Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 381 Conan: Gin is eyeing Jiang Xia! ? (joint chapter)

Just now at the platform, when the mermaid swam diligently to inspect the two groups of murderous spirits, she also saw the tickets of Yun Keitaro and his store manager, and knew their destination.

So even without spoilers, Gin’s question is not difficult to answer.

Jiang Xia quickly replied: [OK]

After the message was sent, there was no movement on the phone for a full minute.

After some time, Gin’s new reply arrived: [OK]

...This is an agreement to deactivate the bomb and let Jiang Xia try "assassination" in a more peaceful way.

Jiang Xia was not surprised by this reply.

Gin likes to use firepower to solve problems. He probably thinks that is the most efficient way.

But this time, compared with killing people with bombs, it is obviously more efficient to let the God of Death kill people quietly.

Because if a bomb were used to lift an entire train into the sky, they would have to transfer trains late at night.

And if they follow "Uzo's" method, Gin and Vodka can just sleep in the car, and the target will be dead when they wake up, and the follow-up won't be too troublesome.

Jiang Xia put away her cell phone, and then thought that she would have to catch Gin and Vodka while they were out, and drive Xiaobai to deactivate all the bombs in their bags.

If this kind of weapon of mass destruction explodes in a crowded place, it will undoubtedly explode a group of violent ghosts.

And this is too heavy for a young psychic who is passing by innocently...

The box next door.

Ginjiu looked at Jiang Xia's reply in silence, thoughtfully.

Vodka next to him glanced at the screen, moved uncomfortably, and whispered:

"Brother, do you really want to listen to him? This time, the time is too hasty. Moreover, the compartments in the car are locked, and the target is not the kind of extroverted person who likes to talk. The venue here is very narrow. If Uzo is unfortunately exposed, , implicated in..."

"...hasty." Gin repeated the word in a low voice. At the same time, he quickly sorted out all the recent contacts with Jiang Xia in his mind.

A few seconds later, Gin showed a clear sneer:

"No wonder he mentioned the Big Dipper when we talked about the mission schedule last time - it seems that he has already set his sights on Keitaro Izumo."

If you think about it carefully, among the assassination targets presented to Usa this time, the others are all in Tottori County or even further away, and only Izumo Keitaro is the closest to them.

For Uzo, who has recently lacked excitement and is willing to accompany passers-by in racing, Keitaro Izumo is obviously more attractive than those targets that are hundreds of kilometers away and difficult to reach.

Facing him, Uzo really held back for a week and took no action, which was more strange.

...In this case, then this "encounter" with Keitaro Izumo will definitely not be a simple accident.

After hearing Gin's words, Vodka was stunned for a while and said in shock: "...This is also Uzo's plan?!"

He suddenly felt that the Big Dipper ticket in his pocket was particularly irritating; the gun in his elder brother's hand also suddenly became terrifying.

Gin was used to Vodka being startled at the mention of Uzo.

He ignored the panic of this stupid boy and nodded calmly.

Gin felt that his idea that "Uzo had planned things in advance" was not a blind trust in Uzo, but a certain basis.

——The train they took will pass through Yokohama, Nagoya and other places before arriving in Tottori Prefecture.

In other words, passengers who get on the train in Tokyo may not get off in Tottori.

From the moment he and Vodka met Keitaro Izumo on the platform to the time Keitaro Izumo entered the box, Gin had been observing the mission target.

Therefore, he knew very well that during this period, Izumo Keitaro did not talk about topics related to the destination.

But Usagi and the others, who drove at night, were so sure that the destination of Izumo and his group was Tottori without having any contact with Keitaro Izumo...

According to Uzo's past behavior, Gin would never believe that he had not tampered with today's "accidental encounter".

While Gin was analyzing this young member with some satisfaction.

Next to him, Vodka was struggling to digest the "truth":

They chose the most suitable and comfortable berth for travel, and met Keitaro Izumo, one of the assassination targets, in the car. This seemed to be just a "lucky" and "coincidence" thing... But now , Brother Gin suddenly said that all this was Uzo's plan.

For a moment, Vodka only felt that Uzo's aura was all around him, and his body was also wrapped with Uzo's illusory threads that seemed to be able to control people's hearts.

...However, thinking on the bright side, after recalling it carefully, Vodka remembered that Uzo had indeed said before that he wanted to take the Big Dipper train.

Although it was just an understatement when talking about the mission schedule, Uzo didn't even deliberately "request" it, he just talked about it as if he was talking about his mood. But if you think about it seriously, this is also a trace left behind in his plan after all.

And as long as there are traces to follow, things are actually not that scary... Yes, as long as you stay vigilant, you will definitely be able to catch Uzo's flaws and prevent him from doing evil things such as assassinating his colleagues and replacing them.

Vodka comforted himself while trying to make the goosebumps on his arms and back subside.

After a short pause, he muttered and complained: "Why didn't Uzo inform us in advance? What if something goes wrong? There is really no organization and discipline..."

Gin snorted: "If the script is revealed in advance, when the real scene is shown in front of the audience, he will not be able to get the emotional feedback he wants from the audience - we are also the 'audience' in his eyes."

... Of course, understanding is understanding, but Uzo’s approach is obviously not worth promoting.

However, to be honest, after meeting several mystics such as Bourbon and Belmode, Gin's tolerance for this type of people has been greatly improved.

And compared to them, Uzo, who is also a genius, is at least not so eccentric, nor does he casually consume organizational funds and fish for fish. Instead, he loves his work very much in a sense.

Moreover, he is still young, and some bad habits can be corrected gradually.

The process of answering questions about vodka is also the process of Gin sorting out his thoughts.

A few minutes later, Gin put away his cell phone, bent down to dismantle the improvised bomb, and decided to temporarily hand over the assassination target in the car to Uzo, while achieving one of the purposes of taking Uzo on this business trip - to observe him. state.

Uzo would not kill anyone with his own hands, so the chance of being exposed was very low, and the chance of being caught was even slimmer.

And since they were on the same train, if something went wrong, he and Vodka should have time to take action.

If Uzo fails unfortunately, the worst possible outcome is to continue with the previous plan - reinstall the bomb and kill the entire carriage including the target... But if it really comes to this point, Uzo will be too disappointing. .

Hope things don't go in this direction.

Jiang Xia successfully stopped Gin Jiu's firepower plan and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

As for whether their Dark Shark target, Boss Izumo, would die accidentally on the train tonight, Jiang Xia didn't think it was a big problem.

——The store manager who traveled with Keitaro Izumo had a lot of murderous aura about him, and he looked like he was about to take action.

In addition, according to the information Jiang Xia heard before, the wedding of classmate Mouri Kogoro will be held tomorrow afternoon.

If Kogoro Mouri wants to take his family to Tottori Prefecture, the probability that he will take Conan on this car is not small.

Jiang Xia thought that maybe Conan and the others had already entered the car while she was packing her luggage... Speaking of which, it is really difficult to distinguish people without murderous aura. If everyone is full of murderous aura, and every Everyone has a different taste of murderous aura, then everything is perfect...

Jiang Xia spent a few seconds imagining the ideal world of a psychic.

The Big Dipper train will leave soon.

It was already evening when we set off, and not long after, it became completely dark.

The dining car has already prepared meals.

Jiang Xia drove the ghost first, and used the ghost's perspective to float around in each box and grasp the general situation.

After that, I packed my luggage, left the box, and prepared to go to the dining car to eat.

Open the sliding door and enter the dining car.

Just took a few steps inside. A surprised voice suddenly sounded diagonally in front of him: "Jiang Xia?"

...It's Mao Lilan's voice.

After Jiang Xia was startled, he looked around and saw Maoli and his group sitting at the table without surprise.

He nodded and said hello, walked over naturally, pulled out an empty chair and sat down - it happened to be a table for four.

Jiang Xia was halfway through his meal. Gin and vodka also came to the dining car.

The two opened the sliding door and stepped into the car. After a quick glance, he saw Jiang Xia sitting with three other strangers.

Seeing this harmonious scene of talking and laughing, a judgment flashed through Gin's mind instinctively - Uzo was eyeing the three people at the same table with him.

However, upon closer inspection, I discovered that Keitaro Izumo was not among the three.

Then I felt that at least one of these three people should be planning to kill Keitaro Izumo.

The unlucky passers-by sitting with Uzo were a primary school student, a young girl, and a middle-aged man.

It is a bit difficult for a child to kill an adult man like Izumo Keitaro, and the same goes for a slender young girl.

So the would-be murderer should be the middle-aged man with a mustache... No, not necessarily. Uzo's words, it is not impossible for a child to kill an adult under some circumstances, not to mention that Gin remembered that Uzo had a precedent of using children to achieve his goals.

There were already a few tables of people sitting in the dining car, both at the front and back of the car.

People who come in later will not look out of place no matter where they sit.

So Gin didn't deliberately go too far to "pretend not to know each other", but sat down at the table next to Jiang Xia - which happened to be the table behind Mouri Kogoro.

Every word Uzo said can be heard clearly here. You can observe Uzo's current state very well, and listen to how he specifically leads others to commit crimes.

Gin is quite satisfied with this location. After sitting firmly, he reached out and picked up the menu on the table.

At the dining table for four, Jiang Xia sat opposite Mao Lilan and Mao Li Kogoro, with Conan next to him.

The location chosen by Gin and Vodka was exactly where Jiangxia and Conan were facing, and behind Mouri Kogoro and Maori Ran.

As soon as the two sat down, Jiang Xia saw it.

Or rather, as soon as Gin entered the dining car, Jiang Xia had already discovered him through his murderous aura.

Jiang Xia was slightly confused when she saw that Gin and Vodka had chosen adjacent tables.

Why are you sitting so close?

He didn't mind, it was just this way that scared Conan... Well, it was actually okay. Conan was so courageous that he would definitely not be able to scare him. Maybe if he was stimulated, he could activate the death aura to a greater extent.

As Jiang Xia thought, he naturally looked at the two men in black, then withdrew his gaze and continued talking to Mao Lilan, acting no different from usual.

On the other hand, after Vodka was swept by his gaze, he calmly sat up straighter, looking tense and alert.

The big man in black was not the only one who was stiff.

When Jiang Xia looked away, he glanced at the side and saw Kudo classmate sitting next to him, who was already frozen into a stone.

The fake kid stayed there for more than ten seconds before he resumed his movements little by little. He grabbed the tea cup on the table and took a big sip. It seemed that he wanted to use this method to suppress the turmoil in his heart, and at the same time cover up the sight of gin and wine. An uncharacteristic pause after the vodka.

Jiang Xia also picked up his tea cup and took a sip. He ignored the two people at the table next to him and the next table who had unqualified acting mentality, and concentrated on chatting with Mao Lilan and Mao Li Kogoro.

Don't worry about the abnormal behavior of vodka - after all, this bottle of wine is a member of a shady mysterious organization. When he appears in public, his nervousness and vigilance are very normal and have nothing to do with Jiang Xia.

As for Conan... Conan is still a first-grade primary school student. Children of this age are easily attracted by various people or objects, ignore the movements of their own hands, and fall into the sluggish state just now. This kind of Exceptions are not fatal.

Gin really didn't pay attention to the bespectacled kid next to Jiang Xia who looked a little stupid.

He took his order and listened in silence for a while.

Then I was slightly surprised to find that the conversation going on at the next table was different from what I expected.

Rather than being lured by traps everywhere, Uzo seemed to be just chatting with the girl of the same age in an ordinary way - Gin heard some topics about exams and clubs, and their class seemed to have a new English teacher.

...It turned out to be Uzo's classmate.

From this point of view, when Usa sat at that table, he might not be scheming against Izumo Keitaro, but simply meeting him by chance.

...Think about it too. Judging from the ticket incident, Uzo should have already made the preparations he needed to do, and the murderer and murder plan were already in place.

Therefore, if you rashly contact Keitaro Izumo who is destined to get into trouble, or contact the murderer who is destined to be exposed, you will easily increase the risk of exposure.

On the other hand, hanging out with classmates and their children can actually reduce the level of suspicion... This is indeed more thoughtful and safe than contacting the murderer. Gin nodded secretly.

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