Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 339 The fickle woman

"Failure to silence" and "the person being silenced not only survived but also underwent changes beyond mainstream technology" are two completely different things.

The former can also be regarded as Uzo felt that even if the cool guy was alive, he would not be able to fight against the organization on his own, so he left the cool guy alone for some reasons.

But in the latter case, it would be too surprising for Uzo to let the cool guy run around again.

No member of the organization should hide such an important thing... This "good seedling" that Gin is optimistic about is indeed very good in some aspects. Tsk, poor Gin.

But, having said that, is Fa Xiao's relationship so strong...

Belmode recalled the process of contact with Kudo Shinichi when he was a child. At that time, Kudo Shinichi often talked about his beautiful classmate Mao Lilan, but he never mentioned anything related to Uzo. Even if these two people are neighbors, they probably didn't have much friendship when they were young, but now...

She always felt that there might be something hidden in it that she didn't know about.

Belmod shook his head and decided to investigate more carefully. This time, she said that she had checked Wu Zuo, but in fact she focused all her energy on the missing cool guy, and all her knowledge of "Jiang Xia Tongzhi" was incidental.

On the phone, Conan was still dragging his voice like a kid who didn't deserve a beating, nervously stalling for time and trying to talk.

Belmod teased his godson a few words and hung up the phone. After that, she conveniently stole the mini-Kudo Shinichi's number and the "Edogawa Conan" number - if she guessed correctly, she thought she would find a chance to call "Edogawa Conan" next time, and the other person would still only know Came the voice of mini cool guy.

On this trip, Belmod got more than he expected, and he even enjoyed looking at Jiang Xia a lot.

She deleted the two call records, threw Jiang Xia's cell phone back on the bed, left the mess behind, and left briskly.

As the elevator went down, Belmod walked out of the hotel door and walked out onto a street in the evening breeze.

During this process, it seemed that the cool air gradually sobered her up. When she reached the red light intersection, she slowly stopped.

Belmod turned around and stared up at the hotel building dozens of meters away, frowning in thought - alcohol can easily affect people's judgment. Uzo has a good relationship with cool guy and angel, how can this be a reason to let him stay with them?

Although Uzo is now taking the initiative to help cool guy cover up, no one knows how long his rare kindness can last for a man who has been plunged into darkness.

Even...even the so-called "goodwill" was just an optimistic guess made by her in a semi-drunk state.

After all, judging from the gin and vodka provided, Uzo's mental state was much different from ordinary people.

In other words, he did not report Kudo Shinichi to the organization. Maybe it had nothing to do with friendship at all. He simply thought that "adults become smaller" was interesting, so he wanted to keep Kudo Shinichi by his side for more observation. Or maybe the very fact of "carrying out small tricks privately without telling the organization" can bring him pleasant stimulation.

...If this is really the case, then to Uzo, cool guy is just a rare toy.

Once the existence of the toy is on the verge of being exposed and thus endangering Uzo himself, he may destroy the person's body in order to protect himself and achieve the ending of "Kudo is dead" that he has repeatedly emphasized before.

Belmod thought of this, and then thought about what he had just done: using Uzo's mobile phone to call Mao Lilan and Kudo Shinichi, and using their voices to tease and test respectively...

A layer of cold sweat slowly broke out behind her: "Belmode" had no apparent connection with Kudo Shinichi and Mao Lilan, so it was difficult for Uzuo to think of her true purpose. In other words, when Uzuo wakes up and recalls this incident, he can go to Kudo Shinichi and Mao Lilan to find out the details...

Based on all kinds of information, Uzo could only think that Bermod had detected a flaw in his previous reaction in the bar, so he wanted to test Kudo Shinichi's true situation at this time through two phone calls.

...Wouldn't this perfectly satisfy the triggering condition of "Usa kills Kudo Shinichi" that she just speculated!

Thinking of this, Belmod's eyes changed drastically. After a moment, she suddenly turned around and walked back to the hotel.

At the same time, she instinctively touched her bag with the poison capsule.

...To be honest, whether Usa is "well-intentioned" or "finds Kudo Shinichi interesting", they are actually just her speculations. Before verification, it is difficult to tell which is the truth. Even if she checked, even if it was the same fact, people's thoughts were ever-changing. Unless she could read minds, there was no way to determine Uzo's true attitude.

What's more, she has no time to verify it carefully now - once Uzo wakes up, he will immediately be aware of his current situation, and then take some actions that Belmod cannot predict. If it was the worst case scenario, she had no guarantee that she could stop Kudo Shinichi before he was killed.

So for her, the safest way is to kill Uzo now that he is incapacitated.

...Although she feels a little sorry for that child, she also has something that she must protect.

Belmod shook his head imperceptibly while thinking.

She actually felt hesitant when she thought of killing Uzo... He was just a member of the organization she had just met. She hadn't had any serious contact with the organization for a long time, and she was so soft-hearted.

After Belmod left, Jiang Xia lay on the bed for a while and found that Belmod did not immediately respond. He then sat up from the bed and stuffed the things that had just been dug out back into the corresponding pockets one by one.

He smoothed his clothes and wanted to leave, but suddenly he remembered something and walked to the window again, peeking out from behind the curtains.

I just happened to see Belmod, dressed as "Ogata-sensei", dazed at the street corner for a moment, and then walked back to the hotel.

Jiang Xia: "..."

What a tenacious person...

According to his observation, although the aura is very metaphysical, its impact is not illusory at all, but real.

Its mode of action is not to simply and crudely change a person's mind, but to make the affected person change his or her way of thinking, pick out various advantages from Jiang Xia, and continuously amplify them...

In layman's terms, this is almost the same principle as "beauty is in the eye of the beholder".

And once the target has an excellent impression of Jiang Xia under the influence of the aura, then even if the aura disappears, as long as Jiang Xia does not do anything that will ruin the person's outlook, that impression will still remain for a long time, or even exist forever. . The goodwill that has risen will not fall because of the "disappearance of aura" itself.

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