Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 513 Gin: Bourbon is so miserable. Please vote for me.

In addition, Gin thought, Uzo's strong energy in certain aspects must be spent somewhere.

If after this email is sent out, Uzo stops trying to harass Bourbon and instead comes to look for trouble for him...

I don't want this situation to happen, but I'm not afraid of Uzo's ability.

But he is really busy.

Once he is targeted by Uzo, it means that he must always be prepared for possible attacks from people around him and be prepared for various "accidents", which will undoubtedly waste a lot of time. And if he couldn't help but kill the promising Uzo because he was annoyed by being harassed, it would be a waste of talent.

After a moment of silence, Gin still did not reveal the secret to Amuro, and only replied to Jiang Xia:

[Finished sending the message and rescheduled the handover time of 100 million yen]

Originally, Gin felt that having a subordinate like Uzo was a mixed blessing.

But now, looking at Bourbon who was targeted and turned into a whetstone, Gin suddenly discovered that at least for him, Uzo was a diligent enough subordinate who would even chase him to ask for tasks... This was comparable to those You don't know when it will suddenly be exposed, and then the waste that will be cleaned up is much more pleasing to the eye.

In addition, if you think about it carefully, it is not a big deal for Uzo to waste time on Bourbon - anyway, at present, the organization's main expectation for Uzo is to continue to accumulate fame, improve his prestige, and blend into the upper class society. This kind of task that requires long-term accumulation is not a big deal if it is delayed for a day or two...

After sending the email, Gin put away his phone and looked at Vodka:

"The plan to trade with Uzo tonight is cancelled. Contact Yuichi Tanaka and ask him to prepare what we want and go to him at 10:40."

"Oh, alright……"

Vodka instinctively breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that he didn't have to see Uzo.

Then there was some disappointment.

... He couldn't test the power of snacks anymore - he didn't finish the pack of snacks, and still had a few pieces left.

...Forget it, I just happened to make a new pack. This pack did take a long time.

Speaking of which, the eldest brother seemed to have stopped before he shouted "Don't eat". Maybe it's because there is a problem with the freshness... Make a note of it and change the snacks regularly in the future.

Jiang Xia drove Matsuda Jinpei's puppet and finished sending text messages, disposed of the spare mobile phone, and dismissed the puppet.

After his consciousness returned to his original form, he calmed down and looked out the car window.

I saw Toru Amuro's car driving all the way to the outskirts of the city. Sure enough, he was leaving the city.

I looked down at my phone and saw that there was still no signal, so I simply put it away.

Then Jiang Xia leaned back in his chair and thought for a while in boredom. He felt that as an innocent high school detective, he was suddenly taken out by an organization cadre at this time. It seemed that he should express some doubts: "What is the mission this time?"

"Investigating some things, we'll talk about the rest later." Toru Amuro answered, but it seemed like he didn't answer at all.

When passing a red light again, the undercover agent stopped the car and stretched out his hand to him without any guilt: "To avoid leaking the secret, please give me your mobile phone first."


Jiang Xia touched his pocket, took out two mobile phones, and handed them both over.

The black technology plug-in hidden in the mobile phone is very useful. After it is turned on, messages from people on the confidential list will be automatically intercepted. You need to find the entrance to view it. Co-produced by the Doctor and Ai Haibara, Toru Amuro's subordinates are probably no match for him.

When Jiang Xia is in the detective agency, he usually leaves these plug-ins turned on.

After all, the office is the boss's territory, and Toru Amuro may come in at any time to look for documents.

If one day the boss is around, Jiang Xia's phone rings, Gin's email pops up, and Toru Amuro comes over to take a look curiously... It always feels a little awkward to have two bosses at his feet.

When Toru Amuro suddenly walked in to look for him just now, the plug-in was already in working condition, so there was no need to worry about strange emails suddenly popping up on his phone.

Not to mention the previous records - organizational practice, emails and messages must be read and deleted at will, and contacts cannot be saved. They are all addressed when sending.

Some cadres may try to save trouble by keeping the numbers of a few peripheral members with clean identities.

But Jiang Xia doesn't have any subordinates at the moment. After all, he is considered a celebrity now and has a relatively high degree of confidentiality... However, with "Xitu" as Uzo's substitute, he might be able to arrange for his subordinates to act in the future, and he will have more cards than he does now.

Toru Amuro didn't see Jiang Xia's random thoughts behind his calm demeanor.

He took the cell phone, turned it off, and put them into the storage box seemingly casually.

Then he glanced at the detector hidden beside him. No bugs or transmitters were found, so I turned off the signal jammer to facilitate contacting my subordinates later.

The place where the two of them were parked now was the last red light intersection before leaving the city.

After the traffic light turned green, Toru Amuro drove the car towards the suburbs.

It had just rained a little before.

After walking along the straight road for a while, a rainbow appeared in front of us.

Toru Amuro looked at this quiet scene and thought that the weather was nice. It may be a good sign that the sky will clear after the rain.

As a person who has watched Jiang Xia gradually grow from "a member of the organization's lowest level who only takes the blame" to a famous detective who has people coming to ask for his autograph when he walks outside, Toru Amuro obviously does not want the equation "Essence = Usa" to hold. .

According to the investigation of his subordinates during this period, Jiang Xia would encounter incidents by chance every few hours or about a week at most... Referring to the frequency of being attracted to cases, Toru Amuro listed the time of this trip as: Tentatively scheduled for one week.

If they pass by a crime scene during this period, Jiang Xia's suspicion will be greatly reduced...

Just as he was thinking about it, Toru Amuro suddenly felt that something was not right.

He looked out through the bright front window at the straight and smooth road and the clear sky, and gradually discovered the problem.

——Nearly a hundred meters away, something seemed to be smoking in the ditch beside the bridge.

There is no wind in the suburbs today, and the black and gray smoke rises almost in a straight line and spreads slowly, like the smoke announcing the coming of a beacon fire. As their vehicle drew closer, black smoke became increasingly visible.

Toru Amuro: "?"

...It seems like something happened.

He instinctively glanced at Jiang Xia, who was sitting quietly next to him, and then looked at his watch.

It was just after two o'clock.

It was less than half an hour before he picked up Jiang Xia...

Jiang Xia was looking out the window in a daze at first.

As the vehicle approached the plume of black smoke, his wandering eyes gradually came into focus.

Jiang Xia sat up straight and said with suspicion and vigilance: "Boss, something seems to have happened."

"...Hmm." I saw it.

Toru Amuro parked the car beside the river where black smoke was rising.

There happens to be a crossroads here. Two roads intersect at right angles. One of the roads is parallel to a very shallow river, and there is a bridge next to the intersection.

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