Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 466: Hui Yuan Ai’s Domain (Anti-Theft Update)

Jiang Xia found the gloves and put them on, walked to the "S" shaped hook that dropped from the sky, picked it up and looked at it.

Almost at the same time, next to him, Haiyuan Ai also squatted down.

When she stood up again, she had an "S"-shaped hook of the same style in her hand. In addition, she wore a metal ring as thick as a finger on the hook.

"...It's a ring." Haiyuan Ai held it with a handkerchief, brought it close to his eyes, and looked at it, "It says M to A on the inside - this should be a person whose name starts with M, given to A. The wedding ring of the person who started with it.”

"Ring?" Several other children were startled.

Even if the wedding ring is of poor quality, it will not be regarded as a falling object and thrown around casually. And now, since it was thrown down, there must be some compelling reason.

Speaking of which, two "S" hooks and a ○ ring worn together can just spell "SOS" - a typical distress signal.

Hui Yuan Ai walked to Jiang Xia's side, raised her hands on tiptoes, and threaded the two hooks with wedding rings.

Then she looked at the "SoS" written vertically and frowned slightly: "Could this be related to the person you are looking for?"

"It's possible." Jiang Xia looked up at the apartment next to him.

This apartment building has nine floors in total, and there is a window on the building facing this side.

But now, all the windows were closed, and it was impossible to tell from which one the hook was thrown.

Jiang Xia's gaze swept from bottom to top, and his gaze paused briefly on a certain floor. There was a vague feeling of murderous intent inside.

Unfortunately, when the hook landed, they were not standing in this direction, but on the other side of the intersection. No windows can be seen from that side. And when he looked up at the window just now, Conan had already observed it in advance. Otherwise, now I can use the excuse of seeing the person by the window and rush up directly...

Fortunately, this is not a problem at all - as long as you walk around the apartment later, when you get to the murderous floor, you can politely knock on the door on the pretext that something is wrong, and then pick up the items in the room. The murderous intent of the gangster will suffice.

"The one who threw the ring should be a woman."

Hui Yuan Ai didn't know that Jiang Xia had already targeted the murderer. She carefully touched the metal ring held by Jiang Xia with her fingertips, and speculated: "It's not cold to the touch, maybe it was just taken off her hand. And..."

She spread out the handkerchief she had just used to hold the ring and hook and showed it to Jiang Xia.

The white handkerchief was now stained with something like red paint, a little sticky, but not blood.

Afraid that he wouldn't recognize him, Hui Yuan Ai took the initiative and said:

"It's lipstick. Judging from the color, it's a limited edition model that was released a few days ago. The person asking for help should have a good quality of life and be a suitable kidnapping target. In addition, she may be on the fatter side - this ring is a size 11 ring, which is generally Women more commonly wear sizes 7 to 9."

The three children who were listening nodded and carefully noted down the characteristics of the victim: "The fat rich aunt..."

Jiang Xia took one last look at the nine closed windows, then turned around the corner and headed for the apartment door.

"Let's take a look upstairs first." Jiang Xia was thinking about his murderous intent, and found a suitable excuse to enter the building:

"Not long after the hook was thrown out, when we looked up, the window was already closed... Considering that the kidnapped person has difficulty with his hands, judging from the time difference, the person who closed the window was probably the kidnapper. Moreover, if it was In this way, he may have witnessed the hostage's cry for help."

Ayumi Yoshida's face turned pale and she blurted out: "Then, is that rich aunt dead now?! The kidnapper will silence the disobedient hostage. This is how it is shown in TV dramas!"

"..." Then when you were a hostage, you were always kicking and biting...

Jiang Xia glanced at her silently and comforted her casually:

"Now is not a good time to silence the kidnappers - for the kidnappers, the hostages have just handed over the information, and now is the time to easily arouse the suspicion of passers-by. If the kidnappers stand still, curious passers-by may not find clues and think it is them. Overreact, give up and leave.

“But if the killing is immediate, the noise that may be caused by the victim’s desperate struggle, the bodily fluids flowing out during death, the smell produced after death, and the difficulty of cleaning up when transferring the body will make it easier for him to be exposed.

"In addition, even if reason is not taken into consideration and only instinct is relied on, at this time, most people will not make a major decision like 'killing people' rashly, but will try to maintain the status quo until they feel that the threat is removed."

The three children secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

By this time, we had already reached the door of the apartment building.

The apartment has no doorman and is equipped with an automatic door with one-way sensors.

Jiang Xia was lucky. When she came to the door, someone happened to come out and the door opened.

The aunt who was about to buy groceries glanced at him with her shopping bag, and then at the group of children behind Jiang Xia. She didn't mean to stop him from opening the door. She just nodded in a friendly manner and left slowly.

The glass automatic door is just opposite the mailbox.

After Jiang Xia entered the door, she turned around, glanced at the mailbox through the transparent glass, and saw several names in a row.

While he was looking at the mailbox intently, Conan quickly ran into the first floor, then ran back and told Jiang Xia: "Judging from the window position, the ring was thrown out of Room 5."

Jiang Xia nodded and looked at all the "×05" rooms in the mailbox.

To facilitate delivery, the name of the householder is usually labeled on the mailbox.

Combined with the lipstick Haihara Ai just found and the "M to A" engraved on the inside of the ring, this ring should be a wedding ring given by a "man whose name starts with M" to his "wife whose name starts with A."

In other words, if you find all the names of couples in "×05" that meet the conditions, you can guess which room the owner of the ring is in... Of course, if all the residents do not meet the requirements, it may be that someone has tied one up. The wife with an A in her name goes home.

In short, although there is a certain degree of chance, there are no other clues at the moment anyway. The young detective team feels that it is better to follow the first one first.

"105 is 'Da Zhu Nu', exclude, 205...ah, it should be this!"

Conan pointed to the name "Shimamasakazu/Shima Asuka" written in small font and crowded together on the mailbox, and was a little surprised.

I didn't expect progress to be made so quickly.

Is it possible that even if Jiang Xia didn't say anything, his physique of "accelerating the progress of solving crimes" would be automatically activated? ...Hiss, speaking of it, sometimes Jiang Xia's luck is really good.

Conan's mind wandered for a second, and he couldn't help but think of Jiang Xia and Mao Lilan's European energy that could hit anything.

After that, he tried to focus his thoughts on business: "Let's go to 205 first. Sister Asuka may be saved."

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