Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 452 Dead, but not completely dead. Please vote for me ()

Minamoto Kurenai looked at Kidd on the ground and smiled at him with satisfaction: "You are still the most lovable in your obedient appearance."

Kidd's eyes moved slightly. Following those words, he saw the terrifying witch stretch out her staff and put the sharp end against his heart, gradually applying force.

The room door suddenly opened.

Koizumi Anko walked in while adjusting her clothes.

She patted the corner of her skirt and when she raised her head, she happened to see the "murder scene" in the corner of the room.

"..." Koizumi Hongzi was startled, "Auntie, is killing someone..."

Minamoto Kurenai glanced at her from under the hood, without taking back her hand, and said in a lazy voice:

"Do you still remember the reason why you got into trouble with the foggy dog ​​a few days ago - it was because the magic mirror told you that not all men in the world are your captives."

"Yes, yes." Koizumi Hongzi was a little ashamed. She didn't think there was anything wrong when discussing "all the men in the world" with the magic mirror alone.

But now, when someone suddenly mentioned it, I felt inexplicably embarrassed like being suddenly pushed in by my parents when I was posing in the room.

Koizumi Hongzi raised her hand to smooth out the hair that she had suppressed when changing clothes, and said nonchalantly: "...Why are you bringing this up all of a sudden?"

Minamoto Kurenai chuckled and turned back to look at Kid, who was pressed against the tip of her staff:

"He is also the type of person who can resist your temptation, right? If he dies, at least among humans, wouldn't there be no such 'exception' for not loving you?"

"That's what you say..." Koizumi Hongzi frowned and thought for a while, feeling that there seemed to be no problem with the logic, "But...ah!"

——Before she finished speaking, Minamoto Hongna suddenly held the staff and stabbed it hard.

The sharp staff instantly stretched forward and pierced Kidd's heart.

Koizumi Hongzi was shocked.

A second later, she subconsciously held the phone and pressed "110" - as a person who has lived in Tokyo for a period of time, it has become her instinct to dial the number first when seeing a corpse.

However, before pressing the dial button, she finally managed to restrain her instinct and wiped out the phone screen.

Then when I took a closer look, I realized that although Minamoto Kurenai had stabbed Kid's vital part with a stick, there was no blood flowing out there.

Minamoto Hongna muttered a few words in a low voice.

Then she pulled out her wand, and a trace of magic power invisible to the naked eye came out of the wand.

Immediately afterwards, in Koizumi Anko's field of vision, the wand in Minamoto Kurenai's hand became viscous, shortened, and condensed into a white hat; the appearance of the mature witch was also slightly distorted, and there seemed to be a cloak behind her. Extend and throw away.

——Just a few seconds passed, and Minamoto Kurenai had completely transformed into Kaitou Kidd.

She raised her hand to adjust the monocle in her right eye. The hand holding the white top hat was pressed to his chest and he bowed slightly to Koizumi Anko.

His voice also became the same as Kidd's, with a hint of teasing in his seriousness: "Don't be nervous, it's just a joke. Murder is illegal - although our abilities are outstanding, we are not completely unrestricted. Unless necessary, It’s better not to kill people.”

"——To be honest, I feel a little regretful. I should have known that he was so annoying. I should have kidnapped people in a more hidden place. Only then, the murderer would not be found out..."

Minamoto Kurenai maintained her "Phantom Thief Kid" appearance, put her hat on her head, and spoke in a relaxed tone, making it difficult to distinguish the authenticity of her words.

"He" quickly smiled and said: "Fortunately, the protection law against monsters has not been introduced yet - we have to catch the monster before others know about it."

Next to him, Kidd was lying on the ground, looking at "Phantom Thief Kidd" in front of him with blurred vision.

He disguises himself as someone else every day, but he didn't expect that he would be disguised as someone else today... No matter in terms of ability or mentality, this witch who appeared out of nowhere is more dangerous than Koizumi Anko.

...The Kiriten Dog couldn't really be broken into parts by her.

Moreover, Kidd thought sluggishly, if he cheated Kiritengu in front of him, and if he succeeded, wouldn't he also be blamed?

Thinking of this, Kidd's conscience ached. He turned his eyes with difficulty and looked at the magic circle beneath him.

All the signs just now indicate that this strange new formation is the reason why Minamoto Kurenai can pretend to be him.

While Minamoto Kurenai was talking to Koizumi Anko, he moved his fingers with great effort, trying to erase some of the complicated formation patterns.

However, his fingers trembled several times, but he never succeeded in lifting them up, and could not move at all - at least in terms of confinement, this formation was more powerful than the one he had been lying on before.

"Kid" in front of him noticed his hidden move, turned his head and raised the corners of his lips, giving him an evil smile.

Then she walked towards the door and looked at Koizumi Hongzi who was standing by the door: "Have you changed your clothes?"

"Well..." Koizumi Anko glanced at Kid on the ground, then at Minamoto Kurenai who had turned into Kid's appearance, and quickly turned her energy back to business.

She lifted up the hem of her clothes and gave Minamoto Hongna a look inside: "You must be wearing the right clothes, right?"

Under Koizumi Hongzi's casual clothes, she wore a tight-fitting lining with complicated magic circles drawn on it.

Her magic power had been drained out before, and she has not recovered it until now. She can only squeeze out a few bits and pieces.

However, if she uses the clothes Minamoto Kurenai gave her, she can regain some of the power that a witch should have.

Yuan Hongnai looked at it for a few times, nodded slightly, and reached out to help her tidy up her clothes:

"Don't be nervous for a while, just do as we promised before."

"..." Koizumi Hongzi remembered the plan discussed before, and the target this time flashed subconsciously in her mind-the appearance of Kiriten Dog.

Although Wutian Dog looked cruel and ruthless when he threw her, but when he caught her...

When she thought of the scene in the sky and the earth a few nights ago, Koizumi Hongzi's heart beat uncontrollably, thumping loudly, and her eyes became quite complicated.

She took a slow breath to calm down...forget it, it's useless to think about anything now. It is better to wait until the monster is caught and imprisoned, and then plan slowly.

Thinking of this, she got rid of distracting thoughts and nodded seriously.

Then she raised her hand and took her aunt's hand.

Two slender hands clasped together, magic power flowed, and a touch of white passed from Minamoto Kurenai's body to Koizumi Anko's body, causing the light in the room to change slightly.

In the blink of an eye, Minamoto Kurenai returned to her original appearance.

Opposite her, Koizumi Anko became "Kidd".

Next to him, the genuine Kid looked up at what was happening in front of him, looking wary and slightly confused, thinking about the meaning of their switching identities back and forth.

But he soon couldn't hold it any longer and lowered his eyes again, lying flat like a salted fish.

at the same time.

A few kilometers away, Mihua Art Theater.

The audience has all arrived, and it will soon be time for the play to begin.

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