Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 518 The Brothers of the Akai Family

The people who got off the police car were not old acquaintances from the First Search Division.

But they were two unfamiliar female traffic policemen.

——Although one person died in the car accident, it seems that this is just a traffic accident, and there is no need to call in the busy Memu Police Department and others for the time being.

Miyamoto Yumi stepped out of the car and straightened her police hat. Then he subconsciously followed the cry and looked at the driver of the green car who was crying on the ground.

She looked around and quickly walked over - the other people around her were neatly dressed and had normal expressions. Only this man was disheveled and crying... At first glance, he was the person involved in the car accident.

When Miyamoto Yumi walked towards the driver, Jiang Xia also looked at her with slight surprise.

...This female traffic policeman looks a bit familiar.

Different from most background policewomen, she has long, straight black hair, similar eye shape to the boss, and a face that is obviously not that of a passerby, plus her identity as a traffic policeman...

A name appeared in Jiang Xia's mind.

Is this Officer Sato’s gossip-loving best friend, Yumi Miyamoto?

Jiang Xia remembered that when he met Miwako Sato on his day off, he once saw Yumi Miyamoto next to Officer Sato.

In my impression, the character of this policewoman is different from that of Officer Sato. The former is livelier and more...unconventional.

The number of homicides that the police encounter by chance is generally not too many.

But not many, meaning at least one or two. Jiang Xia therefore had some impressions of Miyamoto Yumi's information.

In addition, he remembered that Yumi Miyamoto seemed to be Akai Shuichi's future sister-in-law.

——Akai Shuichi’s family environment is quite complicated. He has a missing father who is said to be dead, a mother who has shrunk like Conan, and a younger brother and younger sister. The three siblings have three surnames in total. The eldest is called Akai Shuichi, the second is called Haneda Hideyoshi, and the third is named Sera Masumi...which is confusing.

However, although they have different surnames and are not together all year round, the three brothers and sisters seem to have a good relationship...

Thinking of this, Jiang Xia took another look at Miyamoto Yumi - the person Akai's second brother cared about very much.

...Useful Shuichi Akai traps have been added.

Although I won’t use it for the time being, I’ll write it down anyway…

A few meters away, Miyamoto Yumi went straight to the client who was kneeling and crying, intending to ask about the situation.

But when she got closer, she saw that the driver's forehead was still bleeding, so she had to stop temporarily and let the ambulance crew take over first to stop the bleeding and bandage the driver of the green car.

One of the parties involved in the car accident is receiving treatment, while the other was soaked in the exploded water and looked cold...

Miyamoto Yumi glanced at the crane that was lifting the red car and the body out of the water, sighed, and could only turn her attention to the enthusiastic people who stopped to help.

Looking at it like this, she suddenly found that among those people, there was a very familiar face, which could often be seen in newspapers and detective variety shows.

...And now, that person happened to be looking at her too.

The two sides looked at each other, Miyamoto Yumi's eyes lit up and she said in surprise:

"Jiang Xia! I remember you, you are the one who loves to fight as Miwako said..."

After blurting out, she suddenly remembered that there were many people around her.

So he quickly chose the wording: "A righteous detective who loves to fight... and fight against injustice."

Mao Lilan had already rushed to Miyamoto Yumi's side and instinctively wanted to raise her hand to cover her mouth.

Hearing these words, she stopped suddenly, and then, under the suspicious gaze of the female traffic police officer, she embarrassedly twirled her hanging hair and smiled like a lady, trying to pass the test cutely.

Miyamoto Yumi failed to see through the disguise under her weak appearance. Although she didn't know what Mao Lilan wanted to do when she came over, she still smiled and nodded instinctively.

Then she focused her attention on Jiang Xia again, and before anyone could react, she took out her phone, leaned next to Jiang Xia and "clicked" to take a selfie:

"Little detective, come and take a photo - Miwako said I haven't seen you in a few days. I miss you and feel that Tokyo has become a lot more peaceful. I didn't expect you to encounter another accident so soon, hahaha."

As she talked, she typed on her phone and sent the photo to Sato Miwako to commemorate her first chance encounter with this detective who was well-known in the Investigation Division and whom she had always been curious to meet.

Conan looked at her taking photos and posting them, and felt that the traffic police sister was too cheerful.

But at the same time, he breathed a sigh of relief secretly.

——More people know Jiang Xia’s whereabouts again, and this time it’s the police. If Boss Amuro really had any illegal and criminal intentions, he should have taken these into consideration and stopped... It's not that he thought too much, but Jiangxia's boss always exuded a mysterious and sometimes good and bad atmosphere, which made it difficult to rest assured. .

Miyamoto Yumi didn't notice the gaze from the kid with glasses.

She admired the group photo, secretly took a photo of herself, saved it, and then turned to Jiang Xia. While waiting for the driver of the green car to bandage the wound, she casually chatted: "Are you planning to leave the city? Is there a difficult case outside?"

Toru Amuro, who was listening in, said: "..."

Why do Jiang Xia have so many acquaintances... No, this doesn't sound like an acquaintance, it just sounds too familiar.

But whether they are real acquaintances or current acquaintances, at least they all know Jiang Xia...Why is it so difficult to sneak people out of Tokyo?

Jiang Xia noticed the boss's sadness.

He didn't want to interrupt this trip, so he ignored Miyamoto Yumi and said, "It's not a case, it's just an ordinary commission."


Miyamoto Yumi was fooled by his serious tone and didn't notice that little bit of perfunctoryness.

She was a little curious about the detective's daily life and wanted to ask more.

But at this time, the medical staff nearby had bandaged the green car driver's wounds - the survivor's injuries were minor and did not require emergency medical treatment.

Miyamoto Yumi could only temporarily put aside her gossip and start working.

Before going to find the driver of the green car, she glanced at Jiang Xia a few times, showing slight hesitation.

Then when Jiang Xia noticed something was wrong and looked over in confusion, she suddenly said: "You have a piece of thread on your head."

At the same time, he raised his hand at lightning speed and hit Jiang Xia's head a few times during the chaos. At the previous cocktail party, after getting drunk, Officer Sato seemed to have said that she had wanted to do this for a long time, but she just felt that she touched her for no reason. Her head was a little rude, so she was too embarrassed to do it... Hehe, now she touched it first, and went back to show off the touch to Miwako.

Miyamoto Yumi left humming a song.


Jiang Xia silently tidied up her messed up hair.

There must be no threads on his head, otherwise a ghost will come to remind him. This traffic policeman did it on purpose...

Tsk, if you can't find any other bait in the future and can only catch Miyamoto Yumi to catch Akai Shuichi, let Miyano Akemi and the mermaid braid the long, straight black policewoman's hair in revenge for touching him for no reason today. .

Um? Speaking of which, Miyano Akemi and Miyamoto Yumi...

The two brothers like pretty similar people, both are "gong××beautiful" and have long, straight black hair.

… Strange patterns increased.

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