Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 357 Haiyuan Ai: Anonymous must be a goldfish (two together

Chapter 357 Haiyuan Ai: Anonymous must be a goldfish (two-in-one chapter)

Of course, when facing the police, Conan kept part of the truth, only saying that the murderer who killed Councilor Tunkou was probably among the people who were issued purple commemorative handkerchiefs.

The murder of a congressman in full public view is undoubtedly a major case.

Although the police were unable to detain all the guests, they only managed to find seven people to cooperate with the investigation.

Soon, the police officers began to look for the above people based on the list of seven people provided by the front desk.

Although the list does not come with photos of the guests, the people who received the invitation letter to this memorial service are more or less famous, and their faces can be found by searching online.

Just now, Miwako Sato was also looking for someone.

When she passed the banquet hall, she accidentally glanced inside and saw Jiang Xia.

Immediately afterwards, he noticed Pisk who was following Jiang Xia. In Sato Miwako's impression, this old man's name was Kenzo Masayama, and he happened to be one of the seven people who were assigned the purple commemorative handkerchief.

There were seven people in total, and she caught two of them at once.

However, when Miwako Sato crossed the banquet hall and chased from the main entrance to the side entrance, Jiang Xia and the old man had already entered the winding and deep corridor.

Sato got sidetracked at the corner and arrived a little late.

Fortunately, in the end, she found the person in time... Thinking of this, Miwako Sato led the way and couldn't help but take a peek at Pisk who looked like he had just been beaten. She emphasized in her heart, well, in time.

In short, the two people who had been assigned purple handkerchiefs were detained by the police and led to the same room.

In order to prevent his suspiciousness from being exposed, Pisk could only cooperate with the investigation quietly. He looked at Jiang Xia from time to time, his wrinkled face squirming from gritting his teeth, and his face looked ugly as if he had just eaten someone alive.

Different from what Pisk thought was a routine inquiry, this time the police not only refused to let them leave, but also refused to allow them to communicate with the outside world.

Pisk thought of the sherry stored in the wine cellar, and could only feel sorry for Jiang Xia, who had delayed his time, while comforting himself: Fortunately, he locked the door before leaving.

Apart from the door, the only thing that connected the wine cellar to the outside world was a chimney with a width of more than one meter.

An adult might be able to support the inner wall of the chimney and climb up along it, but with Shirley's current size, it's absolutely impossible.

Moreover, Pisk remembered that he was anxious to capture Jiang Xia and left his laptop in the wine cellar.

There is a transmitter installed on that computer.

Now that his communication is blocked, Gin and others will definitely follow the locator to check.

Even before Ginjiu, another member of the unknown organization present would rush over to help clean up... Speaking of which, who is this unknown member? He is so good at paddling, and he agreed to be there at the critical moment. They supported him at all times, but no one was seen the whole time, tui! Tissue borers.

Although his mood had already hit rock bottom, Pisk took an overall look at the current situation and felt that it was not a big problem. At most, he could give some of the credit for what he was about to receive to his teammates... Thinking of this, he reluctantly suppressed his unhappy mood and pulled Open a stool and sit down while waiting for police questioning.

Although the Megure Police Department followed Kudo Shinichi's request and detained relevant suspicious persons.

But after that hasty conversation, he discovered that Kudo Shinichi actually had no next step, and the evidence was far from complete.

But if this is the case, these people won't be detained for too long...

After thinking about it, the eyes of the Mumu Police Department couldn't help but turn to Jiang Xia again.

Among so many guests, there were only seven people who had been given purple handkerchiefs. Unexpectedly, Jiang Xia was one of them.

Since Jiangxia himself meets the characteristics of "being given a purple handkerchief" that Kudo Shinichi cares about, then he may have a better understanding of what this "key point" is because he is among them.

Even though alcohol is harmful to people, Jiang Xia is not in good condition today, but the so-called skinny camel is bigger than a horse... And after thinking about it, the Mumu Police Department felt that based on Jiang Xia's daily performance, his speed in solving crimes is almost like some kind of instinct. , what if he can really see through the murderer's true identity.

The more the police department thought about it, the more they thought it was a joke.

He leaned over and shook Jiang Xia, who was looking out the window with half-open eyes, seemingly admiring the snow scene, back to her senses.

Then he told him in a low voice the cause and effect of today's incident.

Finally, he did not forget to add in a low voice: "If there is anyone among these six people who you think is suspicious, don't say it directly, just tell me secretly."

Those who can sit here, even if they are not wealthy, are at least elites from all walks of life.

If Jiang Xia's reasoning is wrong, it would be too offending.

And if the reasoning is correct... then it will be even more offensive.

The most fearful thing is that the reasoning is correct but no evidence is found. In this way, it always feels like Jiang Xia will soon be accidentally killed because "you know too much".

In short, even if the murderer is to be announced, it will have to wait until the police actually catch him.

Jiang Xia was inexplicably fed a head full of incomplete spoilers for the Mumu Police Department version.

After hearing this, he pondered for a moment and nodded - anyway, he has now found an excuse not to solve the case. No matter what the Memu Police Department says, he can just agree first and then take action.

After fooling the police department, Jiang Xia continued to look out the window.

Looking down from the window here, you can have a panoramic view of most of the road. It would be easier for him to judge the time to sneak away to the wine cellar.

In the wine cellar.

Huihara Ai was gradually awakened by the hard floor.

She raised her hands to cover her eyes in confusion, looking through her fingers at the ceiling, which was higher than that of an ordinary room. When her eyes fell on the old chandelier on the ceiling, countless memory fragments jumped out quickly and joined together, awakening her memory.

Haiyuan Ai suddenly remembered the murder in the banquet hall, and the unknown person who took advantage of the chaos and took her away after the banquet hall was lifted.

She sat up in panic, turned around and found that she was in a strange room.

The room occupies a large area, with old walls and wooden wainscoting with simple patterns on the edges. There are many display cabinets with wine bottles in the middle.

It's a dilapidated wine cellar. At a glance, it seems that there is no one else in the room...

Hui Yuan Ai was looking at it in shock and confusion. At this time, the tips of her ears twitched slightly, and she heard something in her pocket calling her name intermittently.

She reached in and touched it, and took out a thumb-sized, tan badge.

This is a boy detective team badge made by the doctor.

In order to catch Conan today, when she went out, Haihara Ai took the coat hanging at the door.

She has been staying at home for quite some time, and she wore this coat the last time she went out with the elementary school students. She put the badge in her pocket and forgot to take it out.

On the other hand, Conan was too anxious to pry into Gin's car and didn't have time to put on his badge.

After discovering that Haiyuan Ai was missing, Conan first tried to find Jiang Xia in the crowd and asked him to help. But I couldn't find where the Jiangxia people were, and I couldn't get through the phone.

Conan had no choice but to try his luck again and went to the doctor.

Dr. A Li was still driving a Beetle at this time, waiting on the nearby snow-covered street.

Conan asked him to try to contact Haihara Ai's badge, and then he was surprised and lucky to find that Haihara Ai actually carried it.

However, it may be because the badge is running out of power or the signal is poor. The signal point displayed on the screen for this badge, which is supposed to have a positioning function, is floating around from time to time, and it can only be vaguely positioned at the Cupido Hotel. around the city. Its communication function is also subject to certain limitations, and I don't know how long it can last.

In the cellar.

Hui Yuan Ai silently stared at the badge that was shouting from afar. After hesitating for a while, he picked it up and answered a few questions briefly, and told the people in the car what he had observed.

Then she got up, walked to the wine cellar door, raised her hand and turned the doorknob.

Finding that the door was indeed locked, Haiyuan was silent for a moment, losing his focus.

She faced the badge and whispered sadly: "The drug-related information and the organizational information I know are all stored in a hidden folder on the computer. The doctor knows the password. After the organization takes away my body, you can try to use That information to study APTX4869 and its antidote.

"In addition, after this incident, the number of people who know that it has the potential to cause adults to become smaller will also increase. You can no longer be so leisurely in the future. Be careful to hide it and don't implicate Jiang Xia and the doctor... Okay, I have to say it." It’s all said and done, go away and don’t contact me again, you will be implicated.”

"...Wait!" Conan's eyes twitched when he heard this. Affected by the signal, Haihara Ai's words were very intermittent, but the pessimism like his last words was conveyed unabated.

It can't go on like this...

Conan tried hard to enlighten, trying to arouse Haiyuan's desire to live:

"It's not time to give up yet! Jiang Xia was also at Aido City Hotel today. If he later knows that you died next to him, he will definitely start to seriously investigate the matter. With his ability, it won't take long to find out. The organization exists, and the deeper he investigates, the more dangerous things become... Even for him and us, you can't die like this."

Haibara Ai:"……"

The first half of it even made her heart twitch.

In the second half, I gradually became full of things to complain about.

...Every time I think of Conan shouting to find the man in black, and Jiang Xiatian passing by him without him noticing, Haibara Ai always feels that the name "Detective Kudo Shinichi" is misleading. A lot of water.

However, what Conan said still made her have other worries.

——Once the organization discovers that she has been living outside in the form of a child for so long, and that she is clean and tidy and living a good life, the organization will inevitably realize that someone has taken her in.

Regardless of whether it is for confidentiality or simple revenge, the organization will strictly interrogate this. There are so many messy tricks in the organization, as well as things like veritaserum. If she can't survive it and accidentally leaks relevant information...

In Hui Yuan Ai's mind, he slowly thought of the blood-washed Mihua Street, the corpses of acquaintances all over the ground, and his bloody self, and he broke into a cold sweat.

She belatedly realized that the result of being captured by the organization was not just as simple as being "killed" as she had just thought.

... If she wants to avoid the torture of those tortures and not injure the people who helped her, she has only two options now - either die immediately, or find a way to leave alive!

Huihara Ai turned her head slowly and bit by bit, staring at the sharp corner of the table.

After a moment, he silently turned his head and looked at the chimney in the corner.

Then his eyes began to wander back and forth between the corner of the table and the chimney, his eyes flickering and hesitating.

A few meters away, in the shadow of the top floor of the wine cabinet, Miyano Akemi was lying on the spread puppet clay, nervously rubbing her translucent Q-version cuffs from time to time, looking at her as if she could fall from the sky at any time by pressing the hem of her skirt. she.

At the same time, Conan's voice came intermittently from the badge, and he introduced the current situation - the police had detained suspicious persons and prohibited them from using communication tools. As long as the "Pisk" among them is found and captured before the detention time ends, Haihara Ai will be safe for the time being.

Hui Yuan Ai silently listened to these situations, silently felt some kind of dark gaze that seemed to come from heaven, and fell into deep thought.

...Actually, if you have to escape, it doesn't seem impossible.

Her eyes finally stopped on the chimney in the wine cellar. Her little hands stained with floor dust groped into the hidden pocket inside, and slowly held a small box in the pocket.

The chimney in the wine cellar is indeed difficult for children to climb.

But if it’s an adult size…

Hui Yuan Ai gritted her teeth and made up her mind. She took out the box that was slightly heated by her grip, poured out a red and white capsule from it, and swallowed it with difficulty.

This is one of the temporary antidotes for APTX4869.

Late one night before, the child who called himself "Xiao Bai" and rescued her to the doctor's house on the day she defected had climbed onto the window sill of the doctor's house and brought her a bottle of "Lao Baigan'er".

At that time, Xiaobai told her that people who were made smaller by APTX4869 could temporarily return to their adult size by drinking this "Laobaiganer" when they had a cold.

At first, when hearing the name of the wine, Haihara Ai thought it was the wine brewed by Xiaobai's father or grandfather, and therefore suspected that it was actually the result of some staged research on APTX4869 by Anonymous.

After careful investigation, it was determined that this was just a normal wine with a long history. The anonymous people seemed to have discovered its effects accidentally.

In short, based on the wine and information provided by Xiaobai, Haihara Ai developed some temporary antidotes after several experiments.

She didn't tell Dr. Ari and Conan about this. Because Xiaobai also said when delivering the wine that these things must be kept strictly confidential. Even if there are results, the antidote cannot be given to anyone except the anonymous people.

So after Haiyuan Ai achieved some initial results, he kept waiting for Anonymous to come to his door.

In addition, judging from Xiaobai and the anonymous person who looks very much like her sister, the anonymous people seem to have the habit of being elusive, so she usually carries a little antidote with her when she goes out, so that she can hand it over when they meet on a narrow road.

However, after so long, no one came to look for her, and no one climbed into her window in the middle of the night. It was as if they had forgotten about it... The antidote that I brought with me came in handy now. .

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