Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 439 Are you there? Take the jumping machine?

After thinking about it, Kidd sighed with complicated emotions.

He turned to Terai: "Go home first."

He has to go to school tomorrow, and he hasn't started writing his group assignment yet, so he has to go back and work on it overnight. Although this thing is not difficult, it is a waste of time.

Wait, speaking of this, Koizumi Hongzi is actually in his group... I hope Koizumi Hongzi still has the strength to do her homework tonight, well, to say the least, at least I hope she still has the strength to go to school tomorrow.

Koizumi Anko’s special piece of chocolate that “you will fall in love with after eating it” is exquisitely constructed, but it is also composed of magic power after all - in other words, it is composed of energy cores. As long as you use a little force, it will not taste like other energy cores. the difference.

The most critical elements have been turned into materials, so naturally it can no longer play its corresponding role.

So Jiang Xia was not affected by chocolate.

Just now Koizumi Hongzi asked him to take Kidd away. Jiang Xia turned to look at Kidd, also wanting to show his hesitant attitude, so that Koizumi Hongzi could continue to release magic power and control the Kidd in the formation during his hesitation. De, let him stay a little longer...

However, whether it was because Koizumi Hongzi was too tired or because she was too confident in chocolate and Kiriten Dog, Jiang Xia discovered that Koizumi Hongzi dispersed the magic circle directly after he controlled the puppet to eat the chocolate.

...Just now, you looked like you were going to use your magic to bake people dry, and now you want to get off work?

Let’s hand over the remaining magic power first.

Anyway, she looked very energetic... Thinking this, Jiang Xia decisively lifted Koizumi Hongzi high into the sky.

——When people face life threats or are frightened, they will instinctively seek survival and self-defense.

Koizumi Anko still has great potential...

One second, Koizumi Anko was looking forward to a bright future in which "men all over the world would surrender at her feet", and the next second she was caught off guard and lifted into the sky.

The panic of not being able to keep her feet on the ground made her subconsciously nervous. At the same time, Koizumi Anko instinctively burst out with magic power, trying to use magic to float herself into the air and bounce away the Kiriten dog grabbing her.

Unfortunately, neither succeeded.

Jiang Xia hugged her as if nothing had happened and took away the magic power she poured out one by one.

However, the wonderful pressing process did not last long.

——Koizumi Hongzi often floats in the sky. After the initial shock, she quickly calmed down, turned her head and looked at the night sky around her, and then looked at the foggy dog ​​holding her.

She has always been talented in magic and quite confident in her magic.

Coupled with the incident of "successfully trapping Kiriten Dog with magic" just now, Koizumi Anko thought for a few seconds that the reason for the current situation may be that she didn't explain it clearly just now.

She then tugged on Jiang Xia's clothes and reiterated arrogantly: "When I said 'take him back', I asked you to take Kidd away, not me."

When giving orders, it is inevitable to look the other person in the eye.

The two sides looked at each other, Koizumi Hongzi was startled, and her cheeks were faintly red. The more he looked at it, the more he felt that he had just made the right choice - he was indeed a monster that existed in legend, but it was more beautiful than humans.

Speaking of which, I don’t know where Tengu usually lives, but it hasn’t been reported yet... Forget it, no matter where he lives, now that he has eaten her chocolate, he is her monster. Later, ask the servants to find out if this monster has a temple or other residence. If so, move it into her castle in the suburbs...

In addition, thinking of this, Koizumi Anko felt that she already understood why Kiriten Dog did not obediently catch Kidd, but flew over to carry her - the effect of chocolate is not to make the person who eats it obey the maker's instructions, but to make the person who eats it obey the maker's instructions. It makes the user fall in love with the maker.

And everyone...or monster, their understanding of love should be different. Therefore, perhaps the foggy dog ​​felt that taking her for a ride was more in line with expectations than obediently catching Kid.

Well, yes, it makes sense, 80% of the time it is. Koizumi Hongzi nodded secretly.

...I can’t tell, but this good-looking monster is quite romantic, maybe he is a scumbag among monsters with rich experience.

It is indeed fun to drive around like this, but there is still business to do now, and she is the one who is loved, and she must be in charge of Kiriten Dog's actions...


Koizumi Anko suddenly let out a scream.

The support on her back and legs suddenly disappeared - thousands of meters high in the sky, Kiritengu let go of the hand holding her without warning, and Koizumi Anko fell instantly, surrounded by a feeling of weightlessness.

She suddenly fell nearly a hundred meters before she came to her senses in a panic. She used magic to slow down her landing and let herself float in mid-air.

Just as he stopped, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, his shoulders suddenly tightened.

Koizumi Hongzi was startled, and turned her head suddenly, and saw a hand so pale that it seemed that it had never seen the light of day - the hand of Kiriten Dog - on her shoulder.

The next second, the magic power around her that kept her floating suddenly disappeared.

The foggy dog ​​also stopped flapping its wings, and they both lost power at the same time and fell straight to the ground.

Koizumi Anko: "???"

The feeling of weightlessness hit her again, and there was a buzz in her head. Her first reaction was - falling from such a high place... she would definitely fall to death!

The desire to survive made Koizumi Hongzi grit her teeth and activate her magic power with all her strength.

However, although the operation of magic power is not hindered, for some reason, it cannot achieve the floating effect.

Her face turned pale, and she looked at the rapidly approaching ground below. Thinking of the tragic situation of her body being slapped against it, she closed her eyes in despair.

But soon, Koizumi Hongzi felt that Kiriten Dog hugged her, and the force supporting her gradually became heavier.

Finally, before falling to the ground, the two completely stopped their downward trend.

Koizumi Hongzi opened her eyes after the disaster and saw the foggy dog ​​flapping its wings and taking her up into the sky again.


Koizumi Hongzi was stunned for a moment, and gradually realized that "The foggy dog ​​loved her just in a wrong way" was not a wonderful thing. She struggled violently: "Let me go!"

Then, as she got further and further away from the ground, her request became smaller and smaller, and finally she closed her mouth and silently tightened the sleeves of the foggy dog.

Koizumi Hongzi couldn't understand Kiritengu's behavior for a while, but she didn't dare to let out her girlish feelings as before. She was silent for a moment and asked warily: "What on earth do you want to do!?"

Could it be that this monster saw theories like the "suspension bridge effect" somewhere and wanted to manually make her heart beat faster?

This, this is different from her ideal "falling in love with her"! He should obviously kneel at her feet and become her prisoner, but he dared not go west when she pointed east...

Wutian Dog heard her question, glanced at her, didn't answer, and just continued to fly upward.

Then when you reach the high point, let go again.


After throwing it three or four times in a row.

Jiang Xia held the witch in his arms and observed it, and found that Koizumi Hongzi's eyes were empty, lost their highlights, and turned into the shape of a salted fish with no desire to struggle.

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