Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 38 Jiang Xia is a good detective

Director Ochiai is not the owner of the exhibition hall.

The exhibition hall is the property of the bosses.

The old curator was just a migrant worker who had developed personal feelings for his work. Just like the security guard guarding the vault, falling in love with the gold in the vault - this is destined to be a heavy and fruitless love.

If we must regard "demolishing the exhibition hall and converting it into a hotel" as a pot, then at least half of this pot should fall on the back of the former boss who sold the exhibition hall.

However, Director Ochiai's anger was focused on boss Manaka.

...At this time, you can see how dangerous it is to have the poisonous tongue buff in this world.

When Jiang Xia was talking, next to him, the curator's eyes gradually widened like bells.

He didn't know whether he was angry or whether he was finally convinced that Jiang Xia regarded him as a murderer.

Jiang Xia felt that the atmosphere was almost over, so she took out her mobile phone and shook it towards the curator.

On the screen with low pixels, a scene of the curator picking up a pen was being played.

Jiang Xia said sternly: "Surrender yourself. Don't take chances anymore. What you do and the methods you think are hidden will be seen by the people."

Director Ochiai stared at the picture on his phone, and the last trace of confidence in his heart gradually disappeared.

...Not even an hour has passed before and after. The murder plan he had conceived for a long time and rehearsed for more than a week was actually seen through like this? !

Conan, who was eavesdropping on the side, was also shocked.

When they reasoned, they gave evidence step by step and perfected the logic... But when they arrived in Jiangxia, how could they fast-forward to the finale with just one click?

...Also, is the curator really the murderer?

Conan reviewed the known conditions and couldn't figure out how Jiang Xia came to this conclusion.

He originally wanted to ask Jiang Xia if he had any clues that others didn't know.

But the young man's pride made it difficult for Conan to speak.

Conan was torn between self-esteem and curiosity, and suddenly realized that now, he was just a first-grade child.

...The elementary school student asked the high school student a question, what happened?

After thinking about it, Conan suddenly became enlightened.

He walked to Jiang Xia's feet with an obedient look on his face: "Well, can I see your phone?"

Jiang Xia: "..."

... Kudo-san, why are you speaking in such a sudden tone?

Jiang Xia gave him an indescribable look, pressed replay, and handed over the phone.

There is no shady person stored in this phone.

When contacting the winery, Jiang Xia used another mobile phone.

Black and white.

Don't worry, Conan's email from Gin will pop up on his phone halfway through.

The video will be played soon.

Conan faced the darkened screen, rapidly integrating information in his mind.

After a moment, he touched his chin and suddenly realized: "So that's it... the note with 'Kubota' written on it that the police just found was probably written there by the curator in advance. The pen picked up by the deceased should also be the same." A pen that cannot write."

The curator stared at Conan, showing a doubtful expression for a moment.

——Forget it, Jiang Xia is a high school student who looks very smart.


How could even a primary school student see through his key plan so easily? !

His revenge, his art, his exquisite layout...

Is it just a farce at the level of playing house?

Conan returned the phone to Jiang Xia and was about to say thank you obediently again.

But suddenly I heard a vicissitudes of life, extremely complicated sigh.

The two of them turned their heads in confusion.

Then he was shocked to discover that in just a few seconds, the curator looked ten years older.

The curator took a deep look at them and shook his head dejectedly: "Thank you for helping me recognize myself."

Then, under the gaze of two people "?", he walked with haggard steps towards the Megure Police Department who was questioning Kubota, and went to surrender.

The Megure Police Department originally thought that if there was news of death, the murderer must be Kubota.

Unexpectedly, a curator suddenly appeared and surrendered.

The curator briefly told the story of the murder, saying that even a child could see through this method, so the police would find out sooner or later, so it would be better to be dignified and tell the story himself.

Mumu Police Department felt guilty for a while after being praised, and was too embarrassed to ask any more questions.

He glanced in the direction where the curator came from and found Jiang Xia and a little boy wearing glasses standing there.

Therefore, the Mumu Police Department directly excluded primary school students and interpreted the "children" mentioned by the old curator as Jiang Xia.

I thought to myself, it seems that after Kudo Shinichi, I met another outstanding high school detective.

Several police officers quickly took the curator away.

The police also left one after another.

Jiang Xia looked at the police team and followed the Mu Mu Police Department.

When the other person looked back at him in confusion, he took the initiative and said, "I'll take the notes."

Mu Mu Police Department was startled and waved his hand: "Don't be so anxious. It's a bit late today. You can do it tomorrow..."

"We still have plans for tomorrow." Jiang Xia said, "Or is it inconvenient for you to get off work today?"

Mumu Police Department: "That's not true..."

If you suddenly encounter a murder case, you will definitely have to work overtime for a while, and taking notes is also an easy thing.

The Mumu Police Department has never seen such a posture before.

——Those detectives he met before, who were the first to solve the case, disappeared as soon as the transcript was mentioned. It took several urgings before he finally managed to come over.

Having gotten used to that kind of relationship, meeting Jiang Xia again... Mumu Police Department was inexplicably moved.

Brother Jiang Xia is so cooperative with my work.

Detectives across the country are advised to learn from him!

Of course Jiang Xia doesn't like taking notes.

But just now, after collecting evidence at the scene, the body was put into a body bag and sent to the police station.

In other words, the leg-picking god is also in the police station now...

Once the obsession with this kind of thing is released, it will no longer cling to its legs and easily wander to other places.

Jiang Xia was really afraid that she would be late and not be able to find it.

In this way, Jiang Xia successfully sneaked into the police overtime team.

As soon as I walked out of the exhibition hall, a flash of lights came on, and a group of reporters surrounded the door.

Murder cases in this world are very popular.

Jiang Xia dealt with the media unskillfully, as well as a few passers-by who added to the drama without permission.

Ten minutes later, he finally arrived at the police station as he wished.

While Jiang Xia was taking notes, the ghost baby looked around, then sneakily crawled away from its owner, hiding all the way to the morgue.

Jiang Xia glanced at its back silently, wanting to remind it that it didn't have to play so hard - even if the ghost baby walked over with its waist, beating gongs and drums, the police would not see it.

...Sigh, maybe I shouldn’t have shown it so many dramas before.

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