Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 477: The Exit of Magic Power, please vote |ω`)

Chapter 477: The Exit of Magic Power, please vote for me ω`)

The servant immediately came forward respectfully and handed over a palm-sized jar.

This is a pot with tens of millions burned into it, which can activate a large amount of magic power in a short period of time.

In the current situation, it can provide Minamoto Hongna with support for this extremely complex magic circle, making the glimpsed scene clearer.

But now is not the best time to use it...

Minamoto Kurenai raised her fingers and opened the lid of the potion, while holding her breath and adjusting the angle of her peek.

The chaotic picture, which was already extremely shaky, started to rotate, giving off a sickening feeling of dizziness. Minamoto Kurenai frowned and held back, slowly adjusting the image of the back until it focused on the front of the "evil wizard".

……It's now.

She raised her hand and poured the entire jar of viscous liquid at her feet. The crimson magic power gushing out of her body rose like flames, expanded with a breath, and then converged in an instant, pouring into the magic circle.

The picture I peered through originally looked like a piece of glass covered with frost and mist. At this time, the impurities were wiped clean, and the vision suddenly became clear.

Minamoto Kurenai looked at him with a winning chance.

When she saw the scene in front of her clearly, there was a hint of astonishment in her expectant eyes.

——Through the illusory "one-way glass", the "evil wizard" who shouldn't have noticed them suddenly raised his head and looked straight in her direction. It was as if he was directly looking at Minamoto Kurenai across the divination screen and dozens of kilometers away.

Different from the clear face that Minamoto Kurena expected, the young man had a pure white mask on his face. His face was completely covered, and the only exposed eyes were hidden in the heavy shadow cast by the mask... No, Not only his face, the "evil wizard" also had a pale clay-like shell on his body. The unlucky "sacrifice" on the ground was also wrapped, making it difficult to see through it.

...was discovered?

...The hidden formation patterns and the weak to almost non-existent magic power fluctuations that she spent several days studying were actually discovered? !

Minamoto Kurenai gritted her teeth and suddenly pushed the observation distance closer, trying to penetrate the clay-like thing and see something clearly.

But at this time, the screen suddenly went dark.

——A tentacle stained with dark mucus suddenly protruded out, clung to the "one-way glass" from the other side, squirmed upwards, and blocked most of the screen.

Immediately afterwards, the same disgusting tentacles stretched and piled up one after another until they completely covered this piece of "one-way glass" that was supposed to be extremely secretive and incorporeal.

The moment the "evil wizard"'s figure was completely blocked, in the center of the tentacles, close to the "glass", a red eye suddenly opened - an extremely beautiful eye that seemed to belong to a human being. .

If that eye is placed on anyone, it can instantly become the focus of admiration.

But being installed in a place like this only makes people feel frightened and vaguely nauseated, like being alone at home in the middle of the night and looking out of the peephole after hearing something strange, only to see a bird peering into the room through the thin glass. eyes full of malice.

Minamoto Kurenai had never seen such a scene before. She subconsciously looked into that eye and clearly saw the layers of resentment, resentment, jealousy, and pride inside... Waves of emotions surged out of the eyes and washed into her. mind. Under Minamoto Kurenai's increasingly horrified gaze, a shattering "click" sound suddenly came from in front of the tentacles that were constantly flapping.

She just dullly felt that something was not good. The next second, the tentacle followed the extremely weak connection and crossed the barrier of tens of kilometers. It stabbed into Minamoto Kurenai's left eye.


The adult witch covered her eyes tightly and roared in agony. Minamoto Kurenai's mind went blank, and she felt as if her eyes were pierced by countless steel needles. The severe pain caused her to lose the ability to think for a moment. She covered her face and fell to her knees. Before she completely lost consciousness, her mind could no longer accommodate other emotions except shock and the most instinctive fear.

The magic circle and crystal ball shattered instantly. The servant and Koizumi Anko finally came to their senses, and when they stepped forward tremblingly, only Minamoto Kurenai who had fallen to the ground and a blank floor in front of her were left in the room - the magic circle was gone, and the crystal ball was also obliterated and collapsed into A ground of powder finer than sand.

The servant supported Minamoto Kurenai, remembering the scene just now, and carefully opened her hood while calling the emergency call.

He thought he would see a blur of flesh and blood.

But no.

——Minamoto Kurenai seemed to be completely intact. Except for her face and eyes, which were distorted by pain, they were still the same as before.

He looked at this scene with confusion, suspecting that the tentacles he just saw were just hallucinations caused by some kind of wizard.

He couldn't help but turn his head again to look at where the magic circle was, but he only saw Koizumi Hongzi's unusually stunned face.

"...Her magic source is gone." Koizumi Anko stretched out a hand and covered Minamoto Kurenai's eyes blankly.

The source of magic power is something that every magician is born with and is passed down from generation to generation. When the previous generation dies or loses the qualification to possess magic power, it will automatically be passed on to the next generation.

The source of Minamoto Kurenai's magic power was originally transferring to Koizumi Anko at an extremely slow speed. That is the foundation of a magician.

But now, Koizumi Hongzi can't feel the trace of the magic source belonging to their family.

She remembered the tentacle that stabbed into her aunt's eye just now, and the way it rolled back something, and she shuddered: "...What on earth is that?!"

Tens of kilometers away. In an abandoned warehouse at 6-chome in Cupido Town.

a minute ago.

Jiang Xia was hiding in the warehouse, beating Lu Ye Shuji evenly, making the stubborn murderous aura become fluffy.

But at this time, the ghosts suddenly became restless and looked to the side blankly, vaguely feeling that something invisible was approaching.

After Jiang Xia was startled, he immediately hit Lu Ye Shuuji on the back of the neck with a knife, knocking out any possible witnesses.

Then he carefully felt the changes around him. After tasting it for a while, he always felt that there was a faint aura of magic.

I remembered the magic knowledge I had gained from Terai Kinosuke when I visited before, and the old man's advice to "be careful that they use divination to find your lair, and then ambush them there with heavy firepower." To be on the safe side, Jiang Xia immediately put on his hood and took the time to apply a layer of clay on his face and body.

——Although a body is not a permanent necessity for a psychic. But Jiang Xia is very satisfied with this body that has the same name as his own, and he doesn't want to be disturbed by the witches in his peaceful life yet.

As soon as he wrapped the clay around him, he suddenly noticed a much stronger magic than before, and the source seemed to be in the air in front of him.

...Although I don't know exactly what happened, there is no doubt about the fact that "there was a sudden burst of magic in front of me."

Jiang Xia was about to take a bite politely.

But before he could release his spirit, his expression suddenly fell into a trance. There was a "buzzing" sound in his head, and the depths of his pupils turned red for an instant.

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