Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 384 Uzo’s Fishing Line (Complete Chapter)

Soon, Anji Asama, who was wearing a wig, a mask and tinted glasses to cover his face, and a large windbreaker to cover his figure, opened the door.

He glanced at Kagosori, took a step back, and let in his apparent accomplice who "had something important to discuss with him."

Although Kagori has already fallen out with Anji Asama, he has never been an emotional person and has never shown resentment in front of Anji Asama. When he broke up with Anji Asama, he just used the excuse that "he had no intention of robbing after his girlfriend died and just wanted to find a stable job."

And this time, Kagori provided Asama Anzhi with clothing for disguise and a ticket for his escape after his failed robbery. In the former small team of three robbers, Kagori Toshinori is a figure similar to a think tank. Asama Anji is used to following his advice without too much doubt.

...Therefore, the process of Kagori entering the house and hitting his former boss on the head with a stick, causing Anji Asama to faint on the spot, had no twists and turns and was quite logical.

Anji Asama fell to the ground without saying a word.

Jia Yueli thought of his dead girlfriend, snorted coldly, and kicked the person on the ground.

Then he took the time to smash the car window in the box, tied Asama Anji's waistband with a fishing line, hung him out of the window, and made a trap - to tie the other end of Asama Anji's fishing line He pulled out the door, walked along the stairs, and pulled into Kagoritze's private room on the second floor, where he fixed the fishing line.

In this way, as long as the fishing line is cut at the right time, Asama Anji will "jump" at the scheduled time.

After completing these fancy and complicated preparations, Kagori put on the same disguise as Asama Anji - wig, fake beard, sunglasses, mask and windbreaker.

Finally, he went to the social car with a gun. Get ready to kill the Izumo boss waiting there.

He "jumped off the train and committed suicide" while being chased by a conductor.

The tightly covered figure of "Anji Asama" disappeared from the end of the carriage.

Not far away, a box door slowly opened.

Jiang Xia glanced at the direction that Jia Yuerize left and stepped into the empty corridor.

He walked straight to the box where Asama Anji had just died, stopped at the door, and knocked on the door first.

Of course no one responded.

Two seconds later, Jiang Xia gently opened the door and slipped into someone else's box.

The door closed behind him again.

The fishing line mechanism caught in the crack of the door will not be triggered when the door is opened. From the outside, there is nothing unusual about this box.

However, the interior of the box was already in a mess - strong winds poured in through the broken window, and the debris and fast-food garbage in the room were swaying and rolling like weeds swept by the sea water.

Jiang Xia straightened his coat that was blown askew by the wind, and estimated the time it would take for Kagori to return.

He took out the swing stick and unfolded it in his hand.

Kagori was wearing Asama Anji's clothes, holding a loaded gun in his pocket, and walked all the way to the social car.

There are three or four tables of people sitting here.

Keitaro Izumo is also among them.

He sat alone on the single sofa by the window, staring impatiently at the watch on his wrist - the trading time notified to him by the "anonymous threater" was four in the morning.

But now, the watch has pointed to ten past four.

How dare you be late... Could it be that you were deliberately trying to keep him out of your way, to give him a blow?

Izumo Keitaro's heart boiled with anger, and he gritted his teeth and thought that when he found out the man's true identity, he would find someone to give this guy who dared to threaten him an "accidental death".

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard a rustle of clothing.

There was also a sudden itch on the back of his head - something touched his hair.

Boss Izumo was startled and turned around with emotion.

The moment he saw the scene behind him clearly, the impatience in his eyes suddenly turned into confusion and fear - there was a tightly covered man standing behind him, with a gun pressed against the back of his head.

...Why does this person look familiar?

This thought had just flashed across his mind, and before he could discern more, the "mysterious man" suddenly pulled the trigger.


Following this loud noise without a silencer, a group of people in the social car turned their heads blankly and followed the sound.

When they saw Keitaro Izumo, who was lying on the table with blood exploding from his head, and the gunman behind him, the people in the carriage suddenly burst into screams.

Kagori glanced out of the corner of his eye and realized that many people had seen the murderer "Anji Asama", with a successful sneer on his lips.

After waiting for a few seconds, he saw several conductors getting up and chasing after him. Kagori then strode towards the door and rushed to the direction of Asama Anji's box.

As he ran, he recalled the murder plan of his idol Kudo Yusaku, his hands trembling slightly with excitement.

——Next, he would rush to the door of Anji Asama’s compartment, open the door, and under the gaze of the chasing conductor, fire a few shots in, pretending to have broken the window.

After that, shoot in the direction of the pursuers - the light and bullets basically go in a straight line, so in the narrow and straight corridor, when the pursuers dodge the bullets, the Kagosori will definitely be able to avoid the pursuers. look.

During this brief period of time when no one was watching, he would pretend to enter the house, but actually walk up the stairs to the second-floor box.

——This staircase is next to the door of Asama Anji's box, making it easy to enter.

After that, as long as you cut off the fishing line that was connected to your room in advance, you can let Asama hanging outside the car window fall out of the car, and let the fishing line mechanism forcefully close the box door, creating a kind of "Asama Anji" After the murder, he fled into the box, broke the car window and tried to escape by jumping out of the car, but unfortunately he fell to his death."

A few minutes ago, in the box of the Maori family.

Mouri Kogoro woke up early in the morning and found that neither of the two young men next to him had slept.

——Mao Lilan was looking at the dark scenery outside the window, while Conan was facing the window, thinking about gin and vodka for a while, and thinking about the robbery for a while.

Mouri Kogoro tried to drive the two people to sleep, but failed.

He yawned blearily and didn't bother to care anymore. I plan to turn over and continue sleeping on my own.

At this moment, there was a strange and noisy sound in the distance.

The sound was masked by the rumble of the train and was easily ignored.

But Mao Lilan's ears twitched, and she suddenly looked to one side and hesitated: "Listen, it seems like someone is screaming."


Mouri Kogoro has not been exposed to murder cases recently and is not very sensitive to such movements. When his daughter said this, he vaguely felt that it was a bit similar and got up from the bed warily.

Conan also heard those voices.

At the same time, it was as if a switch was triggered in his mind, eliciting a low line like a narrator:

[Gunshots and screams echoed in the rumbling of the tunnel...

The man ran through the dark corridors like a hungry beast...]

"?" Conan knocked on his head, confused by this inexplicable line.

However, "Dark Corridor"...

He subconsciously walked to the door and opened it hesitantly.

The next second, a disguised figure, holding the peaked cap on his head, flew past their door. This behavior was particularly suspicious in the sleeper car at around four o'clock in the morning.

The three people in the room were startled at the same time, a little confused.

They saw the door at the end of the carriage being opened. Two panting stewards were holding on to the door frame and breathing heavily. When they saw Kogoro Mouri sticking his head out of the door, they immediately pointed at "Anji Asama" who ran over and shouted. : "There was a murder! That person just shot and killed a passenger in the social carriage in public!"

"What?!" Mouri Kogoro turned his head in shock and wanted to catch up.

Although there were inexplicably a few more onlookers, Canada did not panic - things have progressed so far, and everything is as expected by his idol.

Next, as long as he breaks the window and shoots a few pursuers to make them scurry away, he can successfully pass the blame for the murder to his enemy Anji Asama...

While thinking about it, Kagori opened the door of Asama Anji's box with a "crash".

He was about to fire two shots into the shattered car window.

But when he raised his hand, he saw the scene in the box clearly and was suddenly stunned.

...There was actually a person standing in the room that was supposed to be empty.

In an instant, Kagosori's blood pressure soared to the critical line. His first reaction was - Anji Asama is not dead!

Then he realized that the person standing in the room was not Anji Asama, but the high school detective who once made him a little afraid.

…Wait, this doesn’t seem to be any better.

By the way, why is this detective here? !

While a series of thoughts flashed through his mind, Jia Yueli suddenly raised the muzzle of his gun, gritted his teeth and pulled the trigger towards Jiang Xia.

——The problem is not big. One more Jiang Xia will only make "Asama Anji" kill one more person on the run. Everything has nothing to do with him adding more benefits.

However, for some reason, the gun that should have been easily activated with the bend of his fingers seemed to be filled with extremely sticky glue. The simple and quick action of "shooting" was hit by something huge in the gun. The resistance slowed down countless times.

——In the inhuman sight, Kagori's gun was filled with puppet clay that appeared out of thin air.

However, Canada himself could not see the scene and did not know the inside story.

Therefore, when the first trigger failed, he naively thought that he might not have used the gun for too long and accidentally hit the safety while running.

He immediately adjusted the gun doubtfully and nervously, thinking of firing it a second time.

But it was obviously too late.

——The detective in the room glanced at his calf and smiled at him kindly and kindly.

Appearing at the same time as that weird smile, was a black shadow that drew an arc in mid-air.

Jia Yueli panicked, and in the next moment, the swinging stick that came from nowhere struck him hard on the head with a heavy sound of wind.

A muffled sound escaped his throat, as if a string of fireworks exploded before his eyes, and he fell backwards.

When his whole body fell to the ground, Kagoshi Rinori could not hold the gun firmly in his hand. The pistol with half the bullets left slid out from the ground, just in time to be hit by Moori Kogoro who had just ran into the corridor and wanted to rush over to help. Accidental kick.

So it slid back to the ground like a hockey puck.

Gargoyle's eyesight shined as he was more resistant to head attacks because he wore a wig.

He tried his best to ignore the terrible shadow cast by Jiang Xia on him, raised his hand and pointed in the direction of the gun, trying to catch it - as long as there was a gun, he would kill everyone who blocked him in time, leaving only one alive. He is the one who wins!


The side box door suddenly opened.

One foot came down and firmly stepped on the gun that had slipped halfway.

Gin glanced down at the gun, then turned his head and looked at the situation on both sides.

He actually didn't sleep just now. As a person who has used guns all year round and has often shot and killed people on trains, Gin recognized the sound of gunshots mixed in the noisy sound earlier than others.

Later, I heard that the corridor was very chaotic, and there seemed to be many people there, so Gin opened the door to check.

——He still remembered his previous plan: to first hand over the target of this "accidental encounter" to Uzo. If Uzuo failed, he would have to come out personally to kill the assassination target and those who saw the truth, or even kill Uzuo depending on the situation.

However, now it seems that things have not developed to that serious level.

At least judging from Uzo's seemingly calm but actually joyful expression, everything was developing as he expected.

In addition, when he opened the door just now, Gin saw the gun sliding on the ground.

Considering that Uzo didn't have a gun, it couldn't be his weapon, so Gin stepped on it smoothly.

In such a narrow place, he really didn't want to see anyone other than himself holding a gun - vodka didn't count, he could only be regarded as a gunman who pointed where to shoot, and the kind of shooting that was not very accurate. .

After intercepting the unknown person's weapon, Gin turned his head, showed a sinister sneer at Kagori on the ground, and crushed it with his feet habitually.

The gun made a little clicking sound as it hit the ground.

But it was not trampled.

…Of course, that’s not the point.

The point is that something like this suddenly happened on the way, and it could no longer slide to the side of Kagori.

Jia Yueli lost his most powerful weapon and wanted to stand up to fight, but Jiang Xia stepped forward and stepped on him skillfully.

He flopped on the ground, looking at the approaching conductor, enthusiastic passengers, the scary tall man in black, and Jiang Xia who was standing in Asama Anji's room for some reason, and suddenly raised his hand and hammered the ground.

Then I followed the procedure and shed tears of unwillingness.

Another shooting, another tragic death of a rich man, so many things happened, the train can no longer go to the destination as if nothing had happened.

After the conductor called the police, the Beidou Star train stopped midway and a group of police officers came up.

The police easily found the body of Keitaro Izumo. In addition, they also found the body of Anji Asama hanging outside the window.

"I heard a strange cracking noise in the middle of the night. I was curious, so I got up to take a look at the situation."

Jiang Xia sat opposite the policeman, holding a tea cup, while recalling the false mental journey this morning, while talking about what he had just witnessed:

"After entering the corridor, I felt that the wind noise was much louder than before - although this may also be because everyone was asleep at night and the surroundings were relatively quiet, which made the noise louder, but I still felt that something was not right."

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