Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 440 Independent Version of Puppet

Jiang Xia suddenly sighed after flying around with Koizumi Hongzi for a few times and no more magic power was squeezed out.

This witch looked like she had been squeezed to the limit.

However, today's harvest is rich enough...

Thinking like this, Jiang Xia took Koizumi Hongzi down and planned to find a place to put her down and come back to her when she recovered.

During the slow descent, Koizumi Hongzi, who was hopeless, moved her ears and heard the servant's magical message.

"Lord Anko, I just found out about the legend about the Tengu." There was the sound of newspapers being flipped over from the servant's side - after Koizumi Anko saw the Kiri Tengu just now, he was curious about this monster that he had never seen before, so I summoned someone to investigate, and now I finally got the results.

The servant obviously knew nothing about Koizumi Anko's current situation. He read the newspaper intently and helped the witch examine the feasibility and difficulty of raising a foggy dog ​​at home:

"The legend of the foggy dog ​​has always been popular in the Banmaru Mountain area, but it really became famous two years ago - two years ago, a young monk 'hanged himself' in the Shanni Temple there; a while ago , their abbot also 'hanged himself to death'.

"The places where these two people hanged themselves were on the very high roof of the solitary room. No one knows how they climbed up without leaving any traces. It looked as if someone flew them up. In addition, when the young monk died, , a huge gap was opened in the wall of the solitary room... These features are completely consistent with the local 'foggy dog''s cannibalistic habits."

"……eat human?"

...And it sounds like two people have died because of this?

Koizumi Anko's heart skipped a beat, and it was difficult to maintain the lying state for a while - although she had already experienced impressive fear and exhaustion when she was thrown around in the air, this instinctive fear of weightlessness, It's a kind of fear that's terrifying to contemplate, but it's not exactly the same thing.

The servant heard the words Koizumi Hongzi repeated in a low voice and responded:

"That's right. It is said that the foggy dogs will sneak into the village like fog in the middle of the night, break through the walls, steal the food they like, and then hang the corpses of the prey high for food - by the way, I heard that they like young people best. Beautiful girl.

“But Lord Hongzi, don’t worry, your noble and pure magic power is enough to suppress this kind of monster.

"It's just that if you want to raise it, you must prepare a cage that is difficult to break through to prevent it from running out and harming the surrounding residents. In addition, you may also need to prepare human flesh as rations, but this is illegal, so..."


Koizumi Anko originally wanted to secretly ask for help from her servant, but was blocked by the words "noble and pure magic" and found it difficult to speak for a while.

When she finally finished struggling, gritted her teeth, and wanted to put aside her dignity to save her life, she saw Wutian Gou glance at her ears thoughtfully.

Immediately afterwards, Koizumi Hongzi realized that she could no longer hear the servant's noisy and unpleasant voice.

Her pupils shrank - it seemed that it was not an illusion, this monster actually seemed to have a way to block her magic power!

...Why do the ancient books at home never record that there are living monsters in the world? Why is there no mention of this terrible natural enemy? ?

Koizumi Hongzi thought of the news brought by the servant just now, especially the words "human flesh" and "prey" in it, and then thought about her own situation, she felt uncontrollably afraid.

At the same time, she also had a new understanding of Wutian Dog's behavior of throwing her to play just now.

——Since the foggy dog ​​likes to hang the carcasses of its prey in high places to eat. Just now, Wutian Dog threw her down from above, maybe he wanted to take aim and hit her on some very tall object.

It's just because she always instinctively floats into the air with the help of magic power, causing the trajectory to deviate. Wutian Gou felt that the throw was not accurate, so he took her up again with dissatisfaction and threw her again...

...In this case, even if you can't use magic to levitate yourself and escape, you should at least try to change the direction of your fall. We can't just wait for death!

The unknown makes people fearful and dare not resist.

But once she figured out the other party's behavior pattern, Koizumi Hongzi's remaining desire for survival was squeezed out again.

She waited with bated breath for the next time the foggy dog ​​threw her. This time, she will no longer maintain a floating state, but will only allow herself to drift a little for a short period of time. In this way, the foggy dog ​​that insists on hanging its prey on the tree will not kill her immediately... By delaying the time, the servant may find something wrong and come to save her!

After having a rough countermeasure, Koizumi Anko gritted her teeth, forced herself to calm down, and was ready to be thrown in the next wave.

However, unlike what she thought, the foggy dog ​​did not take her to high altitude again, but descended all the way, and finally came to the woods and landed on a tall tree.

Koizumi Anko looked at the eerie tree with overgrown branches. In her mind, the popular science the servant had just said kept echoing in her mind - foggy dogs like to hang the bodies of their prey high and leave them for eating...

High places...

Set aside for consumption…

Scenes of fresh and bloody strips of human flesh hanging on the tree flashed through her mind, as well as the tragic scene of her being disemboweled. She rolled her eyes upwards, exhausted to escape reality, and fell into a coma.


Jiang Xia landed on the tree and patted Koizumi Hongzi.

It was discovered that she seemed to be really fainted, and then she descended to the ground again.

There seems to be some kind of connection between Koizumi Hongzi and her servant. Jiang Xia tugged on the magic thread on Koizumi Hongzi's body, and after a while, the servant would come to pick her up.

He left his people behind and left with a rich harvest.

Late at night, Miwa Town.

Jiang Xia opened her eyes under the quilt and coughed twice according to the mark on her heart.

I was a little choked after eating so many energy cores at once.

But he didn't feel tired at all, and he didn't know when Koizumi Anko would recover. He already wanted to make an appointment for the next visit...

Jiang Xia, like Koizumi Hongzi just now, lay down for a while and slowly digested the energy core that had been stored just now.

After digesting it, he opened the quilt and sat up, letting a large amount of shikigami flow out from the mark on his heart.

The shikigami quickly gathered in the center of the room, piling up into puppet clay.

Jiang Xia picked up the nearest ghost and threw it in.

The next second, a slender figure in black took shape in front of him - the woman who appeared out of thin air was wearing a solemn black dress, a black wide-brimmed sunhat on her head, the brim of the hat was low, and the skirt was dotted with dark silver. Edge lines.

——Miyano Akemi.

In other words, Miss Anonymous.


Star Points Addition has been changed back to Monthly Pass Addition.

There will be a double monthly ticket event starting the day after tomorrow (secret hint)

By the way, if there is a short side story, what would the bosses want to see?


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