Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 512 Nisnei, Bourbon

On the screen of Gin's mobile phone, an email from Uzo read:

[has a problem.

Bourbon has always been mysterious, has his own way, doesn't like to listen to what others say, and doesn't consider other people's free time when assigning work. He is an unpopular guy. However, his external interpersonal relationships have been maintained very well, and neither the boss of his workplace nor his customers have any complaints against him. He is also very good at avoiding accidents... Generally speaking, he is a lucky person with good fortune.

But one should not believe in luck.

I always feel that in addition to the organization, there must be other hidden forces helping him escape various accidents and disasters and maintain interpersonal relationships, but no evidence has been found yet.

...After the forces behind the scenes are uncovered, how long can his mixed "luck" last?]


Gin read it twice and didn't feel anything suspicious about Bourbon. Instead, he read from the letter a long-term attempt to cause trouble, a long-term difficulty in succeeding, and eventually resentment towards the person being messed with, and an oath not to kill the target. The feeling of not giving up.

...He was still thinking about how Bourbon connected Wuzuo and Jiang Xia.

And now this email seems to have given him the answer:

In addition to the fact that when he went to Bourbon to get information, Bourbon noticed the code name "Ouzo" in the mission report, Ouzo's own behavior also made people suspicious - although Ouzo's methods were very covert, he repeatedly After attacking the same person four times, even if Bourbon didn't find out who was causing trouble, he would definitely be aware of something unusual around him.

Jiang Xia's schedule overlaps with Uzuo's. In addition, Bourbon may have heard some rumors about Uzuo's methods... Vodka is still too idle. I will give him more tasks in the future... In short, plus the information The "intuition" that molecules often have gave Bourbon the opportunity to grab Uzo's tail.

But now, since Bourbon has chosen to take Wuzuo out for an "experiment", it means that he is still not sure that "Jiang Xia is Wuzuo." Maybe they just found a few suspects and are testing them one by one.

Thinking of this, Gin's heart became delicately balanced.

...Now it seems that the relationship between Uzo and Bourbon is not so harmonious.

Think about it - Bourbon kept Jiang Xia in the first place, probably because he had never been able to become a famous detective and could not develop the ideal intelligence network. So after discovering the talent of Jiang Xia's famous detective, he planned to take this rare talent as his own, develop it into his own subordinate, and become a key part of his intelligence network.

And Uzo is obviously not a very settled person. If Ichimai Bomoto asks him to play a righteous detective and ignore Uzo's own needs, such as regularly providing him with some challenging assassination lists... then Uzo will not get the reward he wants, and his energy will have nowhere to go. I definitely won’t work honestly. It's not surprising that he would go back to the boss who was hindering his entertainment.

... Judging from the emails, Uzo made many attempts to "murder Bourbon".

Bourbon is able to live safely until now... no wonder he is highly appreciated by the upper class and promoted quickly. Rum occasionally has some discernment.

Gin suddenly thought, if he continued to stop issuing assassination missions to Uzo, and let the already bored Uzo increase his efforts against Bourbon, then after a while, would there be a sudden "Bourbon Volume" in the organization? "Involved in a murder case and died accidentally"?

Gin briefly thought about it for a few tenths of a second, feeling a little moved.

But the message he sent back to Jiang Xia was:

[Don't waste time on this kind of thing, do what you have to do.

Organizational leaders should not be your target. ]

...Although Gin personally dislikes Bourbon, any cadre who can be useful to the organization is worth protecting, let alone a talent like Bourbon who can be assassinated by Uzo several times and is still alive.

After all, since he began to seriously exterminate the hidden rats, the organization's manpower has become increasingly scarce, and his workload has been much greater than before.

As for what Uzo said about "other forces helping Bourbon escape death," Gin didn't pay much attention.

If I remember correctly, Uzo would occasionally have legitimate doubts about Vodka, secretly creating conflicts between him and Vodka.

Considering that Uzo was currently trying hard to entrap Bourbon, he was very restrained without forging evidence of Bourbon's rebellion. The purpose of sending these words is not difficult to understand. It is nothing more than hoping that Bourbon is a traitor, so that Uzo can use the help of the organization to kill the target in a logical way - Gin's action will definitely be better than those amateurs outside who can't stand up to the stage. It is easier for a murderer to succeed.

...You can’t follow Uzo’s rhythm.

Gin secretly nodded.

A minute or two later, after he sent out his conciliatory email, he quickly received Uzo’s quibble:

[I'm doing what I'm supposed to do.

This trial was Bourbon’s challenge to me. Although it's not clear how he knew the code name "Uzo", if Bob could find out that I was Uzo, then others might also find out after being in contact with him for a long time.

Rather than making mistakes later in front of outsiders, it’s better to have a serious battle with people within the organization first. In this way, I can also look for the flaws in my disguise through his actions - if there are shortcomings, I must improve them. Isn't this a matter of course?]

Gin: "..."

Uzzo clearly twisted his meaning.

When he said "don't do this," he meant "don't continue murdering Bourbon."

But what Uzo was referring to was "Bourbon tried to take him out to take off his vest."

...It is impossible for Uzo to even do this level of reading comprehension wrong. He probably deliberately misinterpreted it and made a fuss about him. This is rejection.

A war between two intelligence agents...

Gin scoffed at this taking up valuable work time.

He looked at his phone.

If a message was sent to Bourbon at this time, "No need to check, Jiang Xia is Wu Zuo", then the two people should be able to stop unnecessary testing and counter-testing, and honestly go to work where they should go. When the curtain Uzo hides in is removed, he will naturally stop those boring murderous methods.

But Gin stared at the email interface and didn't enter it for a long time.

...Although it is not obvious, there are actually factional disputes in the organization.

Bourbon is considered to be Rum's subordinate, and is undoubtedly more inclined to Rum's side. Moreover, judging from the fact that Bourbon has not introduced Jiang Xia as a cadre of the organization, he obviously intends to develop Wuzuo into an independent chess piece under his command, rather than being thrown into the organization and being used as a subordinate by a bunch of people.

In other words, as much as he doesn’t want to admit it, Uzzo is indeed a sought-after talent and has his own ideas.

If at this time, I suddenly ignored his wishes and exposed his identity as a code-named cadre in Bourbon...

Some unpleasant developments came to Gin's mind.

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