Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 451: Ask for everything (monthly ticket adds more updates)

In the back row of Jiang Xia's seat, two people who looked like father and daughter were having a small argument.

Among them, the elderly father was dissatisfied: "The tickets have been bought and the stools are already warm. Now you say you want to see Kidd?? What's so good about a thief!"

Then a young female voice retorted angrily: "It's hard to come to Tokyo. Kidd-sama is much rarer than a drama. You can watch the drama anywhere!"

Jiang Xia in the front row: "..."

Kidd’s fan base is really everywhere.

By the way, what do you mean by these words? Does Kidd have an event tonight?

...Why haven't I seen him send a notice?

Jiang Xia glanced back, her eyes falling on the morning newspaper waving in the young woman's hand.

At the same time, the word "Kidd" obviously attracted the attention of many people.

When Jiang Xia turned around, next to him, Suzuki Sonoko, who cared for all the handsome guys equally, and Conan, who paid close attention to all the puzzles, also turned around at the same time.

The three people's eyes all fell on the newspaper - Kidd's photo was very prominent on it.

The first to take action was Kudo-san, who always wears a child's vest and is not afraid of embarrassment.

Conan skillfully drew out the voice of an innocent child and turned to the woman in the back row: "Sister, can I read your newspaper?"

The young woman who was debating whether to watch a drama or watch Kidd was startled.

She looked at Conan, who looked cute, and then at Jiang Xia next to him, her expression softened, and she handed the newspaper to the front row in a friendly manner:

"Here. In fact, this is not my newspaper. It should have been left in the pocket by the previous guest. I happened to see Mr. Kidd's photo, so I couldn't help but take it out and look at it..."


Conan was not interested in the source of the newspaper, he was only curious about its content.

After opening it up and looking at the most interesting place, Conan's eyes changed from excitement to tiredness.

He sighed and said disappointedly: "The time and place were written directly... I thought this time it would be a notice letter in the form of a crossword puzzle."

Suzuki Sonoko also came over and took a look.

After discovering that the photo published in the newspaper was not a new photo, but an old photo that had been used before, she and Conan sighed in unison and moved back to their stools in disappointment.

"Let me see."

Jiang Xia took the newspaper from Conan's hand and started to read it.

This is a morning paper, dated today.

Jiang Xia actually ordered this newspaper and it was delivered on time. But early this morning, he was busy going out with Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko to pick up... well, go shopping together, and he didn't have time to take a closer look.

Opening the newspaper, Jiang Xia's eyes habitually fell on the date and place.

This time, Kidd did not set up complicated puzzles, but simply wrote down the time and place... This situation is not too abnormal. Although Kidd is conscientiously setting up puzzles most of the time, but Occasionally, I do get lazy on the notice letter.

Jiang Xia is more concerned about another thing.

——The action time announced above is actually tonight.

I released the notice on the same day and stole it on the same day... Is it so hasty?

In my impression, Kidd has always been very martial in this regard. He will issue notices some time in advance to facilitate those who receive the notice to arrange defensive measures. And today's behavior is no different from a sudden attack, which is a bit unsightly...

Also, why does the target gem this time look so familiar?

Jiang Xia stared at the photo for a while, then took out her phone and searched for the name of the gem published in the newspaper.

Then it was discovered that this was a gem that Slack had handled before.

——"Srek" is a cadre of the mysterious organization that is hostile to Kidd. The organization often uses animals as code names, and also aims to find "Pandora" in the gem.

Jiang Xia remembered that a while ago, he passed by and saw Slack stealing gems, so he borrowed the gems from the fainted Slack and knocked out the energy core inside.

Kidd also steals treasures for "Pandora". This kind of treasure has been stolen by Slack once. It is impossible for Pandora to be contained in it, so it should not be Kidd's target.

...something is wrong, in short, something is wrong.

Jiang Xia thoughtfully handed the newspaper to the back and handed it back to the father and daughter who were still arguing about whether to watch Kidd or watch the drama. She had a similar entanglement in her heart.

He looked at the staff who occasionally passed by in the stands, and his eyes quickly stopped on one person.

——There is some murderous aura lingering in that man. Combined with the unique environment of the "theater", it is not difficult to imagine that if you stay here, you will definitely pick up something.

But on the other side, Kidd's strange operations are also concerning. As we all know, in this world, all kinds of "wrong" places are always accompanied by rich opportunities...

Jiang Xia struggled for a few seconds and then decided to take them all.

——Judging from the brochure, the play here will take a full three hours.

To get the energy core from Kidd, it only takes less than an hour to travel back and forth on the road.

As long as you manage your time properly, it's not difficult to achieve all options.

And now is different from before. Now, with the nourishment of Koizumi Hongzi's magic power, the ghost fetuses are much stronger than before.

Even if Jiang Xia is too busy, the ghosts can still drive their puppets and try their best. And in turn, it can also allow the strengthened and strong ghost fetuses to take over his body for a short time. Turning single-choice questions into double-choice questions is much simpler than before.

Thinking this, Jiang Xia leaned on the soft back of the chair and glanced at the ceiling light in the audience area of ​​the theater.

Now, there is still more than half an hour before the time Kidd announced.

After some calculations, when the lights dimmed and the play started, he gathered the puppets and rushed to Kidd's side to see what was going on.

at the same time.

In a gloomy old castle on the outskirts.

Minamoto Kurenai put the end of the staff into the clay pot, dipped it in the viscous red liquid inside, and painted a magic circle with a diameter of two meters and extremely complicated patterns on the ground.

At the end of the painting, every trace of weird mucus flowed out of her staff, forming the final touch of the magic circle.

Minamoto Hongna looked at this scene and nodded lightly with satisfaction. Her control of magic is still so good, even her niece's recognized genius is still far behind her.

After the painting was completed, Minamoto Kurenai raised her chin towards the servant who was standing respectfully and asked him to drag Kidd out from the other corner of the room, who was still being processed by the magic circle, and throw him into the new circle.

The servant quickly arranged the table.

Minamoto Kurenai dragged her robe and held her staff as she walked to the new magic circle.

She looked down and saw that Kidd wasn't as lively as he was yesterday. This high school student who wanted to get skinned whenever he got the chance was now half-opening his eyes. He was similar to Koizumi Anko, who was forced to sit on the jumping machine all night, and his eyes had lost their highlights.

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