Jiang Xia nodded and walked towards the stairwell with a few children.

205 Shima Masakazu's "Masaka" is usually pronounced as "MASAKATU", while Shima Asuka's "Asuka" is commonly pronounced as (ASUKA), which indeed perfectly matches the "M to A" message on the wedding ring - just now They briefly scanned the mailbox, but except for 205, they didn't see the names of any other eligible couples.

The person who threw the ring and asked for help may be "Shima Asuka" who lives in 205.

This apartment has an elevator. But just climbing to the second floor, the elevator may not be as fast as the stairs.

Several people quickly followed the stairs to the second floor.

After Jiang Xia walked up the last step, she just raised her hand to close the door of the stairwell. Before he could push it open, he suddenly heard the sound of the doorknob being turned in the corridor.

——Judging from the direction, it happens to be suspicious 205.

…Someone came out of there.

After working as a detective for a long time, Jiang Xia also developed a sneaky streak. He instinctively stopped behind the half-open door of the stairwell.

Conan and Haihara Ai also stopped immediately.

The other three children reacted a little slower, but seeing Jiang Xia listening intently, they didn't dare to ask "What's wrong?", so they could only stand there as quietly as a chicken, pretending to be a piece of wood.

Soon, the sound of keys came.

Conan heard the sound of the door locking, took advantage of the chaos to peek, and saw two people dressed in black and wearing sunglasses walking out of 205. One male and one female.

The woman put away the key and complained to the man with a hint of anger: "You don't take care of the aftermath. How many times have you told me not to kill directly..."

"That's a long time! Time is tight. I don't have time to deal with that. Let's go quickly." The man interrupted impatiently.

This bloody conversation drifted down the corridor and reached the ears of everyone hiding in the stairwell and eavesdropping.

Several children turned pale.

Hui Yuan Ai also frowned, and moved her little hand hanging by her side slightly, instinctively holding the pocket containing the anesthesia needle.

Next to her, Conan subconsciously lowered his head to look at his sneakers, then thought of something and glanced at Jiang Xia, especially where Jiang Xia hid his stick.

Conan's eyes moved back and forth between "sneakers" and "throwing stick" several times. Finally, he stopped turning on the switch of his sneakers and gave Jiang Xia a thumbs-up sign that meant "you come first" - he felt that Jiang Xia would like this kind of link very much...

However, Hui Yuan Ai raised his hand at the same time and grabbed the hem of Jiang Xia's clothes.

She glanced at Conan, then picked up her phone and pointed: Call the police, in case those two people have guns.

"It's okay." Jiang Xia pressed Haiyuan Ai's phone, "I'll go over and take a look first."

Before Hui Yuan Ai could react, he saw Jiang Xia leaving the stairwell and walking towards the two men in black who looked suspicious no matter how they looked.

...And he didn’t even take out his swinging stick, so he went over empty-handed.

The two tomboys looked at Jiang Xia's hand that was holding nothing and looked at each other in confusion.

After a while, Conan suddenly remembered Jiang Xia's swinging stick that had been specially treated by Dr. A Li so that it was difficult to leave any injuries when hitting people, and the boxing force measuring machine in the previous arcade that was scrapped by Jiang Xia's punch. instrument……

Jiang Xia without a swing stick seems to be more dangerous...

Conan's expression changed slightly and he quickly ran out of the stairwell, trying to stop the possible bloody scene that would follow.

Before he could run, Jiang Xia's calm voice suddenly sounded in the quiet corridor.

——Jiang Xia met the two people who came out of 205.

He nodded and said hello, and then said in a chatty tone: "I just heard you guys chatting about the aftermath. Did you kill someone?"

Haiyuan Ai, who was eavesdropping nervously: "...??"

...This is too direct!

What if the murderer on the opposite side suddenly pulls out a gun! ...Thinking about the worst, there could be two of them, and that might mean two guns!

Hui Yuan Ai nervously slipped out of the stairwell door and secretly moved towards the fire extinguisher in the corridor, hoping to use it as a weapon and give Jiang Xia a little help in the chaos.

However, things are different from what Haiyuan mourned.

——The corridor did not immediately enter a state of melee.

The two suspicious men in black were startled when they heard Jiang Xia's words.

Afterwards, the woman in black couldn't help but laugh. She waved her hands and said, "It's true that we killed animals, but it's not murder - we're talking about bugs."

She pointed at the man in black next to her: "He always tramples the bugs to death at every turn, and the mucus and shells left behind are difficult to clean."

Speaking of this, the woman suddenly took off her sunglasses and looked closely at Jiang Xia.

After that, his tone became full of surprises: "However, it's no wonder that you think of murders. After all, you are often exposed to murders. Little detective, can you sign your autograph for me? I am also a fan of yours. I not only collect I have a collection of newspaper clippings and variety show videos, and I also have your limited edition photo album at home.”

As she spoke, the woman in black rummaged through her bag with great force, found a note with a slightly exaggerated cover, and handed it to Jiang Xia with a smile along with the pen pinned to it.

Jiang Xia looked at her and raised her hand to pick up the note.

Ayumi Yoshida was shocked to see this scene and couldn't help but scream softly from a few meters away: "She must be trying to make you relax your guard!"

"Haha, are these kids playing detective games?" The woman glanced in the direction of the kids, not paying much attention, and her attention quickly returned to the note.

Jiang Xia has already signed.

But the other person happily asked for more: "Please add 'to Asuka', so that it becomes a memorable and exclusive signature~"

Conan was secretly watching her with his anesthesia watch.

When he heard this sentence, he was suddenly startled: "...your name is Asuka?!"

…Isn’t this the name of resident 205?

Asuka Shima received the "exclusive signature" and was unfolding her wallet and carefully putting away the signature.

Suddenly hearing Conan's words, she took out the driver's license with a photo next to her and took a look at the children who were addicted to the detective game: "That's right. It's a nice name. I can bring more of your brothers with me in the future. Come to my house as a guest."

Next to him, Dao Zhenghe, whose face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, dragged her away angrily.

The five children raised their heads indifferently and followed the couple as they walked away.

It wasn't until the two disappeared at the top of the stairs that the children turned back and looked at each other.

——The "Shima Asuka" starting with A, who thought she had been kidnapped or even killed, is actually still alive.

Hui Yuan Ai was silent for a moment, turned to the door of 205, and whispered to Jiang Xia: "...Perhaps on the other hand, these residents are the robbers, and they kidnapped other people. And the hostages got the kidnappers through some method. Ring for help?”

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