Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 338 Belmod, you had a lot of fun

Only Hui Yuan Ai needs to worry about.

As a technical geek, Haibara Ai usually lives in seclusion. Even if Conan is unfortunately exposed, she can survive for a long time until Belmod is fished out, and then uses Mao Lilan to reach a tripartite peace agreement with Conan.

...Of course, it is also possible that before that, Belmode had been targeted by Akai Shuichi and his group of FBI colleagues and turned into a ghost or a shikigami.

After thinking about it, Jiang Xia felt that the problem was not big.

He hid behind the cabinet door and continued to observe calmly, wanting to see what other tricks Belmod could come up with.

At the same time, Belmode had finished thinking and pressed the call button on the unmarked number.

She thought with relief that if she didn't get anything, the worst she could do was use Uzo's voice to tell the other party that the call was wrong... No, there was no need to worry about that. In fact, even if you don't say anything, there is no problem at all. Anyway, the phone belongs to Uzo, so he can clean up the mess and add trouble to him.

There was a beep-, beep-- sound from the phone.

After a few seconds, the interface changes to call status.

The other person picked up the phone. The person who spoke sounded like a little boy, but his tone was not like a child at all. He asked doubtfully: "Why did you call me?...What happened?"

Conan was a little confused: Jiang Xia rarely took the initiative to call him. After all, Conan was a primary school student who needed guardianship. Even if Jiang Xia wanted to take him out, he would have to go to Mao Lilan or Mao Li Kogoro first.

In addition, the two of them often bump into each other while having dinner, and they can always bump into each other at crime scenes. If Jiang Xia has something wrong, he usually talks about it at those times.

What worries Conan even more is that Jiang Xia actually called Kudo Shinichi's account - as a fake child who is very afraid that Jiang Xia will accidentally reveal his identity in front of Mao Lilan, Conan usually pays great attention to this, and also knows that Jiang Xia is interested in Mao Lilan. The numbers of "Kudo Shinichi" and "Edogawa Conan" are strictly distinguished, so there is no chance of dialing by mistake.

So what's going on now? Could it be that Jiang Xia encountered something during the commissioning process and had no time to look at her phone clearly, so she dialed a number at random?

...What kind of vicious criminal must be to cause Jiang Xia to have such an experience? A retired free fighting champion?

Or some cunning criminal noticed Jiang Xia's weakness and first created a car accident or explosion to weaken him?

As a senior member of the Persecution Paranoia, a thrilling picture of T flashed through Conan's mind.

When he was alert, Belmode was also startled on the other side of the phone at first, and then felt like a thunder struck in his heart - this was the voice of the cool guy when he was a child!

To learn to fake a voice, especially someone like her who can accurately imitate various voices of men, women, old and young, requires a lot of talent.

And Belmod is obviously a genius in this area, she is very sensitive to human voices. Nearly ten years ago, her identity as "Sharon Wynyard" was still there, and she was a good friend of Kudo Yukiko. At that time, she had met the young version of Kudo Shinichi. Naturally, she had heard this saying a lot, and she loved to imitate adults' reasoning. child's voice.

In an instant, the pieces of information that Belmode had mastered came together like a puzzle. As someone who knew the true function of APTX4869, she instantly formed a conjecture in her mind.

"...Hello?" Conan didn't hear a reply for so long, his voice became obviously wary, and he began to wonder if the person holding the phone was Jiang Xia.

Belmode was interrupted by his voice, recovered from the surprise and astonishment, and smiled in a good mood.

Then she changed into Mao Lilan's voice without being offended, and said sweetly: "'This number'... So you have another number? Why didn't you tell me?"

Conan's steps suddenly stopped.

He walked on the street, listening to the energetic laughter of the naughty children around him, but a layer of cold sweat broke out on his back - Xiaolan called "Kudo Shinichi", and the person who answered the phone was Conan, but she was completely Instead of asking, he jokingly brought up the topic of another account...

Even if she guessed that Kudo Shinichi = Conan and was not surprised by it, the "other number" itself was a big problem - in order to prevent Mao Lilan from suddenly calling Kudo Shinichi and causing the identity to be revealed, Conan did not give it to Mao Li at all. Lan left her phone number.

When he contacted Mao Lilan as Kudo Shinichi, he usually used email.

Even if the call is made, the call is made from a public phone.

But what "Mao Lilan" said just now... it was as if she had saved Kudo Shinichi's account number, and Kudo Shinichi should also know this!

Besides, even if you forget all of this...why would Xiaolan use Jiang Xia's mobile phone to contact him? And didn't she go to a concert? The background sound on the other side of the phone is so quiet now. Let alone a concert, it doesn't even sound like being outdoors in the city...

Countless thoughts flashed through Conan's mind. Perhaps it was due to his strong logical thinking or the wonderful telepathy between his childhood sweethearts. He instantly came to a conclusion that made his hair stand on end.

——The person talking to him opposite is not Mao Lilan at all!

That guy also has a voice changer? ...By the way, I heard from my mother that someone can simulate and change the voice. This also means that the person on the opposite side must have heard Mao Lilan speak... What on earth is going on? ?

Conan's cold sweat had soaked a layer of his clothes, but he could only pretend to be calm and spoke in a child's tone:

"I don't have another number. My phone is broken, so I borrowed someone else's. I was playing with my classmates... Well, wasn't Sister Xiaolan attending a concert? Why did she suddenly go to Brother Jiang Xia? Yours Is your phone broken too?”

While speaking, he took out another mobile phone belonging to "Conan" and tentatively sent a message to Suzuki Sonoko.

He remembered that Suzuki Yuanzi and Mao Lilan went to the concert together. If something happened to Mao Lilan, Suzuki Yuanzi would definitely be able to detect the abnormality... I hope she has not been silenced.

Belmode listened to the voice of the child on the other side of the phone who was pretending to be calm, and laughed briefly. It was quite cute, and he was actually pretending to be young.

Having said that, she originally thought that by using angel's voice on Uzo's phone to contact the cool guy, she could see the fluctuations in the friendship boat between the children... But now it seems that she has just said a word, and she has already been exposed. .

He is truly a cool guy.

In addition, there was another thing that caught Belmod's attention.

The words that the mini version of cool guy said when he answered the phone were not in the protracted tone of a child, but in the tone of "Kudo Shinichi".

This was far beyond Belmod's expectation - Uzo not only knew that "Kudo Shinichi is still alive", but also knew that he had become smaller.

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