Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 355 Pisk: This detective is my achievement (two together

Chapter 355 Pisk: This detective is my achievement (two chapters in one)

The purple commemorative handkerchief he had just received was placed on the muzzle of the gun by Pisk to cover up the possible fire at the moment of shooting.

Jiang Xia estimated the angle and felt that the timing was perfect and there was no need for an unknown photographer to appear.

So before the reporter pressed the shutter, he dispersed the puppet, and his consciousness returned to his real body standing next to the Memu Police Department.

Almost at the same time, a shutter click sounded, and a dazzling flash of light erupted in the room.

The host was startled, then quickly laughed and said: "It seems that everyone likes Director Shigemaki's collection, but you can't take pictures of the slides with the flash on."

There was a burst of echoing laughter from the crowd.

Pisk, who was taking aim, moved his ears and noticed the movement in front of the banquet hall.

But he was quite far away from there, and with the host trying to smooth things over, Pisk's train of thought was also led astray. He thought the camera was facing the wall in front of him, not him, so he didn't take it to heart and continued to focus on the work in front of him.

He pointed the muzzle of the gun at the light chain of the heavy chandelier and pulled the trigger.



The sound of gunfire and the sound of breaking chains sounded almost simultaneously.

Pisk completed his task, smiled silently, and hid the gun again.

In the darkness, Conan anxiously rushed to Councilor Tunkou's side based on the impression he had before turning off the lights. But suddenly I heard those two strange noises.

He intuitively felt something was wrong, and when he was wondering what the noise was, a huge smashing sound came from ahead.

The crisp sound of broken glass, the twisting of metal, and the unpleasant muffled sound that makes one's teeth hurt - combined with the location where the sound came from, Conan suddenly remembered the huge crystal hanging quietly on the top of the banquet hall. chandelier.

Did the lamp fall off?

...It won’t hit anyone.

Others in the banquet hall also fell into panic, especially those who were near the chandelier.

Desperately trying to escape from this blindness, they yelled in the direction of the staff in the dark: "Turn on the lights!"

Before the lights were turned on, a purple handkerchief fluttered down in mid-air, with a faint smell of gunpowder, and covered Conan's head.

Conan grabbed it confused.

At this time, as the staff pressed the light switch, lights in all directions in the banquet hall suddenly turned on. The suddenly brightened environment made Conan squint his eyes.

Before he could take a closer look at the handkerchief, a scream came from the side, followed by another.

Looking around, I saw a luxurious chandelier with a diameter of two to three meters falling to the ground, scattering glass shards all over the floor.

Under the chandelier, there was a man who was still staring at death - Councilor Tunkou. His entire body was buried under the chandelier, with only his head exposed. His eyes were wide-eyed, blood was constantly leaking from his mouth and nose, and countless wounds were stabbed on his back by the diamond-shaped decoration on the chandelier. A pool of blood formed under him and grew larger and larger.

Jiang Xia looked from a distance and saw a shikigami floating out from under the chandelier, passing through the crowd with resentment, and hanging on Pisk's lap.

...The first ghost has been found.

He calmly withdrew his gaze and looked at the Memu Police Department next to him.

Memu Police Department was also shocked. After he came to his senses, he took out his ID and shouted: "I am Memu from the Metropolitan Police Department! Please stay where you are and don't move!"

Several police officers who were among the crowd looking for suspicious people also reacted. Together with the staff, they quickly stepped forward and removed the chandelier, revealing the somewhat deflated Councilor Tunkou below.

Officer Sato approached and knelt down, probed the congressman's neck, and whispered to his colleagues: "...I'm out of breath."

The police department strode towards the corpse.

After taking two steps, he suddenly remembered something and turned back to look for his little brother who was good at solving crimes.

But Jiang Xia, like other people who didn't know the situation, was standing cautiously, staring in the direction of the chandelier and Councilor Tunkou.

Realizing that the Memu Police Department was looking at him, Jiang Xia looked at him blankly for a moment. Then, as if he had just remembered that he was a detective, he walked around a few people and walked to the Memu Police Department, intending to follow him to see the crime scene.

"..." Police Department Mu Mu looked down at his slightly shaky steps, and then thinking about his reaction as if he was drunk just now, he raised his chubby hand to stop the person.

...Forget it, let’s take a rest first. Don't suddenly fall asleep and fall on the glass in the middle of checking the scene, otherwise he will have to take time to call an ambulance for this unruly high school student while handling the murder case.

Tsk, when Jiang Xia wakes up, he must pick a strict person to take him to the police station for ideological education.

With this thought in mind, the Megure Police Department's eyes fell on Sato Miwako.

Then he nodded secretly: Well, when choosing candidates for ideological education, you must first exclude yourself, a subordinate who has become accustomed to Jiang Xia's "definitely next time" and will even help him cover up...

The scene was quite chaotic, but one thing was very consistent.

Everyone who was questioned by the police claimed that this was an accident and asked the police to immediately lift the blockade and let them leave - the celebrities did not want to have anything to do with the police.

Jiang Xia has no interest in the quarrel between adults without ghosts.

He casually looked at Conan and Haiyuan Ai, and saw that Haiyuan Ai was also looking at him.

The two sides looked at each other, and Hui Yuan Ai's face turned pale, he quickly looked away, and pressed the hat on his head rather guiltily.

Jiang Xia told her to stay at home, but she not only ran out of the door, but also tried to stop the organization's mission, which was suspected to be related to Jiang Xia...

Having never seen anyone directly before, Huihara Ai just felt confused.

Now that they looked at each other, her conscience suddenly ached. She felt like the snake in the story that was picked up by the farmer and hidden in his clothes after freezing, but then bit the farmer after regaining its body temperature... Even though she had her own reasons, she ran away. It's too much to come and cause trouble for Jiang Xia.

She nudged Conan, who was meditating, with her elbow and urged this trouble-making detective to leave together.

Now that he has failed to stop the assassination, Haiyuan Ai feels that there is no need for him to stay here any longer. If he delays it any longer, it will only further cause chaos to Jiang Xia. The member of the organization responsible for the assassination has now completed the task and must have more energy. Looking around, if that happens to be someone who has seen her...

Conan did not notice the brief exchange between the two neighbors.

He came back from his thoughts and followed Haihara Ai towards the door of the banquet hall.

Of course, Conan didn't want to go home, but the clues he collected in the banquet hall just now gave him new ideas.

He planned to go to the register at the door and check who had received the purple handkerchief. Although there was no clear evidence yet, Conan felt that this would be a breakthrough.

Once you catch a member of the organization, you can ask him about the organization's information, and then find an opportunity to kill all these men in black, get APTX4869, and research its antidote... When Conan thinks of this, his motivation continues to +1 +1+1.

Because a murder had just occurred, the police sealed off the hall and prohibited guests from leaving.

But the two children who "wanted to go to the bathroom" were not suspected.

Haibara Ai and Conan were released smoothly.

The moment they opened the door, both the two of them and the policeman guarding the door were shocked. Outside the banquet hall, a large group of reporters had blocked up. As the door opened a crack, a flood of questions swarmed in. And enter.

People in the banquet hall were attracted by this movement, and they all frowned and looked at the door.

That also includes Pisk.

His eyes swept over the reporters and quickly fell on the two children by the door, especially the little girl among them.

——The flashlight outside the door undulated like waves. The little girl seemed to be very afraid of the camera. She subconsciously turned aside and faced the inside of the banquet hall, revealing most of her beautiful mixed-race face.

That face made Pisk stunned, and he suddenly felt a strong sense of déjà vu.

Looking at the few strands of hair hanging down from the edge of the hat, the special color made a name suddenly pop into his mind - Miyano Shiho.

Pisk was familiar with Miyano Shiho's parents in his early years. He once heard them mention the mysterious drug that was still under development, and he also met Miyano Shiho when he was a child.

Coupled with Gin's previous instructions to "capture Shirley", Pisk's breathing suddenly became heavy and he realized that he seemed to have discovered a huge achievement.

——Capturing the defected Shirley and catching Shirley as an experimental subject cannot be equated in value at all.

He took out the laptop in his arms with slight excitement, quickly tapped the keyboard with his fingers, and entered "Sherry" in the organization's database.

Pressing Enter, a piece of information about Shirley was refreshed on the screen, with a clear ID photo in the upper right corner.

Pisk looked at the photo, recalling the little girl's face he had just glimpsed, and smiled a little.

What luck...

He closed the computer and leaned toward the door calmly.

Judging from the atmosphere in the banquet hall, the police will not be able to stop this group of celebrities for long, and he will soon find an opportunity to go out.

...If the celebrities are not strong enough, the worst they can do is lose their face and fall to the ground, and the police will probably not dare to forcibly detain a seventy-year-old man.

While Pisk was thinking about the steps to capture Shirley.

In the corner of the banquet hall, a line of sight silently followed his back, the gaze was warm and full of expectation.

Although there are many reporters at the door, fortunately they don't care about children - young children cannot provide much useful information, and they may be attacked by public opinion if they are forced to interview.

As a result, Conan and Haibara Ai were ignored by the media and successfully squeezed out of the gap between people.

After passing through the crowd of reporters blocking the door, the two children let out a sigh of relief.

Huihara Ai was about to leave, but after taking two steps, he felt that no one was following him.

When I turned around, I found Conan lying on the registration table next to the banquet hall, talking quietly to the staff with his head raised.

I don’t know what he actually said. When Haihara Ai walked back, he saw the staff brought up a roster, opened it to a certain page, and then smiled gently at Conan:

"There are still a few people who have left early, and now there are only seven people holding purple handkerchiefs - actually, don't worry if you can't find the owner. If they find that the handkerchief is lost and want to get it again, they will come to us. "

Conan thanked him and leaned over to take a look.

Soon, his eyes stopped somewhere and he was slightly startled.

Hui Yuan Ai looked along and saw Jiang Xia's name on the paper.

Her fingers in her pocket trembled guiltily, and she forced her tone to calm down: "Why are you checking this?"

Conan was also surprised to see Jiang Xia's name at this time, but he didn't think much about it for the time being, he just thought it was a coincidence.

He carefully memorized the seven names on this page and planned to tell Haibara Ai his reasoning.

But before he could say anything, he heard the already noisy sound at the door of the banquet hall become louder again, and suddenly there were countless overlapping excited shouts of "Let's go!" "Come out!"

This kind of commotion made Haihara Ai, Conan, and even the staff in front of the registration desk unable to help but look over.

As soon as he reached his sight, he saw that the blockade was lifted, and a group of people in suits and ties rushed out of the door impatiently, wanting to leave the banquet hall where someone had just died.

——The police still failed to stop this group of powerful people for too long. They could only let the celebrities leave first, planning to find clues in the future and then find them through the registration book.

People pouring out of the banquet hall wanted to get out as soon as possible. The reporters were eager to stop a few people and ask for details.

As soon as the two sides clashed, the corridor instantly became extremely chaotic.

Haiyuan Ai struggled to avoid a few people who almost stepped on her. When she came to her senses, she had been separated from Conan, and there was no one she knew around.

She was trying to struggle to walk to a less crowded place next to her.

However, at this time, an old man passing by behind bent down to scoop her up, picked her up and ran away. At the same time, the man took out a handkerchief stained with anesthetic agent from his pocket and covered Haiyuan Ai's mouth and nose.

Hui Yuan Ai was frightened and took a deep breath.

Then lost consciousness.

Pisk grabbed the easy achievement and walked quickly into the bathroom.

He put on the cleaner's clothes, hid Haiyuan Ai in the cardboard box, pushed the cleaning cart quickly through the corridor, and headed towards the wine cellar of the old hotel.

This was originally the second plan prepared by the organization - if Councilor Tunkou failed to stand under the chandelier as instructed, they would use this equipment to transport the person away and then slowly slaughter him.

Unexpectedly, it would now come in handy in capturing Shirley.

Someone had just died at Aipido City Hotel, and there were police at the entrance and exit. It would be too risky to take an unconscious child out now.

Pisk then planned to leave the person in the wine cellar for a while, wait for the police to relax, and then find an opportunity to take the person away.

Entering the wine cellar, he threw the unconscious Hui Yuan Ai to the ground, then took off the cleaner's clothes and turned on his laptop. He was just about to send a message to Gin, urging him to come quickly.

But at this moment, Pisk suddenly thought of something.

——When he went out just now, he saw the high school detective who was suspected of having an affair with Shirley, still standing in the corner of the banquet hall and not leaving.

There is so much chaos everywhere now, and it is rare to find such an opportunity, so why not cheat and deal with it together - the young man looks like a good student who will not refuse the old man, and he is also drunk. Although I don’t know why Gin is so afraid of him, there is no harm in giving it a try...

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