Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 302: Preventing Death-seeking Methods

Kidd was slightly startled.

What he was most worried about today was that Kiritengu suddenly appeared, and then went on a killing spree and started a mountain buffet... Unexpectedly, although Brother Tengu was considerate and did not show up, another troublesome person showed up.

Kidd was thinking about this when he suddenly saw Jiang Xia seemed to notice his scrutiny and turned to look at him.

As soon as their eyes met, Kidd reacted immediately.

He continued to maintain his kind red herring smile, imitating other people's attitudes and asked: "Is this..."

Kuroda Naoko came over again at some point, pushed up her glasses, and smiled innocently: "That's the 'disciple of the magic user' who is always chatting with you."

"...The magic user's disciple? Him?!" Kidd was shocked.

...Isn’t the disciple of the magic user a girl? Could it be that his previous judgment was wrong: the term "disciple of the magic user" always feels awkward, not because the girl is pretending to be a boy, but because the boy is trying to pretend to be a girl? ?

Thinking of this, Kidd suddenly remembered something - the "disciple of the magic user" once wrote a letter asking him for his name, and at that time he reported "Doi Tucker Tree".

...If the recipient of the letter is Jiang Xia, who is pretending to be a cute girl, based on the speed at which this detective deciphered the notice letters before, he must have reassembled the information about "Phantom Thief Kidd" by now. So why does Jiang Xia continue to pretend to be the girl who admires him? What does the detective want to do? !

The two words "Fishing!" flashed in Kidd's mind.

He secretly listened to the movements around him, worried that a police helicopter would suddenly fall from the sky at this moment, worried that the police would kill you after being prompted by Jiang Xia...

But no, there was only a faint sound of howling mountain wind outside.

Various thoughts only flashed through Kidd's mind for a short time, and he soon returned to calm.

Because he suddenly remembered that he was not here to steal anything today, and there was no ironclad evidence on his body to prove that he was the Phantom Thief. Even if the police came, he would not be guilty at all...

Just when Kidd was observing Jiang Xia carefully.

Next to her, Suzuki Sonoko was also observing the Doi Tucker tree.

Her expression as if struck by lightning just now turned into a snicker when she saw Doi Takeshu's confused look. Sure enough, online dating is not trustworthy, but luckily I brought Jiang Xia here this time! Is this the legendary reward for good people...

Mao Lilan vaguely felt that "Doi Tucker Tree" looked at Jiang Xia in an unfriendly way.

She was about to ask tactfully what was going on, but suddenly she saw Suzuki Sonoko moving closer to Jiang Xia, and then staring at Jiang Xia's back intently.

Mao Lilan's attention was immediately attracted, and she looked over suspiciously: "What's wrong?" Is there something on Jiang Xia's back?

Suzuki Sonoko exhaled happily, covered her eyes slightly exaggeratedly, and whispered: "Ah, my eyes feel much better."

Mao Lilan: "..."

She raised her hand and touched Suzuki Sonoko's head.

Is this the happiness of a nymphomaniac? It's really simple and unpretentious.

Mouri Kogoro walked around and felt that the villa was solid and clean, there were no too vicious people among the participants, and there were several women, so he felt that this party was not a big problem.

Thinking about his daughter's fighting power and Jiang Xia next to him, he felt relieved and prepared to leave.

The children will have children's activities, and he will also have his own adult time - Xiaolan is not here at night, so he can have fun at the New Year's party!

Mouri Kogoro said goodbye in a good mood.

When I walked to the door, I suddenly heard a sneeze coming from behind. He was startled, turned around, and found that it was Conan who had hit him. The child was shaking his head and stood upright again in a daze.

Mouri Kogoro immediately came back and raised his hand to pick up Conan.

I almost forgot, this is a child with a bad cold.

Conan didn't finally come to his senses until he was carried out of the door. He fluttered and wanted to stay, but in the end he was taken away ruthlessly. After all, he was just a patient now and needed bed rest.

The two quickly crossed the suspension bridge, returned to the car, and followed the winding mountain road back to the city.

Conan sat in the passenger seat, thinking of the three people staying in the villa, and couldn't help but feel a little bit of illusory jealousy starting to bubble up in his heart.

It’s also very worrying. With Jiang Xia's physique, I always feel that it will be difficult for this party to end normally, and it may be dangerous...

Conan sighed tiredly and turned on the radio in the car, trying to do something to divert his attention.

At this moment, a piece of news suddenly came from the radio.

The announcer read eloquently: "...A body was found beaten to death in an apartment in Cupido Town. The deceased was 41-year-old Nishiyama Tsumugi. There was a mysterious text on the computer screen next to the body. [This is the first one - by: Shadow Mage]..."

"... It is understood that the deceased was very keen on surfing the Internet. He was scheduled to participate in an event called 'Magician Lovers Gathering' today. The police are currently contacting relevant members participating in the event."

As they listened, the smiles of the two people in the car gradually disappeared.

After a while, the sluggish Mouri Kogoro finally came to his senses. He suddenly turned the front of the car and drove back on the same road at twice the speed when he came.

After Mouri Kogoro left with Conan, Jiang Xia went upstairs to put his luggage, bypassing Kidd who didn't know what he was wary of.

His room happens to be on the third floor.

When taking off his coat, Jiang Xia looked at the mountains and forests outside through the window, and suddenly remembered Conan's feats in the original world line.

In the impression, the murderer wanted to burn down the suspension bridge leading here for his own murder plan.

Conan, who turned back after hearing the news, found that the suspension bridge was burning. He was so anxious that he rushed onto the bridge, and then rushed to the villa before the bridge was completely burned down. He stepped on the fire and rushed to the villa.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia suddenly felt that it was not possible.

...If this continues, Conan might have another fatal jump like in the original world line.

And in this process, if this most stable ghost-picking machine is a little bit unlucky, he might be roasted halfway, or fall off the bridge directly, or be roasted first and then fall off the bridge. Entering the cold river water, burnt on the outside and tender on the inside...

After that picture appeared in his mind, Jiang Xia immediately thought of his two ghosts - the ghosts of his parents and the foggy dog. One of them is fire-resistant, the other can fly, and their professions are very similar.

But soon, Jiang Xia gave up the plan of using two ghost shows.

In terms of the application target of the skill, unlike the mermaid's randomly assigned waterproof attribute, the fire protection of the Parent Ghost can only be applied to the main body, and it cannot apply the anti-scorching buff to Conan through the air.

As for driving the foggy dog ​​to catch Conan who fell off the bridge...compared to this, it would be better to break the bridge in advance.

Conan dared to commit suicide because in the original world line, he felt that he could run on the line of death.

But now, if the bridge was completely broken, he would never be able to fly more than ten meters sideways. That would not be to take risks to save people, but to commit suicide by jumping off a cliff.

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