Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 350 Belmode, you are so good at cooking

Toru Amuro took a closer look at the screen of Belmod's mobile phone and found that the call was indeed on. He could only give up the idea with a little disappointment.

Although he didn't know why such a scene appeared in the room, he realized that if he had come earlier, he might have caught a nice big fish. But in that case, Jiang Xia would also be suspected and investigated by the organization... Tsk, if I had known that Bellmode would overturn Jiang Xia so badly, I shouldn't have made that call to Gin yesterday. Gin was busy with everything. Without help, the information that "Belmod and Jiang Xia are together" was in vain...

Toru Amuro didn't think the current situation was caused by Gin.

In his opinion, Belmode's importance to Gin was definitely higher than that of an ordinary member. So if Gin had come looking for someone, Belmod's situation would not be as embarrassing as it is now, so there is only one truth - this is Jiang Xia's masterpiece.

...Why doesn't Jiang Xia cuff her other hand and let this scourge of society starve to death here...or at least prevent her from making phone calls, so that he can manipulate and get people to the police station... Amuro Tooru is deeply sorry.

In the bedroom, Belmod hung up the phone and looked at Toru Amuro with slight vigilance.

She always felt that Bourbon seemed unfriendly, and it even made her feel a little bit of danger just now.

But then she thought about it. According to the information she found not long ago, Uzo is now working part-time in a Bourbon store. Bourbon, a lone wolf who is also said to be a mystic, finally managed to recruit a suitable employee, but she was passed over halfway. Take it away... Let's not talk about whether Uzo is a useful employee. The fact that she provokes the people in the office is a cruel insult to Bourbon. It is normal for him to have this attitude.

Belmode put down his cell phone and continued to untie the knotted bandages on his right hand that were tied by Jiang Xia as if nothing had happened. He looked at Toru Amuro calmly: "You're late. He just left not long ago."

After a pause, she said casually: "It is not the behavior of a gentleman to stand by and watch a lady's plight - you are already here, why don't you open the lock for me?"

Toru Amuro did not step forward, but after a moment of silence, he suddenly asked: "Have you ever had a puncture in your tire?"

Belmod: "...?"

Is this a warning? hint?

…what is bourbon referring to with tires?

In the stairwell on the same floor, Jiang Xia, who was eavesdropping remotely with a ghost, hesitated slightly.

He made some connections based on the cause and effect, and found that Toru Amuro suddenly asked this question, perhaps because he found the hotel's surveillance and saw Xiaobai at the same time as Belmod.

...The terrible intuition was that he connected the tire with Xiaobai so quickly. It was clear that Xiaobai had never approached Toru Amuro's car in front of him.

Jiang Xia felt a little guilty at first, but then became calm again - what does what the little white puppet does have to do with his true body? As we all know, even the Black Feather family's disguise technique cannot completely disguise a person as a child.

So Xiaobai is Xiaobai, and Jiangxia is Jiangxia. They are two completely different individuals... In addition, Xiaobai is a metaphysical puppet who can disappear and escape anytime and anywhere. Even if he bites a tire in front of Toru Amuro, he will not How about the law.

What's more, so far, Toru Amuro has not discovered the connection between Xiaobai and "Jiang Xia", but more connected Xiaobai and Tire.

When he thought of this, Jiang Xia immediately felt relieved and continued to eavesdrop.

Unfortunately, Belmod and Toru Amuro don't seem to have much in common.

Toru Amuro asked a few questions, but failed to get a decent answer, so he walked out again without going to help Belmod open the handcuffs.

Jiang Xia hid deep in the corridor before Amuro Toru left.

After the car downstairs drove away, he went back downstairs and left quietly.

Jiang Xia took a detour, emerged from an alley halfway, and walked towards the subway station.

As soon as he walked out of a street, the familiar sound of racing came from behind again. The car drove closer and closer, and finally stopped next to him with a crunch.

Toru Amuro glanced at Jiang Xia from the car window and nodded to him.

According to common sense, Jiang Xia should open the door and get in the car at this time, and then the two of them quickly leave before the traffic police arrive.

However, Jiang Xia did not move. Instead, he looked at his car first, and then looked at him slightly warily.

Toru Amuro was startled at first, and then he soon felt that he understood - a person learns from every experience. It must be that Bellmode's skills in refreshing the worldview have left such a deep impression on Jiang Xia. Now Jiang Xia suspects everyone who sees it. Pretended by others.

Thinking of this, Toru Amuro pulled his face to indicate that there was no disguise on it: "Get in the car first, the patrolling traffic police will be here soon."

Jiang Xia could barely distinguish a hint of ruddy color on his face after being pulled - a characteristic that the disguise did not possess - before opening the door and catching a ride that was much faster than taking the subway.

Toru Amuro drove away before the traffic police turned into this street and asked, "What's going on?"

Although he has roughly pieced together what happened, he still wants to hear Jiang Xia's perspective.

Jiang Xia shook her head: "I met Teacher Ogata yesterday. She is usually a bit unconventional, but she is very nice. I went to have a few drinks with her, and then..."

"..." Amuro Toru listened and felt that something was not right.

Jiang Xia is actually pretty good at judging people. In other words, is his "Teacher Ogata" a scumbag who can act like "when he meets a student on the road, he actively invites the student to a bar and makes him drink"?

...Well, the issue of pouring alcohol needs to be discussed. According to Belmod's cunningness, she might order something that doesn't look like strong liquor to deceive people. But this shows that "Ogata-sensei" is at least a person who can lure underage students into bars... Hehe, this is a cancer in society. I need to ask my colleagues to check it out when they have time.

After adding a random item to his work schedule, Toru Amuro asked again: "Then what? What didn't she ask you?"

Jiang Xia pressed her forehead and thought for a while:

"Asked some detective-related things. Ogata... The person pretending to be Mr. Ogata said that Gin had used APTX4869 on Kudo Shinichi before - the high school detective who disappeared a while ago. But this kind of The drug is still in the experimental stage and cannot be 100% fatal, and Kudo Shinichi's death was confirmed by Shirley, who has defected, so the authenticity cannot be guaranteed, so she suspects that the detective is not actually dead and has kept in touch with me to this day."

Toru Amuro listened carefully and did not immediately connect the missing Kudo Shinichi with the witty elementary school student with glasses.

After all, "adults become smaller" is not a possibility that can be immediately thought of for people like him who believe in science.

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