Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 442 Haiyuan Ai: Something is wrong with the anonymous lady today

Miyano Akemi gently pushed open the basement door without making a sound.

But Haihara Ai could vaguely see the scene behind her from the reflection of the computer screen.

She grabbed the anesthetic needle in her pocket and turned her head warily.

Then after seeing the person clearly, he was slightly startled: "...Anonymous lady?"

Miyano Akemi nodded and said hello.

During this process, her eyes fell on Hui Yuan Ai's soft brown hair, and the slender fingers hanging by her side trembled slightly, ready to move.

But I thought of Jiang Xia's reminder and her usual image. Miyano Akemi could only temporarily suppress the idea of ​​grabbing her sister and touching her.

She raised her hand seriously and gestured with the shape of a capsule, referring to the antidote to APTX4869.

Miyano Akemi still remembers Jiang Xia's reminder just now - there must be a suitable reason to use the physical body to find her sister, otherwise her sister will be frightened and bald...

This command is indeed a bit abstract.

Haibara Ai looked at Miyano Akemi's hand gesturing for the capsule, and was a little confused at first.

But soon, she remembered that there were not many places where she could be useful in the Anonymous organization - apart from appearing from time to time to save her, the Anonymous had only communicated with her on matters related to APTX4869.

Therefore, after a few seconds, Haibara Ai successfully understood the meaning of Miyano Akemi's gesture.

However, there was one thing that concerned her very much...

Hui Yuan Ai's eyes fell on Anonymous's throat.

She wrung her fingers with complicated emotions, hesitated for a moment, and pretended not to understand the gesture: "Do you want medicine for your throat? I have cold capsules here... Well, are you sick? Or injured, or accidentally inhaled What poisonous gas?”

Miyano Akemi shook her head and gestured straightforwardly again - the antidote to APTX4869. This was her excuse to see her sister.

Hui Yuan Ai sighed inwardly, not daring to continue pretending to be stupid.

She looked at Anonymous carefully and found no wounds on her neck, and then walked to the safe: "Now I have made several temporary antidotes with different durations, but there is no medicine that can completely solve the problem... "

Taking into account the elusive habit of Anonymous, Haihara Ai actually gathered together a box of various types of antidotes and carried them with her so that she could hand them over to Anonymous as soon as possible when Anonymous came looking for her, so as to avoid being picked up by some impatient Anonymous. Get an anesthesia needle.

But the antidote was in her coat, and the coat was hanging at the door of the living room. Now, she was wearing pajamas. Haihara Ai did not expect that the anonymous lady would go directly into the underground laboratory.

It seems that in the future, you will have to carry antidotes or other things that Anonymous wants when you are at home... Haihara Ai silently added a note to herself.

She fiddled with the safe in the lab and quickly opened the door.

Just as he stretched out his hand to touch the antidote, a small clang sound suddenly came from behind, as if someone tripped on something and was about to fall.

Hui Yuan Ai was startled, and turned back quickly, just in time to see the anonymous lady raise her hand to support the standing cabinet beside her, and regain her balance from the staggering state.

……what happened?

Hui Yuan Ai didn't bother to close the safe and ran over to support her: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Anonymous glanced down at her, took the pill box in her hand and put it away, then patted her head, "The hair is good. Stay up late."

Afterwards, she politely opened the door and left.


Haiyuan Ai raised his hand in a daze, touched his fluffy hair that he had just washed, and carefully touched the spot that was photographed by the anonymous person just now... It still felt hairy to the touch, and there was no sign of premature baldness.

...So, why did the anonymous lady suddenly say that?

Doesn't it look like her hair is not as thick as when she last saw the anonymous lady?

Thinking of this, Haiyuan Ai couldn't help but picture Dr. A Li in his mind, especially his bald head.

Think again about yourself.

The two scenes gradually overlap...

The underage scientist shuddered suddenly.

After a while, Hui Yuan Ai came back to her senses from that terrible future. She trotted out of the basement, but at this time, the corridor was empty - Anonymous left as silently as before.

... He must be very busy. He came to see her so late. Maybe he was asked to work overtime by the leader again... The hateful anonymous boss of the organization.

In addition, I don’t know why, but today’s anonymous lady seems to be very similar to my sister...

A trace of uncontrollable nostalgia flashed in Haiyuan Ai's eyes.

She turned her head and glanced at the landline in the basement, hesitated for a moment, walked back to the laboratory, and closed the door gently.

Jiang Xia drove the puppet, skillfully climbed over the window and wall, took away the temporary antidote, and returned to his home.

That's right, now it's him who drives the puppet again.

——Although he received a lot of energy cores from Koizumi Anko, his ghosts also increased a lot. On average, the improvement is limited.

Now it seems that the puppets can only maintain independent action for a few minutes, and this is without any violent movements... If they really want to use the puppets to do something, the time the ghost fetuses can last will only be shorter.

After returning home and dispersing the puppets, Jiang Xia picked up Miyano Akemi, who had collapsed into a piece of ghost cake, shook her round, and temporarily placed her back in the tattoo space to let her rest.

Although the duration is shorter, compared with the previous situation where the puppet could only barely move its arms, there has been a huge improvement.

And now, Jiang Xia has also found a new way to collect energy cores.

...I don’t know how long it will take for Koizumi Anko to recover. I have to go see her in a few days.

In addition, since magic exists in this world, Koizumi Hongzi should not be the only magician, and I don’t know where the remaining magicians are.

Also, how did Kidd find where he and Koizumi Anko were? That scene should have been separated by Koizumi Anko's magic.

...When Kidd comes out next time, I have to ask him if he has any magic secrets at home.

If so, urge Kidd to study diligently and become a qualified magical boy...

The night is already very deep.

Jiang Xia played with the puppets for a while, and after initially figuring out their evolutionary status, he lay down to rest.

The next day, Jiang Xia drove the puppet to Kidd's high school and made a brief inquiry.

Then I discovered that although Kidd went to school, Koizumi Anko's position was vacant - she had asked for leave.

...I don’t know if I am avoiding people, or because my magic power has not recovered, my body is too weak, or I feel that I have lost face and don’t want to see people for the time being.

Unable to see the witch he longed for, Jiang Xia had to temporarily return to his peaceful detective life.

Two days later.

Jiang Xia was flipping through the registration book while waiting for clients to pick up cats at the office.

Then I realized belatedly that I was let go by a client yesterday.

——This customer named Kayo Shibata originally made an appointment to pick up her Siamese cat yesterday afternoon. However, until now, the lively black-faced cat is still stuck in the office.


There will be a double monthly ticket event starting tomorrow (●`●)

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