Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 476 An unrelenting attempt

"How could it be broken? I am also a witch, not a three-year-old naughty child." Koizumi Anko crossed her arms, snorted, and then continued to look at the magic circle on the ground in confusion, "What is this? Didn't you say Is magic ineffective against foggy dogs?"

Koizumi Anko is in a very bad mood now.

Although the house we live in now is not small, compared with the originally vast castle, it seems particularly difficult to stay in.

But now, she didn't dare to move back to the comfortable castle - according to the servants, the foggy dog ​​would occasionally go to the castle to inspect, as if he wanted to catch something and take it home.

In addition, the servant also brought very bad news: the precious magic weapons accumulated in her castle have now been drained of their magic power and turned into a pile of scrap metal.

Minamoto Kurenai's losses were not so heavy. But she failed to catch monsters before, which was a big blow to her who can do everything well.


"Although the price paid was not small, I finally gained something."

Minamoto Kurenai ran her fingers over the old ancient books on the table and exhaled slowly: "It's a pity that the monster does not exist, but if we can catch the mysterious wizard behind it, we can barely make up for our losses."

Koizumi Anko was startled: "Monsters don't exist? Mysterious wizards?...What do you mean?!"

When Minamoto Hongna made these preparations, she was in a hurry every day and didn't discuss it with her at all.

Koizumi Hongzi therefore knew nothing about her aunt's progress. She had nothing to do these days, and made other preparations by herself. She spent money to order a huge steel mesh - since magic will be eaten by foggy dogs, she had to use physical means to capture it. Look at the sniper rifle the servant used that day. It's very effective when you go up.

Minamoto Kurenai heard her question, glanced at the huge steel mesh piled in the corner, and snorted coldly:

"Stupid. Haven't you noticed yet? The bullet clearly grazed him that night, but he didn't leave anything behind - no blood, no tar, nothing... Generally speaking, even bugs will have bodily fluids, let alone He is a monster with a body close to that of a human. In addition, when he was hit by a sniper rifle, there were clearly pieces of clothing falling, but those pieces disappeared later."

"..." Koizumi Hongzi listened to these emphasized words and thought of some explanation, "Are you trying to say that Kiriten Dog is not a real creature, but some kind of doll?!"

Yuan Hongnai nodded:

"It should be something similar. It must carry some kind of method that can split complex magic into simple particles, and then absorb them all - if you don't find the person hiding behind it, catching a few 'monsters' will be in vain ."

As she said that, she took another look at the ancient book she had found with relief: "Fortunately, I now have a clue. It's only a matter of time before I can find out that person."

Minamoto Hongna didn't invite any help this time.

The magicians in this world exist as a family unit, and the number is far less than some outside insiders think. These families usually do not interact with each other until the end of time, and will only meet to negotiate when they encounter major problems. Under normal circumstances, they rarely meet once in a hundred years. Only when a family behaves out of line or has an excessive impact on society will other families jump in, punish the leader in the name of balance, and then divide the spoils.

But it is impossible to sit down and hunt together in a friendly manner and share the harvest.

However, although there is not much help in magic, Minamoto Kurenai's husband's family has a wide range of connections in society.

In modern society, the power of magic and supernatural powers is no longer as powerful as before. As long as she could identify the identity of the wizard behind "Fog Sky Dog", it would not be difficult to put pressure on him in ways other than magic.

Based on the current situation, Minamoto Hongna feels that if the wild wizard can be caught, it will be a very cost-effective thing, whether it is to torture the secret method or to use it for his own use. And this can also avenge the other party for playing tricks on her - in fact, it wasn't until the servant confirmed that nothing had fallen from "Fog Ten Dog" that she guessed that Fog Ten Dog was just a doll controlled by a wizard. Before that, , she actually truly thought that there were monsters in the world.

Minamoto Kurenai's thoughts wandered for a moment, and then she quickly retracted her thoughts.

She reached into her robe and felt around, pulling out a vial.

Then he held the bottle and said to Koizumi Hongzi: "You step back and restrain your magic power."

Koizumi Hongzi silently retreated to the side, pretending not to hear the second half of her words - there was no need to restrain herself at all, she had to squeeze hard now to squeeze out some magic power.

Seeing that her niece had retreated to a place where she would not interfere with the magic circle, Minamoto Kurenai turned around and stepped into the circle.

There is a huge clear crystal ball placed in the array.

She carefully opened the cap of the bottle in her hand and sprinkled the dust on the crystal.

——This is the soil dug from the magic circle where Kidd was imprisoned. The servant took the risk and returned to the castle to find it.

That castle has existed for hundreds of years, and the magic circle inside will have special effects. As long as the foggy dog ​​sets foot there, it will definitely leave traces.

In a dark room.

As the processed dust fell into the magic circle, the already dark surroundings suddenly became dimmer. The light seemed to be sucked and swallowed by an invisible giant beast, and the room seemed to be fast-forwarding into night.

There was darkness, only the light gradually brightened in the magic circle, tracking the person behind the "Fog Sky Dog".

After an unknown amount of time, the picture gradually emerged, like a swaying water curtain, extremely blurry.

Minamoto Kurenai pressed her eyes and frowned to adapt to this twisted style.

Gradually, she saw an old house through the "water curtain". The light in the room was dim and the atmosphere was gloomy. You had to open your eyes hard to see a hazy figure in the back. Judging from his body shape, he seemed to be a young man.

The man who couldn't see clearly stood in the old room, holding a slender, staff-like thing in his hand, and there was a person lying upside down under his feet. The person was lying on the ground, motionless.

Koizumi Hongzi, who was watching from a distance, took a silent breath and touched the goose bumps on her arms - he was indeed an evil wizard. Is he killing someone? Is it some kind of special sacrificial ceremony?

Thinking of this, she unconsciously pressed the phone again and touched "1" with her fingertips.

But soon, Koizumi Hongzi silently pulled out her hand.

...This is a matter in the magical world. Magic should be used to solve problems, and we cannot always rely on the police.

Moreover, the picture was too blurry. Apart from the atmosphere of a murder scene, nothing else could be seen clearly. Even if the police called the police, they could not indicate the location to the police.

...Let's wait for my aunt to deal with it.

This time the magic circle consumes an unusually large amount of magic power.

Minamoto Kurenai stared at the screen with a tense expression. After the screen was frozen, she waved to the servant who was huddled silently in the corner.

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