Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 514 The correct way to open a window

Jiang Xia opened the door and got out of the car, looked down at the asphalt road, and then at the river.

Then I realized there was a car accident.

——A small green car was parked along the river, and a small red car was soaking in the river. Both cars were damaged.

There were several deep tire tracks at the intersection, and the black marks spread from the center of the road to behind the green car. The car seemed to have braked suddenly when the car accident occurred, and then hit the billboard next to it and stopped.

The other red car had no visible signs of braking, and seemed to have rushed straight into the river after the collision.

What was smoking at this time was the red car soaked in the river. There was a piece of leaked oil floating on the water around it, and the fire started from here.

Toru Amuro also looked at the scene.

There were no police, no ambulances, no injured, not even witnesses... The accident seemed to have happened not long ago. Both owners were likely still in their respective cars.

"Tsk, it's really troublesome... There are surveillance cameras nearby. If we leave directly, I'm afraid the police will bring them back for questioning as witnesses, which will be bad for your reputation." Amuro Tetsu, who is Bourbon, is skillfully looking for people to do good deeds. As an excuse, he casually directed Jiang Xia, "Go and see the people in that green car."

Then he walked toward the smoking red car in the river.

Matsuda Jinping Plain was originally looking at the river.

Suddenly hearing these words, it turned around and glanced at Amuro Toru strangely.

...Doing good things because of fame is not what Fang Gulii would say.

Speaking of which, the old classmate suddenly asked Jiang Xia to go with him and confiscated his mobile phone just now. It was not like what a normal detective agency boss should do - instead of taking Jiang Xia to do an "urgent mission", wouldn't this be more appropriate? Do you use the word "entrust"...

Of course, the strangest thing was those emails that Jiang Xia had just driven on his puppet and sent out wine-smelling murderous emails.

Matsuda Jinping was also in the puppet just now and could see Jiang Xia's actions.

No matter how he looked at it, he felt that the "Bourbon" in the email should refer to Fangtani... Oh, the name was changed, and now it's Toru Amuro.

In short, Toru Amuro seems to have joined some strange organization, and judging from the mysterious appearance, that organization is probably not legal.

Speaking of which, the name change itself is very strange - many women change their surnames after getting married, and there are indeed some who change their names by the way. But Toru Amuro didn't look like he had married into a wife, and he didn't see any close wealthy women named "Amuro" around him.

Changed his name, and joined an illegal organization...

Are you working as an undercover agent?

Or did he hide his name and change his identity after doing something illegal?

...Blonde mixed-race, with such a conspicuous appearance, I always feel that Toru Amuro is not the material to be an undercover agent.

Moreover, old classmates are indeed impulsive sometimes... Hiss, could it be as he thought? After Ryoya Rei acted impulsively and killed someone one day, he felt that the law was unfair and society was unfair. After that, the boy who yearned for justice suddenly turned dark. At this time, a strange organization brainwashed and accepted him, and then he became "Bourbon"...

...No, no, if you think about it on the bright side, isn't Toru Amuro always trying to save people? Even if he did go astray, he probably didn't fall too completely.

However, if you think about it carefully, the last time he was on the mountain, Toru Amuro was not obsessed with finding the two criminals in the mudslide. Instead, he was mainly looking for Matsuda Jinpei, who was highly suspected of committing corpse fraud. This matter actually had nothing to do with his character. big. Whether it's their friendship during the police academy, or simply wondering why someone could look and act so much like a dead person, and wanting to dig it out to find out... this can all be the motivation for Tohru Amuro to dig out Matsuda.

And today, Toru Amuro himself said that he saved people because there was surveillance above...

But when the task was assigned, the old classmate went to the dangerous red car with oil and fire, leaving the relatively intact green car to the new owner...

However, depending on your character and whether it is against the law or not, the relationship does not seem to be so absolute. After voluntarily joining the dark organization, there are not many people who do good deeds every day...

Matsuda Jinpei's remaining rationality jumped repeatedly, and it was difficult to determine the position of his old classmate for a while.

They haven't seen each other for a long time since graduation.

Thinking of this, Matsuda Zhenping hung on Jiang Xia's shoulders with mixed emotions.

After suddenly discovering that there was an acquaintance like Toru Amuro next to his new owner, Matsuda Jinpei originally wanted to ask the other ghosts why Toru Amuro didn't become a policeman and instead came to open a detective agency.

However, the ghost colleagues seem to prefer to mutter about topics related to murderous intent.

Matsuda Jinpei is not the kind of person who likes to forcefully intervene in other people's conversations and forcefully lead the topic elsewhere... well, so before he talks, he will always listen in for a few words to look for opportunities to ask questions.

Then, as I listened, I couldn't help but follow the other ghosts' conversation and started talking about murderous intent, unknowingly forgetting about my old classmates.

... Even if I try to bring the focus back to Toru Amuro, the topic will always quickly turn into the question of "is coffee-flavored murderous aura better, apple-flavored murderous aura, or wine?" Well, actually, it thinks that wine tastes best. , but if you can expand your options and look to the future, it actually prefers the murderous smell of cigarettes - although ghost mint is made into the shape of cigarettes, and its appearance and state when burning are very similar to cigarettes, it actually doesn't have much smoke. The smell is mainly the aroma of plants, which is not satisfying enough. For a long-time smoker like him, it is almost boring...

It's a pity that when it returned to the Seal Space to rest, the mermaid took a sneak peek at Jiang Xia's murderous aura inventory, and then discovered that there was indeed no smoke smell in the murderous auras of various rare flavors... What a pity.

Speaking of which, I heard that this time when I come back from my trip, I can see the source of the alcoholic murderous aura that was captured by the owner.

——At the thought of being able to pick fresh murderous aura with his own hands soon, a glimmer of expectation flashed in Matsuda Jinpei's eyes.

Jiang Xia found that after Toru Amuro finished speaking about the villain, his new ghost seemed a little sad.

When the boss ran to the river, Jiang Xia lowered his head and looked at Matsuda Jinpei, intending to care about the new ghost's mental health.

However, upon closer inspection, he found that the ghost's eyes were slightly bright and he was slightly distracted. He didn't know what he was expecting, and he didn't look sad.



Working ghosts must maintain this positive attitude.

Jiang Xia looked away as if nothing had happened, walked towards the river embankment, and checked the green car.

Two red and green cars collided. The red car in the river was completely deformed and still on fire.

Compared with it, although the green car on the river embankment hit the billboard, the damage was not serious and the quality seemed to be very good.

Jiang Xia walked to the car window where the driver's seat was, leaned close to the glass, and looked in.

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