Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 520 The new psychiatrist

When several detectives observed the green car.

The traffic police also found a lot of clues:

Although the red car exploded, the license plate was still vaguely identifiable. After checking, the police learned the identity of the car owner.

——The owner of the red car who died was named Hayami Hayabusa. He was the manager of a foreign trade company. His job was different from that of the green car driver who was a car repairman. At first glance, he did not have much in common with the green car driver.

In addition, the monitoring of the intersection was also brought out.

In the overhead view, the situation is exactly as the owner of the green car said: when the two cars approached the intersection, they did not stop and slow down. After entering the intersection, the green car stepped on the brakes urgently, and then the two cars collided directly. together.

While Jiang Xia was watching, the top of his head suddenly sank.

Putting a hand up nonchalantly, she rubbed it twice - Miyamoto Yumi didn't even make excuses like "it's stained with threads" this time. She came next to him and stared at the surveillance screen together: "What did you see?" Okay, little detective?"

"..." Jiang Xia silently pushed her hand away, "Colliding course phenomenon?"

"That's right! I think so too."

Miyamoto Yumi straightened up and looked through the previous records: "This place has actually always been nicknamed the 'Horrible Crossing', and similar accidents have happened before - we even put up a sign saying 'Accident-prone Road Section' as a reminder. Drivers, it’s a pity that it’s difficult to see the sign clearly on vehicles traveling at high speeds, and the ones that can see clearly are usually not going fast enough to cause accidents... Alas, the effective use of funds is really a problem. If you ask me, the warning signs should be changed to cool ones. Dazzling colorful lights..."

The "collision heading phenomenon" has another name, called "pastoral accident". It often occurs at intersections with good visibility and straight routes.

- When two vehicles approach an intersection at right angles to each other, from approximately the same distance, and at the same speed, the vehicle will be exactly at an angle of 45° in front of the other driver.

For the human eye, the outer 36°-100° area belongs to the peripheral vision. Although the picture can be seen in this range, it is difficult to identify stationary objects. So if drivers are staring straight ahead and not looking left or right, then to them another car approaching the intersection at the same speed and always staying 45° from their field of view will look like a piece of scenery that doesn't move. .

When we arrived at the intersection, we suddenly discovered that this "set" turned out to be a moving car. If we wanted to stop, it was too late.

When Jiangxia and Miyamoto Yumi discussed "accident-prone road sections".

Next to him, the driver of the green car secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the key word "accident".

——Compared with arranged murder, the penalty for a traffic accident in which both parties are responsible is much lighter, and the reputation will be better than that of murder.

But no matter how it was an "accident", people died after all. At this time, a normal person should...

Che Guzhengji raised his hands to cover his eyes, with a look of pain on his face: "When I was approaching the intersection just now, I wish I had looked to the side more..."

Miyamoto Yumi glanced at him and felt that as usual, she should comfort this regretful person at this time.

But she touched her chin vigilantly, still remembering the sudden and creepy feeling she felt when she walked next to Kurutani Zhengji just now, as if she was being targeted by something.

I couldn't help but put on my colored glasses: "Indeed. According to the regulations, more than just looking around, you should stop and check when you reach this intersection to make sure no one is without a car before passing... The red car has priority over the other side. It's still okay for him not to slow down. Why didn’t you slow down in advance?”

Kurutani Seiji: "...?"

...Shouldn't you comfort him at this time?

He had rehearsed the "regret" scene for so long that he couldn't help but sympathize with himself when he looked in the mirror. What's wrong with this female traffic policeman? She looks so cute, but she acts so cold-blooded and ruthless...

However, no matter what, it would be nice to treat it as an accident...

Kurutani Seiji sighed. He continued to look sad.

At this time, the mouse next to it clicked.

Jiang Xia moved the video forward a little. He looked at the surveillance screen carefully and suddenly said:

"Although this is an accident-prone place, I always feel that the red car's reaction is too slow - when you arrive at an intersection and suddenly find a car 'jumping out' in the blind spot, most people will instinctively step on the brakes. But the red car seems to be completely unresponsive. Similar reactions...and this place-"

He pressed pause and stopped the scene before the collision.

Then he pointed at the front window of the red car on the screen, as well as the front cover and frame with a certain tilt:

"If you look carefully, the moment it entered the surveillance screen, that is, when it was approaching the intersection, these places suddenly became brighter for a moment, as if there was light shining on it. Combined with the location of the light and the time of the incident... If Unless someone came over with a searchlight in broad daylight, then this beam of light should be sunlight. From the angle, it looks like the reflection of a roadside billboard - well, it was the billboard that Mr. Kurutani happened to hit. .”

Conan came secretly to watch the surveillance video: "..."

As soon as he heard these words, he knew that Jiang Xia was planning to fast forward...

Conan stared at the screen silently, raised his hand and clicked on his glasses.

Two compression earplugs popped out from the temples and were inserted into his ears accurately.

——At Conan's request, Dr. Ali added some new features to the glasses to improve the crime-solving experience.

Although he pressed the button a little late just now, unfortunately he heard part of the answer. But in an incident, in addition to the method of committing the crime, the motive is often also very important. He also has "motive", a pure land that Jiangxia has not yet set foot on, to crack...

However, even though the anti-spoiler mode was activated, Conan's thoughts still failed to return to solving the case immediately.

... Calculate the time it took Jiangxia and Toru Amuro to arrive at the scene of the car accident. Compared with normal circumstances, Jiang Xia's speed in solving the case this time was actually much slower.

But compared to the previous state of severe distraction, it is obviously much better.

...The progress is too obvious. There must be a reason for the abnormality. What happened in the middle?

Could it be that Jiang Xia really secretly went to see a psychiatrist without them knowing?

If this is the case, then is the doctor this time reliable? Isn't he another potential murderer who shot the police... Jiang Xia's scumbag physique is really hard to rest assured. Moreover, the probability of psychological problems among psychiatrists is indeed not low...

I really want to see what kind of person he is. But since Jiang Xia is looking for a doctor behind their back, it means that he doesn't want others to know. What if he follows him to take a peek, is discovered by Jiang Xia, and Jiang Xia doesn't go for treatment...

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