Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 301 Don’t ride on multiple boats anymore

Jiang Xiazheng felt that Huang Yinori's reaction was a bit strange. At this time, another sister with a straight black face poked her head out of the door.

Naoko Kuroda pushed up the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose and looked at Jiang Xia with the same look that said, "You can't tell a person by his appearance."

After a moment of pause, she said with emotion: "You wouldn't have exchanged code names with Ms. Tanaka, right? Her 'Ikasama Doji' usually talks like a tough guy from the Showa era, and your 'disciple of the magic user' talks like It's better than us...cough." She seemed to be unable to find the right words, so she gave Jiang Xia a look to let him understand.

Jiang Xia gradually felt that things were a little out of control. Although Miss Hei Changzhi started with the format "You don't know how to ×××", everyone could tell that it was just a joke. In fact, they seemed to have decided that The "disciple of the magic user" who always speaks in a soft-girl tone is Jiang Xia in front of him.

Not long after Sister Hei Naganao finished speaking, Miss Tanaka, who was said to "talk like a tough guy", also heard the words and came over.

She shook her head: "I didn't pretend to be a man. Everyone's habit of speaking is different. It's definitely not accurate enough to judge men and women just by their tone of voice."

Kuroda Naoko suddenly thought of something because of these words, and nodded with deep sympathy: "Indeed. The disciple of the magic user at least told us clearly that he is a man. Compared with him, some people who deliberately pretend to be cute girls are the worst. beat."

As she said that, she looked at the curly-haired man behind her with a slight disdain and pointed at him: "I really thought this guy was a woman. I had discussed perfume and underwear brands with him before."

Hamano Tono, who was pretending to be a cute girl, sensed her anger and quickly deflected the blame: "Haha, no matter how good I am, I still don't always get told, 'You talk like a boy' - it's still this magic apostle. It’s more natural for me to be a disciple. But it’s no wonder that since I hang out with girls every day and bring two girlfriends to netizen gatherings, my tone will inevitably be assimilated.”

As he spoke, he looked at Jiang Xia with a hint of sarcasm, and then at the two young girls behind him.

Originally he wanted to ridicule, but as he spoke, tears of envy almost flowed from the corners of his mouth.

Suzuki Sonoko was following behind to have fun, but when she suddenly heard these words, she paused for a moment.

...Oh, yes, she had previously boasted that she would bring her girlfriend over. Originally, "girlfriend" meant Mao Lilan, but the plan changed temporarily and Jiang Xia also came with her.

Looking at it this way, it's like Jiang Xia brought two girlfriends to the date, and emmm also brought one of the girlfriends' dad. No wonder Huang Yi looked at Jiang Xia with that look just now... Wait, this won't damage Jiang Xia's reputation. After all, he is also a famous detective...

Suzuki Sonoko looked around guiltily.

Then she happily discovered that no one in the room seemed to know Jiang Xia. This is normal. No matter how popular a celebrity is, it is impossible for everyone to know it. Besides, Jiang Xia's main business is not celebrities. Well... In this case, let's tell them the truth when the party is over and don't spread the strange rumors. .

Before that, she wanted to take this rare opportunity to have fun!

In the mountains in winter, the weather is very cold. After the door was opened for such a small amount of time, the few people without coats at the door began to shiver.

Anyway, the new members have been received, so they went back to the house while chatting.

The topic of gender in the forum was quickly ignored. As expected, everyone agreed that Jiang Xia was the disciple of the magic apostle.

Jiang Xia subconsciously moved his hands towards their backs. Are these people really from the world of Ke Xue? They are a little skeptical!

No one heard the hatred in his heart.

Jiang Xia sighed, and silently the others entered the room together. That's right, I haven't been addicted to the Internet for so long that I have forgotten such a basic thing. No matter what happens online, in the end it will always be what it looks like offline. Too careless...

After Suzuki Sonoko had the solution, she felt relieved again and happily took Mao Lilan into the house together. ,

While others were not paying attention, she secretly mouthed to Jiang Xia: Wonderful.

He said and gave a happy thumbs up.

Jiang Xia: "..."

Forget it, just be happy.

Fortunately, he didn't know the details of the previous exchanges on the forum. When this group of people talked about the content of the forum, the vest had to go back to Suzuki Sonoko...

Suzuki Sonoko didn't know that her teammates who were betrayed by her were secretly planning to betray her.

After entering the door, she hung up her coat and began to look around the living room, trying to find the "red herring" who had turned from her online friend to her pen pal.

Several people in the living room each told her their IDs, and there were no red herrings among them.

Suzuki Sonoko became more and more curious, but was embarrassed to ask in front of Jiang Xia. After all, her current identity was the "girlfriend" who followed Jiang Xia to the offline party... Hehe, how embarrassing... Ah, no, the point now is Red herring...Suzuki Sonoko's mind kept jumping left and right.

While I was dancing, a fat man with a kind face came down the stairs.

The man has a fat body, small eyes, a big nose, and a chubby face. Although he seems to be a good talker, he is definitely not close to the "ideal handsome guy" in Suzuki Sonoko's mind.

Suzuki Sonoko looked over subconsciously, stayed for a second, and suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart - this, could this be a red herring? !

No, no, there are two other people who haven't arrived yet. They are the "Escape King" who speaks very unpleasantly, and the "Shadow Mage" who has a somewhat gloomy feeling. According to the probability, the person who came down must be...

"Hello, I'm Red Herring."

The fat man said with a smile. He looked up and down at Suzuki Sonoko, who seemed to have been struck by lightning, and understood: "Are you the 'disciple of the magic user'? Haha, you are indeed a cute girl."

Suzuki Sonoko: "..."%\u0026 # * @

When Suzuki Sonoko was screaming crazily in her heart, Jiang Xia looked past her and looked at the "red herring".

Although there was no flaw in his appearance, he still knew through spoilers that this was Kid, um, a rare men's disguise version.

So far, Kidd hasn't stolen anything, he doesn't have an energy core on his body, and the ghosts haven't recognized him. Therefore, they were not interested in this fresh red herring at all. Instead, they all gathered next to Tanaka Takahisa, who "talked like a tough guy", and played with the murderous aura in her.

In addition to murderous intent, Tanaka Takahisa also had a rather fresh shikigami on her lap.

The newly born Shikigami was frightened by the ghosts that surrounded him like bullies. He clung to the murderer's legs and looked like he wanted to bury his head in it.

It seemed that she had already killed someone before coming here... Jiang Xia's eyes paused on her legs and then quickly moved away.

After Kidd said hello to Suzuki Sonoko, he found that her eyes were twitching and she couldn't form words, so he snickered in his heart for a while and started to look at the others.

Looking at it this way, he suddenly found that the boy behind Suzuki Sonoko who was facing him looked familiar... Wait, isn't this the famous detective who solved the case quickly? !

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