Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 383 The order of Gin’s silence (Chapter 1)

Mouri Kogoro is no exception. He also feels that people who say "Everyone who lives here are pigs!" deserve a beating from society.

He turned his head unhappily and stared at the boss Izumo at the next table.

But as he watched, Mouri Kogoro gradually became confused.

——He always felt that this irritable boss looked very familiar.

After frowning and thinking for a moment, he scratched the back of his head and interrupted when the Izumo boss was scolding Rinori Kagoshi: "Have we met somewhere?"


Boss Izumo turned around and looked at Mouri Kogoro carefully, but he had no impression.

His eyes paused on Jiang Xia's face next to him, and then he frowned in disgust - there was actually a well-known detective in the car. As a drug dealer, Boss Izumo has a natural aversion to this kind of party that symbolizes justice.

He snorted without saying a word and looked away.

The atmosphere in the car suddenly became a little awkward.

Kagori looked around and immediately smoothed things over considerately like a real Sanhao employee.

He explained to Mouri Kogoro who had just asked the question:

“You may have seen our boss on TV or in the newspaper.

"A few days ago, our jewelry store was robbed by wanted criminals. At that time, all the employees in the store were trembling with fear. Only the boss Izumo stepped forward and bravely fought off the criminals - many reporters came to interview this thing."

"Oh!" Mouri Kogoro punched his palm and suddenly realized, "I remembered, I did see it on the news."

At the same time, he also recalled some tabloid analysis of the matter.

——Some people said that when the wanted criminal who was dismissed by the Izumo boss left, he once left a strange sentence, "This is different from what was promised."

In addition, it itself seems very unnatural for an experienced wanted criminal to be scared off by an unarmed boss.

Therefore, some critics suspect that the robbery was actually an incident directed and staged by Izumo's boss in order to gain popularity during the mayoral campaign.

Jiang Xia didn't think so.

After all, as someone who memorizes spoilers, he remembered that this robbery was actually a murder plan of Kagori Rinori, who had read the manuscript of the novel—or in other words, it was Kudo Yusaku's murder plan.

The wanted criminal who went to the jewelry store to rob was actually Kagori Risori's former accomplice, Asama Anji.

Kagori lied to Asama Anji and said that Izumo's boss was willing to cooperate with them inside and outside to steal the jewelry and defraud the insurance money.

Anji Asama, who knew nothing about it, came to the store and planned to act. However, the uninformed boss Izumo did not cooperate with his script at all. Instead, he scolded and pressed the alarm bell. Anji Asama was stunned on the spot and left in a hurry.

Later, Kagori found Asama Anji again, apologetically gave him the clothes for disguise and the ticket for the car, told him that his boss had regretted his decision, and asked him to leave as soon as possible. At the same time, Kagori threatened Izumo's boss with drug trafficking and came to the car to gather the protagonist of tonight's mystery story.

Now, everything is going according to plan...with one exception.

Jia Yueli was thinking about it and looked at Jiang Xia next to him vaguely.

...I don't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that this famous high school detective had seen him several times tonight.

This made Jia Yueli unavoidably afraid, and his heart beat faster with the frequency of Jiang Xia's glances... But thinking about his idol's novel manuscript, Jia Yueli felt that he shouldn't stop his plan just yet.

——If it is his own plan, then he may indeed lack confidence and stop depending on the situation.

But now, this is a case written by Kudo Yusaku, and he is not fighting alone.

Jiang Xia then saw the murderous aura in Jia Yuelize changing back and forth, and finally maintained at a relatively strong level.

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and looked away from observing Kagori Norori, no longer looking at him.

...The psychological quality of today's criminals is too worrying. After just a few glances, their murderous intent fluctuated like this... Fortunately, this time the criminals had more backbone.

Well, we have to pay attention to this aspect in the future and try to avoid all kinds of contact with the prisoners before the crime, including eye contact, so as not to hurt their fragile hearts.

As soon as he lowered his head, Jiang Xia's vision was no longer full of murderous intent, but instead there was a contemplative Conan.

Conan was attracted by a strong sense of déjà vu and temporarily forgot about the gin at the door.

Sensing Jiang Xia's gaze, he hesitated for a moment, turned to Jiang Xia, and asked in a low voice: "Have similar strange robberies happened before?... It should have been many years ago, when we were young."

Jiang Xia glanced at him and knew that this was because Kudo Shin had seen the lost manuscript when he was a child. Now Kudo classmate must have remembered it a little bit, but not completely.

When Eka Tongzhi was a child, she rarely ran to Kudo's house. Every time Kudo Yukiko would catch him and hug him, and then stay for a short while and then take the opportunity to slip away. It was impossible to stay there and read other people's unpublished novels. manuscript.

So he shouldn't have the same sense of déjà vu as Conan.

Jiang Xia thought for a while, then shook his head: "I have no impression."

"...Really?" Conan trusted Jiang Xia's memory, but at the same time, he also trusted his own memory.

——He must have seen similar things like "well-known robbers escaping in a hurry without taking anything" somewhere, but he just couldn't remember it.

Faced with this conflict, Conan could only temporarily conclude that Jiang Xia was not interested in being a detective and reasoning when he was a child, and he did not like to watch the news. He never paid attention to related cases, so he did not remember this matter... Speaking of which, why did Jiang Xia suddenly want to do this now? Become a detective?

Conan was briefly distracted and thought about this question, but did not come to a conclusion.

So he quickly returned to thinking about the strange robbery.

However, until he finished the dessert, finished the melons in the dining car, and followed Maori and his daughter back to the box, he could not remember where he had seen a similar plot.

This train departed in the evening, and by the time we finished our meal, it was already very late at night.

Conan entered the box and asked Maori Kogoro the same question he had just asked Jiang Xia - Maori Kogoro was a former criminal police officer and should pay attention to relevant news.

However, Mouri Kogoro also shook his head and said with certainty that he had never heard of a similar robbery case.

Conan could only sigh and put aside this sense of déjà vu for the time being.

As soon as his thoughts were clear, he suddenly felt that he had forgotten something.

...By the way, Gin is also in the car!

Conan jumped up from the berth, said "I'm going to the bathroom" and rushed out of the room.

It’s rare to encounter Gin in the car. On such a high-speed train, even Gin would not dare to jump off the train, so this may be a good opportunity to get in touch - if we can find out where Gin's box is, and then while he is asleep at night, Find a way to steal APTX4869...

Conan's mind routinely unfolded a series of reveries about reaching the pinnacle of life.

When it came to "looking for Gin's box," Conan's first reaction was to pretend that he was a child and opened the suspicious box doors one by one, pretending that he had made a mistake. If the door is locked, knock on the door to find out who is inside.

However, soon, remembering what happened in the dining car just now, Conan's pace became slower and slower, and finally stopped in the middle of the corridor.

…No, it can’t be done.

Gin was not an honest criminal suspect, and there were no police officers in the car who could check and balance him.

If you open the door and see Gin sitting on the bedside cleaning a gun, or playing with a bomb with his head lowered... Even if the witness is a child whose testimony is unconvincing, he will be black-blooded and blackmailed at the first opportunity. The man in clothes was dragged into the house and silenced.

In addition, Conan thought, even if he was lucky and didn't bump into the scene where Gin was playing with weapons, after this experience, he would definitely come into Gin's field of vision.

Regardless of whether it was based on Conan's own observations or what he heard from Haibara Ai, Gin was a very suspicious person.

Conan thought of all the violations he had shown in front of Gin in the dining car, and the more he thought about it, the heavier he felt in his heart.

——After the exchange of looks in the dining car just now, Gin must have had an impression of him.

If he takes the initiative to appear in front of Gin at this time, even if Gin does not doubt him as a primary school student, he will definitely doubt the adults who are traveling with him - such as Maori and his daughter, such as Jiang Xia.

Especially Jiangxia.

While eating just now, Ginjiu kept observing Jiang Xia. It must be that as a criminal, he has instinctive hostility and fear towards the famous detective.

At this time, if a child who is familiar with Jiang Xia suddenly comes to the door again...

Conan couldn't help but picture Gin sneering and hitting someone with a sap, as well as Gin's gun, and the terrible explosions that had happened in the past.

His face turned pale, and he gradually realized that the "high-speed train", an alternative secret room, was indeed a good way to prevent Gin from leaving. But at the same time, it would also prevent them from leaving in time, making it convenient for the vigilant Gin to wait for an opportunity to silence them.

One wrong move, and there might be four more corpses in the car - him, Xiaolan, Mouri Kogoro, all in neat order, plus Jiang Xia.

...So now, Conan found that not only could he not go to Gin, but he had to hide as much as possible and not show anything strange like a real child.

In addition, we must also prevent Jiang Xia from discovering abnormalities and running to investigate Gin... Fortunately, Jiang Xia usually appears in newspapers and various mystery programs. He is somewhat of a celebrity and has often been stared at when he went out. Compared with the strange and burning gazes of some of them, Gin's glances were subtle and should not make Jiang Xia too alert.

There shouldn't be much of a problem in Jiangxia. Conan thought briefly, and then his thoughts turned back to his duel with the black organization.

In short, the black organization must investigate, but it cannot be rushed, otherwise it will only pay a heavy price.

And speaking of it, Conan always felt that there seemed to be a strange fate between himself and Gin.

——It hasn’t been long since he became young, but he has already met Gin three or four times. He has also met other members of the black organization quite a few times. Dr. A Li even had a doctor living in his house... ...In this case, maybe we can catch better opportunities in the future.

Thinking like this, Conan struggled to suppress the idea of ​​"knocking on the door one by one until he got the gin."

However, it was rare for him to meet Gin, and if he did nothing, he would not be willing to do anything...

After thinking about it, Conan put his hand into his pocket, holding chewing gum and a bug, trying to find the right time to stick the bug on the luggage of gin or vodka without showing up in person.

But soon, Conan took back his hand.

——Now that Ginjiu has noticed Jiang Xia, as long as he finds a bug around him, he will undoubtedly think that Jiang Xia is investigating him.

The black organization doesn't care about evidence when it comes to silencing them. When the time comes, the result is probably that the four of them will be wiped out - although three of the four of them are very good at fighting, Gin has a thermal weapon after all. In such a narrow place in the car , the advantage is too great.

Conan finally sighed and stopped trying some risky behavior. He just silently hid a listening device in the bathroom.

——Some people have the habit of talking on the phone in the bathroom. What if vodka or gin is also available? This way I can at least hear some movement...

After taking some actions, Conan finally felt a little relieved and followed Mao Lilan back who came out to look for him.

After the two left, they found themselves in an empty box.

Jiang Xia, who was driving the white puppet, looked through the crack in the door at the box door closing behind Mao Lilan and Conan. She also silently closed the door crack in front of her and put away the anesthetic needle in her hand again.

Gin seemed to be paying special attention to observation today. At this time, of course, Conan could not be allowed to take some death-seeking actions.

Taking into account Kudo's irrepressible adventurous nature, Jiang Xia originally wanted to drive Anonymous to provide him with a little help - Anonymous had often appeared on occasions related to the organization in the past, but now he suddenly appeared, watching Conan Come, it's definitely not too sudden.

And Gin and Vodka didn't have the habit of running around. At this time, they were both still in the box. So as long as you are a little careful, the organization will not notice the appearance of anonymous members.

In short, everything is ready, all we have to do is grab Conan and give him an injection.

However, unexpectedly, Conan seemed to know how to assess the situation better than before.

...If this continues, I may be able to carry fewer anesthesia needles with me when I go out in the future.

After waiting for a while with an anesthetic needle nearby, and finding that Conan did not take any high-risk actions, Jiang Xia placed the anesthetic needle and dispersed the puppets.

He opened his eyes in his box, looked at his watch, and released a few ghosts.

One went to the dining car, and the other went to stare at the robber leader Anji Asama who was tricked into getting into the car.

The rest went to gather murderous intent next to Gin.

It's around four in the morning.

Boss Izumo came to the social car from the dining car, ready to trade with the anonymous person who had caught him.

To avoid being exposed, he drove back all those who were accompanying him.

As a result, Canada returned to the room early.

After entering his compartment, he counted the time and hid a ball of fishing line when the train was about to pass through a tunnel.

Then he left the second-floor box where he was, came to the box downstairs, and knocked lightly on the door.

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