Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 349 The Anonymous Organization is So Terrifying

Toru Amuro didn't pay much attention at first.

But a few tenths of a second later, as the image was completely formed in his mind, he quickly turned his head, knocked out the staff member who had just woken up next to him with a knife, and then moved the monitor forward a little.

I saw a child wrapped in a scarf, coming down from the same floor as Belmode to the lobby, and then left immediately after her.

Toru Amuro took a closer look and his expression became serious - this was the child who had stabbed him with an anesthetic needle. At the same time, in his mind, he was also a major suspect in puncturing his tire.

...Why is this kid targeting Belmode?

What is the purpose of him, or the person behind him?

Toru Amuro fell into deep thought. Speaking of which, what Belmod and "Toru Amuro" have in common is that they are both members of the organization... and both have blond hair and look like foreigners... This kid hates foreigners?

If the answer to this question is no, it means that the scarf child is not targeting appearance, but organization... Thinking of this possibility, Toru Amuro frowned slightly.

He has always attached great importance to keeping his identity confidential, and Belmod has just arrived here not long ago and is good at disguise.

If the kid wearing the scarf is really targeting the black organization because of their affairs, then the intelligence source behind him is really shocking.

Next to him, Conan noticed the anomaly in the surveillance faster than Tohru Amuro.

Even before Toru Amuro rewinds the tape, he recognizes it is Haku.

This has nothing to do with observation ability. In fact, the number of times Conan has seen Xiaobai and the number of times he has been stabbed innocently are not comparable to Toru Amuro...

Conan was also stunned by this unexpected situation.

But he soon discovered that although Xiaobai's tracking movements were a bit sneaky, he didn't look nervous, nor did he seem to be too hostile to "Teacher Ogata". He seemed to just want to follow up and take a look.

Thinking of this, Conan's expression gradually became complicated, and he had a vague guess.

——Could it be that the disguised person who called to scare him and caused Jiang Xia to lose contact was actually a new member of the Anonymous Organization?

Once this idea pops up, it can't be stopped.

And Conan realized that it could explain all the abnormalities so far.

——There are very few people who can master the skills of disguise and voice change, but if it is someone from Anonymous, it would not be so surprising. After all, there is Wonder Woman in their organization who can jump from cars, buildings, and hug bombs without dying. The upper limit is so high that it is so anti-human, so it is normal to have another disguise technician.

In addition, according to Conan's previous speculation, a group of APTX4869 victims are suspected to be gathered in the anonymous organization. They can also become bigger and smaller. The matter of Conan = Kudo Shinichi is certainly not a secret in their eyes.

Another piece of evidence is that this group of people generally have weird tempers: I heard from people in the Youth Detective Team that the beautiful and elegant anonymous lady is secretly a violent person who likes to hit people; let alone Xiaobai, whoever looks unhappy will be Take an injection first, and if you can't get the result, then give it a try and then take another injection when the person is not prepared. There seems to be no word "discussion" in the dictionary of life.

In this case, it makes perfect sense for one more member to scare Kudo Shinichi and take Jiang Xia away as a prank.

Speaking of which, Anonymous seems to be particularly interested in high school detectives.

They had rescued Hattori, helped Jiang Xia, and investigated Kudo Shinichi's affairs before. Now, the new member with a bad personality met Jiang Xia by chance and wanted to put on a vest and play with the high school detectives, or take him back to see him. Look, it's not unreasonable... Xiaobai followed "Ogata-sensei" without hostility, perhaps just to keep an eye on her and prevent her from going too far.

...Well, reasonable, all the details are very reasonable.

Otherwise, Conan couldn't think of anyone other than that mysterious and weird anonymous organization who would do such a puzzling thing without malice.

In this way, there should be no need to worry too much about Jiang Xia's safety - to take a step back, even if "Teacher Ogata" is not a member of the Anonymous organization, if Xiaobai is following him, it means that the Anonymous people know about it, and according to their "Save High School" According to the traditional custom of "producing detectives", if something happens to Jiang Xia, they will help at a critical moment.

Thinking of this, Conan breathed a sigh of relief and felt much less stressed.

He was thinking about whether to tactfully remind Toru Amuro to prevent the boss from worrying about his employees.

But when he turned around, he saw that Toru Amuro seemed to have already made plans for the next step, and he was typing on his phone as fast as he could.

"...Do you have an idea of ​​​​looking for someone?" Conan was slightly surprised. At this time, he remembered again that Toru Amuro found this hotel alone in a short period of time, even faster than Dr. Agasa's black technology... He didn't know how he investigated.

Toru Amuro seemed to sense his doubts and smiled softly: "Private detectives always have some methods of their own."

As he said that, he sent the edited message to his subordinates at the police station: [Go and adjust the preventive surveillance on the north section of the main entrance of Cupido No. 1 Hotel. Don’t come forward for independent surveillance. Leave it to the informants for investigation. Target: [Image] [image]]

Conan originally wanted to follow Toru Amuro to observe the "private detective method" and learn some social experience that high school detectives lack.

However, Toru Amuro didn't seem to have any interest in preaching. He refused Conan's request to watch, left Conan to Dr. Agasa who was guarding near the hotel, and then walked away alone.

It is not easy to find an organization member who is good at disguise and has certain anti-reconnaissance habits.

Coupled with the lack of personnel late at night, some stores have also turned on automatic alarm devices, making it difficult to do many things.

It wasn't until the next day that Toru Amuro used his "private detective method" to find the general destination, and further refined it to lock in the specific location.

The above is the reason why Jiang Xia saw Amuro Teru appearing nearby after leaving the Bermod house.

Toru Amuro rushed all the way to the downstairs of the apartment where Belmode was staying temporarily.

After entering the room vigilantly, he found that the scene in the room was almost completely opposite to what he had imagined.

——There is no figure of Jiang Xia here at all. Instead, Bellmode is sitting on the ground beside the bed in disheveled clothes. In one hand, she is holding the small mobile phone that was hidden under her body before being searched, and in the other hand, she is in a mess. Wrapped in bandages and handcuffed to the bedside.

This embarrassed look made Toru Amuro's eyes light up.

However, before he could go up and strike the person with a knife, and send the person to the police through one-stop service, he saw Bellmod looked up at him, and then said to the other side of the phone: "No, it's Bourbon."

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