Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 42 Aren’t we good partners?

Jiang Xia walked into the haunted house and closed the door behind her back.

The surroundings fell into darkness.

Jiang Xia didn't panic at all and skillfully borrowed Guiying's eyesight.

The gloomy environment became clear again.

After being able to see clearly, Jiang Xia walked briskly along the corridor to where the leg-picking shikigami was, preparing to pick up the ghost.

He quickly found a piece of floorboard that had been lifted up.

Under the floor, a staircase winding downwards was exposed.

Jiang Xia walked down the stairs to the bottom and saw a brightly lit dungeon.

This is where the filial son is imprisoned by his mother.

The door was open, and Conan's reasoning voice could be heard faintly inside.

Jiang Xia walked to the door and looked inside.

The basement is more than thirty square meters, with a row of iron railings running across the middle, dividing a cell.

The son was sitting in the cell with unkempt hair and a shikigami on his lap.

Outside the railing, there were three people - Conan, Ayumi, and a white-haired, very thin woman.

The silver-white waist-length hair made Jiang Xia's hands feel a little itchy, and she reflexively wanted to grab something.

However, if you calm down for a moment, you will find that the murderous aura in the woman is very weak.

It can only be barely classified into the "hungry-satisfying" category.

It's not even as fresh as the murderous intent of the kidnapper last time.

The lights were on in the basement, and Jiang Xia had just given his eyesight back to the ghost baby.

The ghost baby looked at the woman in front of him, and after being startled for a moment, he became slightly disappointed.

However, it is not as picky as Jiangxia, and I am very satisfied if I eat it with murderous intent. So I jumped down to the ground still very motivated, ready to pick it up.

The white-haired woman held a knife and stared at Conan and Ayumi who were huddled in the corner, feeling extremely emotional.

At this time, her back was facing the door, and Jiang Xia's steps were very light. She didn't notice that there was another person at the door.

The other three people could actually see Jiang Xia.

However, the son in the cell was holding his head and wailing one after another. Not only did it not serve as a reminder, but it also covered up the noise Jiang Xia might have made.

When Conan saw Jiang Xia, his reasoning voice paused for a moment, then quickly continued as if nothing had happened.

However, he obviously failed to control his emotions.

When he spoke, his energy was much stronger than before.

Fortunately, the old woman was not in a good mental state and did not pay attention to Conan's abnormality.

Ayumi looked at Jiang Xia timidly, but also said nothing.

I don’t know if he became resourceful in the crisis, or he was too frightened to make a sound.

Of course, it could also be the common misconception that Yan Gou has - the big brother at the door doesn't look like a bad guy.

Conan is obviously the kind of dedicated detective who, once the reasoning gets the best of him, will finish the reasoning before his death, even if it costs him his life.

In fact, at first, the white-haired old lady didn't want to kill anyone.

Genta and Mitsuhiko, who were lying in the yard, were only stunned by her.

She thought that even if a child reported the crime, the police would not pay attention and would only think that they were just a few naughty children who were frightened by the haunted house and gave birth to hallucinations.

But Conan is different.

——Conan not only saw his son in the dungeon, he even guessed that his son was the murderer back then.

"There is a homeless man hiding in a haunted house" is completely different from "there is a wandering murderer hiding in a haunted house".

If it's the latter, the police might actually come to check.

So at this time, the white-haired woman listened to Conan's reasoning and felt some real murderous intent in her body.

When Conan said, "The one who killed your husband was actually your son," the old woman finally broke out.

"Shut up!" She grabbed Conan's neck and raised the kitchen knife with a ferocious expression.

Ayumi let out a scream and was petrified.

Conan was also confused.

……Wait a moment.

Why is the script different from what he thought?

He clearly saw Jiang Xia just now.

Shouldn't the normal situation be like this: Jiang Xia deduces the truth by himself, Jiang Xia simultaneously controls the old woman, and finally the two of them smile at each other in tacit understanding, and take out their mobile phones to call the police while hiding their merit and fame.


Conan was so pinched that he felt dizzy.

He couldn't help but start to doubt himself, struggling to take another look at the door to find out if it was Jiang Xia who was here.

But the old woman blocked his view.

——The angry mother let out a roar, closed her eyes tightly, and slashed with the knife. With her eyes open, she was afraid that she would be soft-hearted.

However, before the blade could pierce the human body, her palm suddenly became empty.

The kitchen knife held high was pulled away from behind.

Almost at the same time, someone pressed her shoulder skillfully.

When the white-haired woman came to her senses, half of her body was numb and she was slumped on the ground.

There was a faint sound of sirens outside the house.

Jiang Xia glanced at the door and thought that the girl next door called the police very quickly. She was worthy of being a resident of this world.

He threw the knife he had taken away into the corner, and suddenly found a mop at his feet, so he picked it up.

Although the tunnel door is open, it will definitely take some time for the police to find the entrance.

Before the police arrive, quickly knock the murderous spirit loose.

Just now, Jiang Xia could actually seize the sword earlier.

However, seeing that the more Conan babbled, the more murderous aura appeared in the white-haired woman... Jiang Xia couldn't help but wait, wanting to see how much the murderous aura could increase.

The results are satisfactory.

Conan's ability to draw hatred is truly worthy of praise.

The white-haired woman sitting on the ground covered her shoulders, turned around, and looked at Jiang Xia, who was carrying a mop, with a look of reluctance.

The two looked at each other.

After a while, Jiang Xia discovered that the murderous aura wrapped around the old lady's body began to loosen consciously.

...Perhaps after weighing the strength of both sides, she quickly realized that she could not continue killing people.

So I can only give up the idea of ​​killing people.

When the ghost baby who had been waiting nearby for a long time saw this, he trotted over and rolled the fallen murderous aura into a fluffy ball like rolling marshmallows, then brought it back and showed it to Jiang Xia.

Jiang Xia half-crouched down, took out the cigarette box containing Ghost Mint, tore open the sealed package, and let the murderous intent flow in.


【8:30 am】Updated on time

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