Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 382 Observation of Red and Black (Complete Chapter)

When the food on Ginjiu's table was served, Jiang Xia had already finished his meal.

The topic of chatting with Mao Lilan gradually turned to other directions.

"Speaking of which, we haven't traveled together for a long time." Mao Lilan scooped the last piece of pudding into his mouth, remembered something, and smiled:

"Do you still remember the Suzuki Museum of Art that Sonoko mentioned when you came to school last time? Its opening date is set for the 23rd, and I heard that many treasures collected in her family's treasure house will be on display - if you were there that day Sora, we can go visit together."

"Suzuki Museum of Art?"

Hearing this location, Jiang Xia immediately thought of a green energy core... ah, no, a green art egg, and Kidd's face.

...In his impression, the opening ceremony of the Suzuki Museum of Art will display the 51st Emperor's Easter Egg discovered so far - the "Egg of Memory".

Kidd, for a series of reasons, focused on this egg.

As long as Kidd steals the egg, he can generate the corresponding energy core.

When the time comes, he will rob Kidd again, and he will be able to get energy cores to stack upgrade bars for the ghosts... In addition, Jiang Xia remembers that this incident will also involve some murders, and he can pick up some ghosts and murderous intent by visual inspection.

...want to go.

Calculating the time, there are still a few months, which does not conflict with the current silence work at all.

He agreed with confidence and began to look forward to the pleasant journey ahead.

Next table.

Gin also heard these conversations and caught what he thought were the key words.

Suzuki Museum of Art, a treasure trove at home...

Suzuki Zaibatsu?

There is actually someone from the Suzuki family among Usa's classmates, and it sounds like the two parties get along very well.

...It seems that Uzo is very aware of the organization's expectations of him and is already preparing to break into the upper class in the future.

When Gin thought about it, when he wanted to kill a big shot in a few years, he would no longer need to collect intelligence and layout weeks or even months in advance, deploy a large number of manpower to risk assassination, and expend energy afterwards to finish the job and avoid the police and other organizations. The investigation...

Instead, you only need to send Uzo and move your mouth, and you can achieve your goal silently.

——This bright future made Gin cut the steak much more neatly than before, with a cold light of anticipation flashing in his eyes.

Next to him, Conan glanced at the slightly raised corner of Gin's mouth, and was so surprised by the inexplicable sneer of the man in black that his hair stood on end.

... Speaking of which, the last time Gin appeared on a train, he left a pack of bombs and almost blew up the Shinkansen, killing dozens or even hundreds of people on the spot.

And now... smiling so maliciously, what is he planning? !

Conan's eyes were solemn, and he felt that there was a crisis all around him for a moment.

Gin was vaguely aware of some kind of hostile gaze.

He turned his head and glanced in the direction he was looking at, but couldn't find anything threatening.

Instead, I saw Jiang Xia looking in a certain direction unconsciously, and then quickly looking away.

Gin took this scene into consideration, turned around silently, picked up the coffee on the table and took a sip.

When he put the cup down, he adjusted the position of the black coffee cup.

The angle changed, and the wall of the cup vaguely reflected the reflection of a person - it was a middle-aged man who was standing cautiously next to Izumo Keitaro. He was tall and thin, with a high middle parted hairline.

Gin looked at this man thoughtfully.

If I remember correctly, this was not the first time Uzo looked at him.

And the look in Uzo's eyes was not a deliberate observation. It was more like when he was distracted, he habitually turned his gaze to something that interested him.

Gin was no stranger to this kind of look—Uzo had looked at him like this before, probably because he could always provide Uzo with some challenging assassination missions.

But now, it is obviously impossible for the person next to Keitaro Izumo to issue a mission to Usa.

But he can make Uzo show appreciation and care... Is he a key link in the murder drama?

While Gin was secretly observing the assassination target this time, and the tall and thin passerby behind the target who was suspected of being Uzo's tool man.

Next to him, a gaze fell back on him while Gin and Vodka were not paying attention.

——Conan held the cup, covering most of his face, and looked at Gin warily with his exposed eyes.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that Gin's eyes would occasionally turn to his table, as if he was observing Jiang Xia... What did this scary man in black want to do? ?

Conan thought of the sap he had been beaten by Gin near the amusement park, and felt a dull pain in the back of his head.

Many bad thoughts also emerged.

——Gin Jiu is like this, perhaps because he recognized Jiang Xia as a famous high school detective, and was worried that Jiang Xia would delay the evil plan of the black organization, so he was secretly vigilant and ready to silence him at any time.

After all, Gin should have learned from this kind of thing before, because another well-known high school detective, Kudo Shinichi, once secretly photographed a vodka transaction scene. And that time, if Gin hadn't discovered it in time, he would have lost Vodka as his powerful partner.

If this is the case, then it is normal for Gin to be wary and concerned when he meets the high school detective again...

Conan nodded secretly, feeling that his above inference was quite reasonable.

At the same time, he turned to look at Jiang Xia.

He saw that his neighbor was concentrating on chatting with Xiaolan, and he didn't know if he noticed the suspicious gin and vodka... No, it would be better if he didn't notice it - Conan thought, his optimistic, cheerful and positive personality would be better when interacting with him. After having unpleasant encounters with the black organization, they were almost forced out of persecution paranoia.

Jiang Xia's mentality was not very healthy to begin with, and he had finally become more interested in life recently. If he was told about the existence of the dark organization at this time...

Conan was lost in thought, and for a moment he forgot to hide his direct gaze.

Perhaps because the presence of this look was too strong, at the next table, Gin suddenly turned his head and looked this way.

The two suddenly looked at each other.

For a moment, Conan's hands and feet stiffened, his heartbeat increased, and his pupils shrank to the size of a needle. He felt like he was being stared at by a poisonous snake that had killed countless people. The air around him seemed to have become cold and slippery, and he even stopped thinking briefly.

But this state of affairs did not last long.

——Ginjiu took a look at the child next to Jiang Xia who was holding a cup and staring straight at him, then quickly looked away without paying much attention.

He is usually very busy, so after completing the silence, he often consciously ignores the relevant information of the dead person and shifts his attention to things that need to be remembered more.

So Gin was not impressed by the "dead" Kudo Shinichi.

In addition, it is usually difficult to imagine that adults will suddenly turn into children, so Conan added a pair of glasses to his face to confuse his vision...

In short, Gin did not recognize that this was Kudo Shinichi who had been beaten hard by him and drank APTX4869. He only regarded Conan as an ordinary child.

And speaking of kids…

In fact, because Gin's appearance is very different from that of Asians, some impolite children would stare at him in public places, and they would cry in fright when they were stared back at him.

In addition, on the contrary, there were also a few brave children who tried to pull his hair when passing by...

Compared with these two extremes, Conan's sense of existence is much lower.

But this gave Gin a little reminder.

——He knows that his usual aura is quite oppressive. It can scare some children to tears, and it may also affect adults.

When he entered the dining car before, the tall, thin middle-aged man who was watched by Uzo had stared at him for a while, his expression vaguely revealing his fear of his high-ranking peers.

Now, if we continue to stay in the dining car, I don’t know if it will affect Uzo’s ingenious guidance...

Anyway, I've finished my meal. Gin put down his knife and fork and wiped his mouth. He stood up and left without staying any longer.

Vodka came back to his senses and quickly stood up, while secretly breathing a sigh of relief.

Just now, he was sitting at the table next to Wu Zuo. Without paying attention, he could look over the head of the high school girl and look at Jiang Xia.

Therefore, Vodka had no choice but to keep staring down at the plate, pretending to be deep in thought, so as not to look at each other too much, and Uzo would blame him and affect his exquisite layout.

Fortunately, he can leave soon... Vodka strode after Gin, and for a moment he felt that the narrow box without Uzo's presence was so beautiful.

Just as I was thinking about it, I just walked to the door of the dining car, and suddenly there was an angry shout from behind:

"I told you to book a royal suite, look what you booked! - Those small and shaky private rooms are for people to live in?! It's too small for a pig to live in!"

Hearing this, Gin's hand opened the sliding door for a moment and glanced back coldly.

Vodka subconsciously looked back and looked for a second, then slowly realized that he had been scolded.

He glared angrily and saw that the person who shouted angrily and secretly cursed everyone present as pigs was their target this time - Izumo Keitaro.

The person who bears the wrath of Boss Izumo is the jewelry store manager he hired, Rinori Kagoshi.

The tall and thin Kagoli pushed up his glasses and carefully explained:

"The number of royal suites is limited. When you decided to take this train a few days ago, you could no longer book them. There were only some ordinary boxes left. In fact, if you take the plane, you should be able to book first class..."

"Shut up!" Keitaro Izumo slammed the table angrily. The topic of "flying or taking the Big Dipper" seemed to remind him of something bad, and he became even more angry, "I just want to take this bus!"

Jiang Xia took a sip of the juice on the table, ate melon and watched the show with the other guests, feeling quite happy.

In this world, people who show this attitude are generally shrouded in the aura of death.

It seems that I can successfully get the mission this time. There is no need to worry about Gin Jiu killing someone in advance and robbing him... Thinking of this, Jiang Xia happily picked up the juice can and refilled the cup for the flattered Conan next to him.

Jiangxia can understand Izumo Keitaro's mood of not wanting to mention transportation.

Because as far as he knew, Izumo Keitaro did not voluntarily take this train, but was caught in drug trafficking - someone anonymously asked him to take this train today to conduct transactions. And threatened that if he didn't come, the evidence of his drug trafficking would be made public.

And this anonymous threater is actually the store manager hired by Izumo's boss - the submissive Rinori Kagoshi.

Kawaili is not an ordinary migrant worker.

He was once part of a small gang of robbers.

That gang had a very common pattern of two men and one woman, and the female robber among them happened to be Kagori Risori's girlfriend. The other person is the leader of this small gang - Anji Asama, the only one among the three who is on the wanted list.

A few years ago, this small gang of three people focused on the jewelry store owned by Izumo boss.

Kagoli then sneaked into the store as an undercover agent, planning to wait for the situation to be understood before working with two accomplices inside and outside to rob the store.

However, after being undercover for a while, before starting the robbery, Kagosori's girlfriend suddenly died of a drug overdose.

Kagori suspected that his girlfriend was addicted to drugs because she was seduced by Asama Anji, and she parted ways with the robber leader in anger.

Since he had no place to go for the time being and was not in the mood to continue robbing his business, Canada stayed in the jewelry store where the salary was not low and continued to be a diligent worker.

Year after year... I accidentally became the store manager.

After climbing to the position of store manager, Kagori gradually discovered the drug trafficking of Boss Izumo.

At the same time, he was shocked to realize that his current situation was very similar to an out-of-print novel manuscript that he accidentally grabbed.

——It was an unpublished novel that he snatched from the editor of the famous mystery novelist Yusaku Kudo when he robbed a bank ten years ago. Only the top half.

After the novel was snatched away, Kudo Yusaku did not continue writing it, and very few people have read it.

Kagori is a fan of Kudo Yusaku. After he became a jewelry store manager and discovered that he was in a very similar situation to the murderer in the novel, he decided to follow the plot in the novel and kill the robber leader Anji Asama who made his girlfriend addicted to drugs.

The drug-trafficking boss Izumo was a prop in the entire murder plan - Kagori planned to invite Anji Asama and boss Izumo to the car at the same time, disguise himself as Anji Asama, and kill him in public. Boss Yun once again created the illusion that Asama Anji committed suicide out of fear of crime, killing two birds with one stone.

——In other words, after revealing Kagorisori's plan, he can pick up two shikigami at once...

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia looked at Kagori with a little appreciation.

At this time, the guests were all attracted by the boss Izumo who was swearing loudly.

Except for Gin, who stood far away with a wide field of vision, and Vodka, who paid close attention to Jiang Xia, no one noticed Jiang Xia's strange gaze.

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