Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 443 Jiang Xia should be a good bodyguard (monthly ticket adds more updates)

Jiang Xia's eyes paused on the registration book and wanted to call and ask Ms. Shibata when she would be free so that she could set a new time to pick up the cat.

But before I could touch the receiver, the phone rang, and someone happened to dial first.

Jiang Xia's hand on the receiver paused for a moment. He looked at the string of numbers on the caller ID and compared them with the ones in his memory. He recognized that this was the "Shibata Kayo" who had defeated him.

He picked up the phone.

A slightly nervous female voice came from the opposite side, and there seemed to be a little excitement in the nervousness.

Shibata Kayo spoke too fast: "I'm sorry, I had something to do yesterday and couldn't go on time. Well... are you free this afternoon? I would like to trouble you to help deliver the cat to my house. In addition, there are some things I want to show you... …”

"...?" Is there something you want to show him?

Jiang Xia savored the nervous voice on the other side and intuitively felt that something might have happened.

And if something happens, it means there may be murderous intent and shikigami...

Jiang Xia quickly reviewed the arrangements for the afternoon.

Then I found out there was no arrangement.

So he responded decisively: "I'm free all afternoon and evening. When is it convenient for you?"

"Great, I'm relieved that you can come." Shibata Kayo was obviously relieved, "Then, I'll meet you at 2:10, and I'll send the address to your email right away."


After the other party hung up the phone, Jiang Xia put down the receiver and carefully searched for "Shibata Kayo" in the spoiler library in his mind.

However, no case could be found about her.

However, detectives are considered a service industry after all. When guests here register, no one will ask them to show their ID. When filling out the form, their name, address, age, etc. are all done on their own initiative.

According to Jiang Xia's unintentional observation, he discovered that some wives did leave false names when filling out registration forms.

——Most people here will take their husband’s surname after marriage, so when some wives come to his place, they like to use their old surname before marriage. Maybe this will make them feel young again. Some even changed their names, perhaps to create a game-like atmosphere for themselves.

...In short, although he failed to retrieve it successfully, he was fine in the afternoon anyway.

If you go there on time and take a look, you will know exactly what is going on.

After Masao Kayo hung up the call to Jiang Xia, he breathed a sigh of relief.

She is in her late twenties, has no children at home, and usually lives with her husband, who is in his fifties.

But now, her husband Masuo Katsura has left early in the morning, and Masuo Kayo can be alone quietly.

She put away her phone and sat back in her chair.

Then he opened the photo album on the desk and looked at one of the photos.

——This is a group photo. In addition to her husband Masuo Gui, there were about ten people above, some familiar and some unfamiliar.

Masao Kayo frowned for a while, then reached out to pick up the pen next to him, and with his fingertips, he circled a few of them.

Her husband is the store manager of the Toto Bank Cupido branch.

Three days ago, when Kayo Masao went to the bank, he happened to encounter a robbery. The robbers took her hostage. When she resisted angrily, she accidentally pulled the robber's hood askew and saw a little of his face.

At that time, Masao Kayo felt that the robber looked familiar.

After returning, she gradually got the impression that these seemed to be some of her husband's friends.

Combined with her husband's previous anomalies, Masao Kayo excitedly realized that this was probably a robbery planned by her husband himself - the store manager was in charge of the robbery. No wonder the robbers stole 200 million yen so smoothly.

After discovering this situation, Masao Kayo was actually a little confused at first.

After all, once the robbery was exposed, the newly obtained stolen money would also be taken away, and she would not be able to squander it.

But now, Masao Kayo has spent a long time as a rich man and is not that eager for money at the moment.

Moreover, she thought about how she was not yet thirty, and living with an ugly old husband in his fifties every day was really boring. What's more, according to Masao Kayo's knowledge, the family actually has a lot of savings. After her husband went to jail, she was able to get a lot of it during the divorce.

In the end, after many considerations, Masao Kayo decided to kill her family and send her husband away.

After making the decision, Masuo Kadai remained calm and maintained his previous life.

Secretly, he had secretly made an appointment with the police to go to the Metropolitan Police Department to explain the situation this afternoon with the photo album of suspicious persons.

In addition, she was worried that her husband, the chief planner of the robbers, would be suspicious of her and find someone to keep an eye on her nearby. If so, she might not be safe on her way to the Metropolitan Police Department to report the crime.

So Masao Kayo thought hard for a while, and couldn't help but think of the young detective who called her not long ago to inform her to pick up the cat.

——Jiang Xia, a ready-made bodyguard.

As a housewife who doesn't work much, Masao Kayo's daily connections are all linked to her husband. She was really worried that if she went to find a bodyguard, the "bodyguard" she finally found would turn into a murderer.

...So I might as well go find that righteous high school detective.

At least Jiang Xia has a correct stance and will not join in the trouble with her husband.

As for force... Jiang Xia doesn't seem to be the kind of muscular man who can fight well, but he is a young man after all. If something happens, he will definitely be more reliable than her alone.

Moreover, in fact, Jiang Xia only needs to accompany her to the car. Afterwards, they can drive to the Metropolitan Police Department. Her car has been modified and is very safe. They will be able to reach the police station smoothly.

In addition, in addition to considering safety, Masao Kayo also had other calculations in mind.

——On the way to the police station with Jiang Xia, the two will work together to guard against possible dangerous robbers... That kind of heart-racing environment will definitely promote emotional communication.

After all calculations, she and Jiang Xia are actually not much different in age... at least not much different than her and her husband. In the best case scenario, after this trip, even divorce and engagement can be settled in one go.

Masuo Kayo was thinking about it, blushing a little and pacing back and forth in the room.

After spinning twice, she still couldn't calm down.

So I simply walked to the fitness equipment in the corner of the room, planning to ride on the exercise bike for a while.

——For the sake of health and maintaining body shape, Zengweijiadai usually pays attention to exercise and starts exercising at this time. Now he has formed a stable and healthy biological clock.

the other side.

Metropolitan Police Department, search lesson one.

Conan yawned boredly and was about to take notes with the naughty boys of the Junior Detective Team - this morning, they encountered a bag robbery case.

Entering the Metropolitan Police Department, the office of the Search Section 1 was empty.

It is said that this is because in the Dongdu Bank robbery three days ago, the wife of the branch manager and the wife of the Memu Police Department were taken hostage by the gangsters. Therefore, the police officers were very active in handling the case and had no time to fish in the office. .


Double monthly pass! Vote one to win two, please vote for me ()

There are two more updates in the morning

There is an event for voting for monthly votes to watch the extras. It has been distributed, but it needs to be reviewed. Big bosses with monthly votes can go to Kangkang at that time.

This event runs until early August and can be seen next month as well.

The extra chapter is about Xiaobai's "forced confession" skill being thrown at the wrong person. The length of the chapter is relatively silly and has nothing to do with the main text...

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