Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 519 No matter how you think it’s the police’s fault that Gin wasn’t caught

at the same time.

As soon as Miyamoto Yumi walked up to the driver of the green car, her scalp suddenly went numb, and she had an unpleasant feeling that she was being targeted by some terrifying entity.

Her lazy attitude dropped, her eyes sharpened, and she stared at the driver of the green car in front of her.

This person seems to be very nervous. Under his honest appearance, there is always a feeling that he is trying to hide something...


Miyamoto Yumi looked at him carefully, secretly alert, and asked as usual: "What is your name and occupation...?"

"My name is Kurutani Seiji, and I'm a car mechanic."

The driver of the green car took out a handkerchief and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead - this beautiful policewoman seemed so friendly just now, why did she suddenly become so fierce? ...Did he reveal some flaws, or is this the working status of the traffic policeman in front of him?

...Phew, calm down. No matter how scary his eyes are, he is just a traffic policeman. Just treat this as an ordinary accident, it's not a big problem.

Thinking like this, Chegu Zhengsi maintained his lost state and whispered: "I thought this section of the road was very empty, so I didn't stop at the intersection. Unexpectedly, as soon as I reached the intersection, a car suddenly jumped out next to me... I, I tried to brake, but the distance was too close, and the other person didn’t slow down at all, and we ended up crashing into each other... and then things ended up like this.”

When Miyamoto Yumi asked the person involved in the car accident for details.

Jiang Xia walked around to the green car and took a look. He planned to check in at the designated spot, gather the evidence and start fast forwarding, so he could finish his work early and leave early.

As soon as he moved, Matsuda Jinpei slowly recovered from his murderous thoughts.

It lay on Jiang Xia's shoulder, lowered his head and saw the slightly twisted car in front of him, and suddenly noticed something.

So he immediately turned to Jiang Xia and muttered: The quality of this car is average, but the bumper has been modified, and the modification marks are very new, which makes it feel inconsistent.

Jiang Xia then turned his head and repeated to Tohru Amuro in a low voice: "Boss, this car is of average quality, but the bumper has been modified, and the traces of modification are very new, which makes it feel inconsistent."

"...Yeah." Toru Amuro withdrew his attention from Conan, glanced at the green car, and nodded.

However, what I was thinking about was still not about the car.

——This time he suddenly took Jiang Xia out, so the police naturally didn’t need to explain.

But in the organization, you have to be careful in everything, and you have to give appropriate reasons for any behavior.

Therefore, in order to make his departure from Tokyo seem natural, Toru Amuro actually took over an organizational task.

This time, the end point of his "trip" is exactly where the mission lies.

...Despite this, it was still hard for him to imagine that today's chance encounter would be related to "Uzo" - even if "Uzo" was aware of Bourbon's prying eyes, and in turn followed Bourbon's actions everywhere, and found out Amuro. The destination of Tohru's mission... But the time Toru Amuro leaves the city is completely random, and the way out of the city is also completely random.

In this case, if the car accident that stopped them and the passing of an acquaintance from Jiangxia were not coincidences, but that "Uzuo" was secretly pushing... then this "Uzuo" would be too scary.

It's so scary that people can only think that they are thinking too much.

...So I must be overthinking it.

...Otherwise, if enemies of this level were lurking in his office every day, then his undercover identity would have been exposed long ago, and there would be no need to bother with these experiments.

Toru Amuro raised his hand and pressed his forehead... Yes, this time, it should be just a pure coincidence.

At this time, while Jiang Xia on the side lowered his head to look at the car again, Toru Amuro turned his head secretly and glanced in the direction of the intersection with his peripheral vision.

I saw a man wearing a traffic police uniform walking towards the river as if naturally.

Then when passing by Toru Amuro's Mazda, the man's figure flickered and briefly disappeared from the sight of others.

——After all, someone died in this car accident, and not just one group of traffic police came, but several.

It's easy to get confused when there are a lot of people. Among the "traffic police" who came this time, the subordinates Toru Amuro had just arranged were actually mixed in with them.

Next to Mazda.

Kazami Yuya, a fake traffic policeman from the Ministry of Public Security, followed Toru Amuro's instructions, secretly opened the door of his boss's car, and took out Jiang Xia's mobile phone from the storage box.

At the same time, he quickly put down the two mobile phones of the same model he brought and pretended that they were still there.

According to Mr. Fangtani's instructions, during this period, Jiang Xia's mobile phone must be handed over to their subordinates for observation. In addition to the information stored on the mobile phone itself, the communication is also important content. I heard that in that organization, it is important. All matters will be communicated via email.

Stealing information is also a specialty of the Ministry of Public Security police officers. Kazami Yuya quickly completed the replacement of his mobile phone and slipped back into the traffic police team as if nothing had happened. Fortunately, he was not seen by anyone.

It's true that the police often slip up, but occasionally they are reliable. Since Toru Amuro had instilled a lot of terrifying speculations about Usa, Kazami Yuya was very cautious when he acted just now. Before opening the door, he checked everyone's sights in advance - including the two women who looked the least threatening. High school and elementary school students.

…But just because no one saw it, it doesn’t mean that no ghost saw it.

——After Matsuda Jinpei was signed by Jiang Xia, he accidentally occupied Kiriten Dog's territory.

After that, the foggy dog ​​spent a lot more time floating in the sky.

It had a relatively high angle of view and easily spotted the anomalies beside the car, so it immediately floated down and poked Jiang Xia, telling its owner that the phone had been stolen.

Jiang Xia turned her back to Amuro and took a look at the housekeeper and felt that the problem was not big.

In the mobile phone, the messages that should be cleared have been cleared long ago, and the incoming and outgoing messages are also filtered and blocked by plug-ins... It is really Toru Amuro's loss that Dr. Agasa did not join the Ministry of Public Security. Jiang Xia always felt that instead of focusing on himself, an ordinary high school detective who occasionally passed by the murder scene and took in homeless ghosts, the police should keep an eye on that magical old man.

If the two parties cooperated happily, the gin they were trying so hard to capture might have been caught on the ground by some mass-produced black technology capture net...

Jiang Xia was distracted for a moment.

But I had no intention of setting up a connection between Dr. A Li and the police.

If the struggle between red and black ends so quickly and Conan quickly transforms into Kudo Shinichi, the ghosts and murderous aura that can be picked up may also disappear...

Jiang Xia shuddered silently as he thought of the impoverished life without ghosts and murderous intent when Kudo Shinichi had just come to this world and before Kudo Shinichi became Conan.


It's better to let these people fight peacefully for a while longer. He also wanted to build up a little more murderous aura to avoid running out of food in the future...

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