusaku walked in the door, he suddenly noticed that the shadow under his feet was not right. Just as he wanted to turn his head, he felt a sudden pain on the side of his neck.

Kudo Yusaku's eyesight went dark and he fell down depressed.

Anonymous who was following him supported him, dragged him into the warehouse, and closed the door behind him.

Kudo and Kudo are equally good at martial arts, but they both like to be a mysterious and handsome lone ranger...

Jiang Xia unskillfully carried the big gongdeng he had captured for the first time and turned to look at the warehouse. There were a lot of sundries piled up here.

He quickly found a suitable place, dragged Kudo Yusaku behind the debris and hid it, and then gave him an injection of anesthesia. Prevent this wandering brain in charge from pushing things in a direction where murderous intent is difficult to pick up.

For Jiang Xia, it's unreasonable to come so far and not pick up something to go home.

Moreover, in the original plot line, Kudo Yusaku didn't do much in the middle except running out to complete the information at the end, so he was stuffed into the warehouse in a daze, and rounding it off meant that nothing changed. Jiang Xia's conscience was very active.

After spending a little time and defeating Kudo Yusaku in physics, Jiang Xia disposed of the anesthesia needle, then dispersed the puppet, and his consciousness returned to his original body.

In the bustling restaurant, he sat up straight, turned to look at his watch, then looked at the bowls and chopsticks placed in front of him, and praised slightly exaggeratedly: "It's very fragrant. I feel like I can eat it all together."

Hiromi Wanuchi smiled and rolled her eyes in appreciation. Although this was mainly due to the hot pot base ingredients, she put the ingredients in. Rounding it off, her cooking skills were praised.

Hiromi Niuchi handed the serving chopsticks to Jiang Xia, and turned the pot calmly, turning the side with the most beef in front of Jiang Xia, and then said modestly: "It tastes good just because you are hungry - we are here There are too many people, and dinner starts later than most other places." As she said that, she glanced at her watch and said, "It's already eight o'clock."

Kudo Yukiko looked at her watch and nodded in sympathy. It was indeed a bit late to start dinner, and she was actually very hungry.

Jiang Xia saw where their eyes were heading, so she took two pieces of fish tofu and started eating dinner.

The little reasoning experts in this world have very accurate intuitions, but at the same time they also have a weakness that cannot be considered a weakness - they attach too much importance to science and pay attention to alibi.

When Jiang Xia drove the puppet to knock out Kudo Yusaku just now, it happened to be the time when the clock rang at eight o'clock in the evening.

Now, Kudo Yukiko's memory about dinner time has also been strengthened. If Kudo Yusaku wakes up and intuitively suspects that it was Jiang Xia who knocked him out, then after asking Kudo Yukiko, he can only conclude "Eight o'clock Jiang Xia I have been sitting in the restaurant since before" the answer.

In short, all bad things have nothing to do with Jiang Xia.

After solving his worries, Jiang Xia started to wait and see while eating with peace of mind.

On the way to dinner, her stepmother Machiko, who was enjoying herself at the wedding banquet, called back and told Hiromi that she had bought firewood yesterday and could boil bath water for everyone.

In this era where bathtubs are popular, the bathing utensil of the Niuchi family is actually a huge wooden barrel.

By the time dinner was finished, the water was almost ready.

You have to pay attention to the order of taking a bath. Thirty years ago, the foster uncle was the first one to take a bath every time. So now, my friend's uncle who pretends to be a foster brother is also the first to take a bath every night.

During the bathing period, he would keep the Brazilian boy in the hall. Ostensibly, this was to allow the "bodyguards" to keep an eye on other family members and prevent anyone from going to the bathhouse to plot against the "sister-in-law". In reality, he wanted the Brazilian boy to stay in a crowded room. It's a place where it's not easy to be plotted.

After dinner, on the way to take a bath with the fake foster uncle, Hiromi Hiromi received another call from her stepmother Machiko.

The noise from the wedding banquet came over the phone. The stepmother said that she would be home at 11 o'clock in the evening and hoped that Hiromi Hinouchi would help her keep the bath water warm until then.

After Hiromi agreed, she hung up the phone.

At the same time, in the woods next to Zheng's house.

A luxury car parked quietly.

In the car, stepmother Machiko, who was "attending a wedding banquet," put down her cell phone and clicked on the recorder.

As the tape stopped running, the lively sound of the "Wedding Banquet" suddenly stopped, and the only sound in the car was the sound of wind in the woods.

Machiko smiled coldly, put on her raincoat, picked up a kitchen knife, pushed the door open and got out of the car, preparing to kill the "uncle foster brother" who was taking a bath.

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