Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 39 Young man, you are possessed

When leaving the police station, the ghost baby dragged a piece of shikigami that was about the same size as itself and ran to Jiang Xia's side.

The curator was arrested, and the resentment of the leg-picking shikigami dissipated a lot, and he was able to completely pull it off from the leg.

Jiang Xia turned into the small street. There was no one around. He bent down and picked up the ghost baby and shikigami.

Before, when the shikigami was lying on the leg of the corpse, there was still a faint outline of facial features on the head.

But now, with the curator's intervention, it has completely turned into an abstract human-shaped piece of paper.

For the soul, the absence of five senses means the complete absence of thoughts.

Now, it's just a paper god with no emotions.

Collecting shikigami doesn't have to be as troublesome as collecting ghost fetuses.

Jiang Xia pricked her fingertip and pressed the blood droplet on it.

There was a touch of blood on Shikigami's body.

The blood red quickly turned to black, and finally rotated and solidified into a floral Z logo.

Jiang Xia held the newly acquired ghost, looked at it with satisfaction for a while, and then put it into the tattoo space in his heart.

The ghost fetus is there, the murderous intention is there, and the shikigami is there.

Although there are very few.

But going from 0 to 1 is a qualitative change and a breakthrough.

Jiang Xia let out a breath of mist, raised the collar of his windbreaker, and walked expressionlessly on the cold streets. I secretly applauded myself.

——After living in this world for so long, I finally look like a psychic.

Jiang Xia originally thought that it would take a while for the other shikigami on the elegant uncle's lap to have results.

Unexpectedly, when he woke up the next day and was debating whether to go to class or work in the office, the police station called and told him that the case of murder by insurance fraud had been resolved.

——Over in Gunma County, strong evidence was found. Someone witnessed the scene where the elegant uncle was carrying the body.

After that, the police followed the clues provided by the witnesses. On the way from the city to the warehouse where the festival firewood was stored, they found a camera installed by the ranger and extracted footage of Uncle Ruya carrying the body.

After Jiang Xia heard this, she put down the phone happily.

Toru Amuro is really useful.

With this kind of thing, Jiang Xia no longer has to worry about today's itinerary.

He got up, took care of himself, and headed to the police station.

At the Metropolitan Police Department, Jiang Xia sent Guiying to find the shikigami on the murderer's leg.

He himself found a place to sit down and looked to the side.

——Ikumi Gunda is here too.

In this case, Gunda Ikumi provided many clues and was an important witness, so the police also notified her.

After finishing the transcript, while the police officers were sorting out the signature materials,

Gunda Ikumi flicked the newspaper in Jiang Xia's hand and muttered: "It seems that I will have a famous detective neighbor soon."


Jiang Xia turned around and saw a huge photo.

——The person above is himself.

The background is yesterday's medieval pavilion.

Last night, when Jiang Xia was blocked by reporters at the door, he didn't say much because he was not proficient in business.

But the curator next to him was very talkative. The police did not stop the old curator. In this world, most cases have no confidentiality.

The curator looked at the camera at that time, thought for a moment, and praised Jiang Xia.

Maybe he suddenly realized that the stronger his opponent, the less embarrassing it would be for him to lose.

In addition, in addition to the curator, the little girl in the kidnapping case was also there last night.

She happened to be playing nearby with her dad.

After encountering this incident by chance, the father and daughter joined in the fun and told Jiang Xia's touching story of rescuing the hostages. They were immediately swarmed by many reporters, asking for details...

Coupled with some well-informed media, they quickly found out that Jiang Xia was Kudo Shinichi's classmate.

Coincidentally, there has been no news about Kudo Shinichi, who has been in the newspapers recently, and there are rumors that he has been killed.

So there was a gimmick.

——Two high school detectives appeared one after another, and they happened to be in the same class.

This kind of coincidence is enough to make the media cover several pages out of thin air.

Jiang Xia: "..."

He was slightly speechless after reading it, feeling that the media in this world are so imaginative.

However, if you want to increase your reputation in a short period of time and reach out to more people who may become ghosts after death, you need a certain degree of topicality.

Jiang Xia is different from other high school detectives.

He does not have the qualifications to pile up hundreds of cases.

And gimmicks like "Kudo Shinichi is possessed by the dead soul" can be like the detective who "will suddenly fall asleep at the crime scene". Because of its uniqueness, Jiang Xia quickly became a household name.

…In short, it’s complicated, with mixed feelings.

Jiang Xia silently returned the newspaper to Gunda Ikumi, pretended to straighten his trousers, and leaned down to pick up the ghost baby that ran over and the leg-picking shikigami it grabbed back.

Before leaving, the police officers brought them two envelopes and gave them a special bonus.

It is said that in this case, the body of the deceased was burned in public at the ceremony. There were many witnesses and the impact was huge. A successful crackdown deserves a reward.

Jiang Xia is still the same, collecting money when he has money.

When he took the envelope, he touched the rough kraft paper and felt that the money smelled like a salary thief.

A week later, as expected, the case of corpse burning at the ceremony also appeared in the newspapers.

The photos of Jiang Xia and Gunada Ikumi were put together. At first glance, they looked like a poster, which was quite beautiful. As expected, those who do journalism are all talented people.

Jiang Xia thought for a while, bought a few newspapers and a notebook.

After returning home, cut out all the deeds with his name and paste them one by one.

I heard that in this world, many celebrities have the habit of asking famous detectives to listen to stories.

So Jiang Xia plans to make such a collection first.

If someone asks in the future, just hand it over and let them see for themselves.

After posting it, Jiang Xia looked through it by herself. She felt that the layout was reasonable, the layout was beautiful, it was of great commemorative value, and she would definitely use it in the future.

So I praised myself for my foresight in my heart, and then carefully put away my notebook of deeds.

After Conan appeared, the time and seasons in this world became weird, and the dates often jumped east and west.

But fortunately, the date of the day will be displayed on the mobile phone, so it is not difficult to tell the day.

Jiang Xia also specially bought an electronic watch with a date for double insurance.

After getting up, he checked the days and the school schedule.

There is no exam today.

So Jiangxia Shutan's pigeon dropped out of class.

He carried a kettle and gardening shears and took care of the potted plants at home and the plants grown in the yard - these are all raw materials that can be used in Ghost Mint.

During the pruning process, Jiang Xia picked off the ripe fruits and leaves, cut them into pieces of suitable size, and spread them out in the basement to dry in the shade.

Those that have been dried before are collected and taken to the living room, rolled into homemade cigarettes, and then packed in sealed boxes. This is a very skilled process.

After finishing it, Jiang Xia looked at the time and found that it was not yet noon.

So he picked up a cage of cats and planned to go to the detective office to sit there and wait for the guests to come.

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