Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 43 Infinite Ghosts

The ghost baby is very busy.

After expressing its murderous intent, it turned around and crawled into the prison, trying to pluck the leg-skimming god from the imprisoned son's legs.

However, the shikigami's leg-stripping move was very tight and the ghost baby failed.

Jiang Xia looked disappointed for a while, then looked away and looked at the two children next to him again.

Conan was still covering his neck and coughing. The old lady pinched her hard just now.

Ayumi patted him on the back. After patting him, she turned her head and looked at Jiang Xia blankly.

Jiang Xia felt that the police were coming soon.

So like every good person who acts bravely, he asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

"No, it's okay!" Ayumi replied loudly.

After saying that, she glanced at Jiang Xia hesitantly, feeling that according to the convention of being rescued in TV dramas, she should give a mouthful of thanks at this time - look, this big brother even squatted down deliberately, the savior gave such an obvious hint... …

Ayumi then leaned forward expectantly, thinking about whether to kiss the left cheek or the right cheek, while blushing and whispering: "Thank you n..."

Before she could finish speaking, a hand suddenly placed on her shoulder from behind, stopping her.

Conan advised with great vicissitudes: "Don't kiss him."

...Based on last time's experience, I'm afraid I can only kiss the mop with this mouthful.

He would be blamed for strange things afterwards.

And Ayumi has been frightened a lot today.

If he suddenly experiences a blow from a friendly force, he might just burst into tears.

Jiang Xia will definitely not care about children crying. When the time comes, he will have to coax him...

Ayumi didn't know the inside story.

She looked at Conan in surprise, guessing that Conan was jealous, and began to seriously debate whether she should choose the savior who fell from the sky, or a classmate whom she had known for a longer time.

At this time, a series of footsteps came from the passage.

The police found the dungeon.

The speed was faster than Jiang Xia thought.

The Mumu Police Department walked in with a few people and were shocked when they saw the scene inside.

... In a society governed by the rule of law, someone actually built a prison cell under their noses.

Outrageous, just outrageous.

The Mumu Police Department looked at the miserable citizens in the jail with unkempt hair and faces, and walked over with concern, wanting to express their condolences.

Unexpectedly, when the "victim" saw the police, a tiger suddenly flew to the railing and shouted with tears of joy: "Let me out! I want to surrender!"

Mumu Police Department: "...surrender?"

As soon as these words came out, Shishen, who was holding his son's lap, suddenly let go.

The ghost baby grabbed the shikigami's feet, and the two ghosts fell to the ground together.

The ghost baby was stunned for a moment.

After a moment, it came back to its senses, and in surprise, dragging the shikigami along, ran back to Jiang Xia and handed over the ghost it picked up.

At the same time, he looked eagerly at the cigarette case in Jiang Xia's hand.

Being able to pick up the murderous aura today is an unexpected gain.

Moreover, the unstable murderous intent generated in this state of hesitation has a short shelf life and will go bad after two or three days, unlike premeditated or determined murderous intent, which can last for several years.

Thinking this, Jiang Xia slowly took out a piece of ghost mint.

Just as he was about to light it, a hand suddenly stretched out from beside him and pointed directly at his cigarette.

Jiang Xia quickly pulled out her hand to protect Gui Minhao and looked to the side.

The person who tried to grab the cigarette turned out to be a policeman.

Officer Sato frowned slightly: "I smoked in high school, what will happen if my lungs grow bigger? Don't imitate those old smoker detectives, you are already very good and don't need this kind of thing to show off - and where did you get this cigarette?" Did you get it?”

According to regulations, the sale of tobacco and alcohol to minors is prohibited anywhere. A while ago, they introduced an identification system for the automatic cigarette vending machines here. If you don't swipe your card to prove that you are an adult, you can't buy cigarettes.

...If it was stolen from home, it is necessary to talk to his parents.

Jiang Xia faced her sharp gaze and sighed silently.

He always forgets similar rules.

After all, for a long time, in Jiang Xia's impression, he has become an adult at the age of 18.

Who would have thought that as soon as I changed places, I would suddenly be two years behind.

...You have to remember in the future that you can’t make excuses in front of the attentive police.

However, it is good to be like this today, it is reasonable and well-founded and saves a little murderous intention.

Under the gaze of Ghost Baby Q-Q, Jiang Xia hid the cigarette in his sleeves as if nothing had happened: "I don't smoke, I just like to smell the burnt aroma when the cigarette is lit. It helps me think."

Conan next to him twitched his eyes.

He remembered that Jiang Xia also lit up a cigarette last time when he rescued the kidnapped little girl.

At that time, Conan was so beaten by the kidnappers that his brain hurt. He really forgot whether Jiang Xia was smelling or smoking when he lit the cigarette.

But after a little reasoning, I knew that the cigarette must have been smoked, and it was the kind of deep breath-otherwise it would not have burned so quickly.

What's more, everyone has already caught it. If you want to know something, just ask the collapsed son. There is no need to "help think".

The police will not believe Jiang Xia's lies.

Just as Conan was thinking about it, he saw Sato touching the back of his head and nodding: "So that's it."

Conan: "?"

Sato doesn’t always judge people by their appearance.

She feels that there are actually many differences between long-term smokers and non-smokers.

And Jiang Xia, no matter the color of her teeth, the look of her fingers, or the smell of her body, does not have the characteristics that a small smoker should have.

And... and Jiang Xia does look sincere, not like he is lying. Anyway, it makes people want to believe him inexplicably.

Jiang Xia noticed her wavering and immediately brought the topic to the case to prevent her from continuing to ask about the source of the cigarette.

Sato is also a serious policeman who loves his work. Being distracted by this, he immediately forgot about the cigarette and began to record the case seriously.

Jiang Xia sent the police away, put away the new style god, and went to the logistics company to take over his shift with satisfaction.

The next day, after he woke up, he sat in a daze for a while, recalling the grand scene in his dream where he raised his arms and called out, and all the ghosts responded.

Then he hopefully released all the ghosts and shikigami sealed in the seal.

The four ghosts lined up on the quilt.

The shikigami is relatively honest, like a real piece of paper, spread out on the quilt and not moving.

The ghost baby looked around suspiciously, and habitually wanted to crawl on Jiang Xia.

However, he was ruthlessly pushed back onto the quilt and forced to line up.

Jiang Xia released the ghosts and clicked on them one by one, 1, 2, 3, 4.

...Only four.

Clicked again, 1, 2, 3, 4.

Still only this much.

...It's better to be in a dream.

Jiang Xia held her chin and sighed quietly.

I don’t know if I can continue the dream just now if I lie down and take a nap.

Guiying stared at Jiang Xia's fingertips, thoughtfully.

Jiang Xia started to count for the third time out of boredom: 1, 2, 3, 4...

This time, after being counted out, Guiying quickly climbed to the end of the line.

Jiang Xia's counting finger stopped on its head: "...5."

I managed to scrape it all together.

Both people and ghosts feel comfortable.

Guiying looked at Jiang Xia obediently, and then looked at the cigarette case beside his pillow with longing and suggestive eyes.

Jiang Xia took out one and turned it around twice in his hand, but didn't click it: "It's not convenient to keep saying 'you, you, you', so why don't I give you a name."

Ghost Infant: "..."

Thinking of the names Jiang Xia gave to his precious potted plants, Guiying not only wanted to shake his head, but also wanted to run.

...But Jiang Xia was holding its rations in her hands.

The ghost baby bit his finger and nodded humiliatingly.

Jiang Xia was very satisfied with his cooperation: "Let's call him Xiaobai."

The ghost baby breathed a subtle sigh of relief.

Although a bit brief.

But fortunately, it’s not a cat’s egg, a dog’s egg, a pig’s ear, a green comb…

So when Jiang Xia called it "Xiaobai", it responded cooperatively.

Jiang Xia touched its head with satisfaction, got out of bed, walked to the table, and lit the ghost mint.

He put the shikigami on the bed back into his seal, washed briefly, and opened a box of instant noodles.

Just as I was about to pour some hot water, the doorbell rang.

Jiang Xia put down the kettle, opened the door and found it was a courier.

He hasn't shopped online recently, and no one usually sends him mail.

Only Shirley would occasionally send some of her homemade health medicines.

Jiang Xia took the express delivery.

As before, the sender's column contains an "S", which is the initials of Shirley's English name.


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