Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 356 Uzuo respects the old and loves the young (two chapters in one)

With this in mind, Pisk walked back quickly, worried that if he walked slowly, the drunken Performance No. 2 would leave first.

After the silver-haired old man walked away, a figure came to the locked wine cellar and reached for the door lock.

With a subtle click, the lock spring bounced and the door was pushed open from the outside.

Jiang Xia opened the puppet, walked into the door silently, and then locked the door again with a white key with a strange texture.

After picking up many shikigami, the hardness and fineness of the puppet clay have been greatly improved compared to the original. Jiang Xia no longer has to worry about the slow lock picking.

After locking the door, he casually threw away the makeshift door opening tools, then walked a few steps to the cardboard box with the cleaner's clothes, and threw something into it.

After that, he looked into the cabinet next to him, found a suitable and hidden place, stuffed the puppet in and hung up.

Consciousness temporarily returns to the original body.

In the banquet hall.

Jiang Xia stood by the window and opened her eyes.

The main body had just been facing the window, staring at the deep night outside, pretending to be lost in thought, but actually hanging up - due to the chaos in the corridor outside, he was able to hang here without being disturbed for a long time.

Now that consciousness has returned, Jiang Xia is about to go to the corridor to see the situation.

However, at this moment, through the dark mirror-like window in front of him, he saw a familiar figure approaching from behind.

The two people's eyes met in the "black mirror", and Pisk showed a kind old man's smile.

Jiang Xia turned around and looked at him with some confusion.

Pisk had already calmly slumped his shoulders as he approached, making himself look older and less threatening than usual.

Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed that no one was paying attention here, and he was secretly happy in his heart, but on his face he said with vicissitudes of worry:

"Young man, do you know where the changing room of this hotel is? My granddaughter accidentally spilled wine on her skirt just now and said she was going to change, but she hasn't come back yet."

While Jiang Xia listened, he looked at Pisk from head to toe in a vague way.

Although he had just killed someone, this old bottle of wine already had some murderous aura coming out of him.

Think again about Pisk coming to talk to you out of nowhere...

Jiang Xia had a vague understanding.

He immediately nodded and showed a faint, angelic smile that looked like Mao Lilan: "Don't worry, the security here is good, nothing will happen - I know the location of the locker room, come with me."

With that said, he walked towards the side door, quietly led Pisk out of the banquet hall, and headed towards the empty rooms deep in the corridor.

The two passed through the side door one after the other.

At the same time, at the main entrance of the banquet hall dozens of meters away, Miwako Sato looked at the backs of the two people and was startled.

The deeper into the corridor, the murderous aura on Pisk's body became stronger.

Jiang Xia noticed this and realized that he had guessed correctly - it was probably the message from Gin just now that had misunderstood Pisk, and he seemed to regard "Jiang Xia" as his enemy.

...that's wonderful.

As a member of the organization, he couldn't attack Pisk without looking for trouble.

But if it was Pisk who made the first move, it would be very reasonable for him to instinctively defend himself and strike a few times.

After these few blows, a qualified and cautious organization member should think: teammates suddenly attack him for no reason in a place with many police... This situation may occur because the teammate is actually an undercover or a traitor. Trying to cooperate with the police around you is detrimental to yourself.

In this way, wouldn't it be more reasonable to drag Pisk to a place where no one is around and beat him a few more times, and torture him to find out his true purpose...

Jiang Xia quickly led Pisk through the corridor, turned a slight corner, and came to an empty locker room.

In order to reassure Pisk, he knocked on the door a few times and politely waited for the "granddaughter" inside to open it on her own.

Pisk listened to the occasional footsteps in the corridor, and like a grandfather who was worried about his granddaughter, he anxiously urged: "Go in and take a look."

This kind of behavior of letting a strange man open the door of my granddaughter's dressing room without opening the door myself is actually a bit inconsistent if you think about it.

But Jiang Xia tolerated this and ignored it for the sake of his murderous intent.

He turned the doorknob and stepped inside.

Pisk looked at this naive young man who took the elderly lightly, with a sneer on his lips, and a hint of pride as an experienced elder.

He straightened his back again and regained the appearance of a strong organizational cadre. At the same time, he strode into the house and struck Jiang Xia on the back of the neck with a palm, intending to knock him unconscious and then transport him to the wine cellar to deal with it with Shirley.

However, the actual situation was slightly different from his perfect script.

——Just when he was about to hit the target, the detective in front of him shifted his body strangely and let his hand pass. At the same time, he reached back with his backhand and grabbed Pisk's collar very skillfully.

Pisk was stunned.

Before he had time to think about it, he was already flying into the air like a sack. Like countless other senior criminals, he drew the same trajectory in the air, made the same noise on the ground, and made the same sound from his mouth. Howled out the same scream.

...The only advantage is that compared to other criminals who know nothing about fighting, Pisk has received some professional training. He protected his vital points in time and was not knocked unconscious immediately.

But the situation did not get better.

In fact, after a few seconds, Pisk had a vague illusion that not being knocked unconscious was not an advantage, but a disadvantage.

——While falling to the ground, he felt Jiang Xia loosen his collar. However, before he could get up, someone suddenly stepped firmly on his back. Immediately afterwards, there was a "click" sound of something stretching out.

Pisk looked through the gap in the arm protecting his face and saw Jiang Xia pulling out a pitch black stick from nowhere while locking the door.

Pisk looked at this smooth movement: "..."

...No, when he was in the banquet hall before, he checked it out when he had nothing to do - Jiang Xia didn't have any messy certificates in karate, judo, taekwondo, etc. His resume looked more like someone who was not good at fighting. A detective known for his brainpower, which is also in line with Jiang Xia's external image.

Shouldn't this kind of person be slapped down when faced with an attack from behind? ! Why……


Pisk screamed, and his chaotic thoughts were interrupted by the severe pain in his body.

He rolled around on the ground, trying to get away, but the stick kept knocking down at a speed denser than the rainstorm and heavier than the thunder... This detective actually dared to beat an old man in his seventies like this! Pisk's confusion was gradually forced away by the pain, and his heart began to be filled with anger and a hint of fear.

He, he wouldn't die here in such a funny way. It is said that when people are drunk, their sanity declines and it is difficult to control the severity of their attacks. It is not uncommon for people to die in drunken fights...

At this moment, thinking of the email Gin had sent before, Pisk suddenly felt that he understood what Gin meant.

But at the same time, anger is inevitable.

——If Gin had not just said "Don't provoke him" in a general way, but had made it clear "He's good at hitting people, so don't provoke him", then the person holding the thermal weapon would not have fallen into this situation at all - As a financial tycoon, he is legally qualified to hold a gun, and he happens to have a gun on him!

Pisk thought of this and suddenly grasped a glimmer of hope for survival.

Although this may lead to being targeted by the police, it is better than being inexplicably beaten to death by a drunk detective...

He struggled and reached for the pocket where he hid his gun.

But before he could hold the handle of the gun, there was suddenly a rapid knocking sound at the locked door.

Someone outside the door hesitantly shouted: "...Jiang Xia?"

The stick that kept beating Pisk suddenly stopped in mid-air.

Piske heard Jiang Xia tut slightly with regret.

This gap allowed Pisk to relax a little. He ignored his reserve and took a deep breath: "Help...!"

As soon as he breathed out, Jiang Xia squatted down and pinched his mouth.

This action also showed strange proficiency.

Pisk: "!!!"

Countless cases flashed through his mind, all of which were innocent souls who tried to call for help when they were being tortured, but were strangled to death by the panicked gangsters, or suffocated to death by covering their mouths.

...Gin! Gin! Vodka, and that other member! ! Why haven't you come yet? !

My pig teammates misunderstood me! !

Feeling the decreasing air, Pisk's face turned green, and there was a trace of panic in his eyes that was about to end. No matter how old a person is, he will be afraid of death. Let alone only seventy, if he could, he would even want to live another seven hundred years!

However, what happened next was different from what Pisk thought.

Jiang Xia didn't hold him until he died.

Instead, he picked him up from the ground and quickly and quickly slapped away the faint footprints on his back.

Afterwards, Pisk saw the detective silently fold the special swing stick back into its original shape, put it in his pocket, and then step forward and open the locked locker door as if nothing had happened.

Jiang Xia glanced outside the door and seemed a little surprised: "Officer Sato?"

Miwako Sato did not speak, but tilted her head slightly, looking suspiciously over Jiang Xia's shoulder and into the room.

I saw an old man with white hair squatting in the room, slightly bent over, his face seemed distorted.

This hotel is well soundproofed. After Miwako Sato came over just now and listened through the door for a while, she still couldn't determine what was going on in the room.

But now, seeing the appearance of the old man inside, she suddenly realized that Jiang Xia must be beating people secretly behind the police's back again.

This is of course not legal, but while condemning it, Miwako Sato couldn't help but think: Jiang Xia would not do such a thing for no reason, and his previous experiences have proven that every time, he beat very harmful criminals. ... Could it be that Jiang Xia has found the real culprit who killed the congressman? Is this old man the real culprit? !

Sato Miwako's eyes were serious and she was about to ask more questions.

But at this time, I saw the old man in the room standing up straight with a straight face, and it seemed that there was no big inconvenience in his movements.

Officer Sato hesitated again.

This kind of behavior is completely different from the previous criminals who could only be dragged away by the police, or who immediately rushed towards the police with tears in their eyes... Is the time too short, Jiang Xia has not had time to beat the person to that level of familiarity, or is it? Did she actually misunderstand?

Miwako Sato turned to Jiang Xia: "What's going on?"

Jiang Xia secretly smoothed out the wrinkles on his cuffs: "The old gentleman asked me just now where the dressing room was, so I took him over to have a look."

"..." Officer Sato looked at Pisk's ugly face and didn't believe it.

She leaned towards Jiang Xia and confirmed in a low voice: "Didn't you hit anyone?"

Jiang Xia said "huh?" and looked at her blankly, as if "I don't understand what you are talking about."

Officer Sato suspected that he was playing dumb.

But after a closer look, Jiang Xia seemed to be innocent, so she fell into confusion and didn't know whether to believe it or not.

At this time, Pisk stood up.

Sato was startled and turned to him slightly nervously: "Are you okay?"

"..." Piske wanted to stomp Jiang Xia on the ground and beat her up as he had done before, but a stiff smile appeared on his face, "It's okay, I just asked him to help show the way."

...He heard from the conversation between the two people just now that the woman at the door was a police officer.

Jiang Xia probably sobered up after beating the person and did not dare to tell the police about the beating, so he tried to get away with it.

If it were normal times, Pisk would definitely send this kind of bastard who ignores the law and beats the old man to the police.

But now, once he accuses Jiang Xia of beating him, at his current age, even if he escapes from being charged, the police who are worried about something happening to him will be sent to the hospital or even have someone take care of him.

But now, Pisk has no time to waste on this kind of thing - Jiang Xia can still be left to deal with it later, but the shrunken version of Sherry in the wine cellar cannot be delayed for too long. Pisk had just experienced a severe beating from society, and at this time he was suddenly struck with a tendency to have delusions of persecution. He just wanted to take Shirley away as soon as possible to prevent accidents.

Officer Sato was obviously startled after hearing Pisk's answer. He didn't expect that what he and Jiang Xia said were the same...Jiang Xia really didn't hit anyone this time?

She couldn't help but confirm to Pisk: "Are you really okay?"

Pisk maintained his upper-class image and nodded reservedly.

Because of this movement, his back throbbed a few times.

The corners of Pisk's eyes twitched slightly, and he forced himself to hold it back, planning to leave around Sato.

But the policewoman still stopped him: "You don't need to go to the hospital?"

Piske calmed down and said, "No." He just wanted to leave quickly and go back to the wine cellar to guard Shirley and wait patiently for his companions to respond.

"That's good." Sato Miwako breathed a sigh of relief, and then reached out her hand again to stop Pisk who was about to leave, and showed a professional smile: "Then please come with me - I just need something. Please cooperate with the investigation."

"..." Pisk, who just wanted to escape as soon as possible, "???"

Conan and Haibara Ai are both reserve patients with persecutory paranoia. After he discovered that his friend was missing, he quickly thought of the worst case scenario - Haihara Ai was kidnapped by people from the black organization.

He immediately called the Megure Police Department in Kudo Shinichi's voice and asked the police to detain those who were assigned purple handkerchiefs according to the registration list at the front desk.

According to Conan's reasoning, the assassin sent by the black organization and the person most likely to capture Haibara Ai was probably among these seven...six people.

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