Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 546 Belmode: Jiangxia has lost contact?

Although a murder case was told, the murderer was not the kind of murderer who kills randomly. A group of people slept peacefully in the guest room.

When he woke up the next day, it was clear that there was no one to watch him. Toshiya Tadokoro did not take the opportunity to escape. Instead, he stayed in the villa, made breakfast for a whole room of people, and then calmly waited for the arrival of the police.

After the news came on the phone that "the road has been repaired and the police will arrive soon," everyone in the house breathed a sigh of relief.

After getting rid of the state of being trapped in the haunted house, their mentality became a little more relaxed, and some of them became more active.

Jiang Xia went to the bathroom to sign a shikigami, and on the way back, he was stopped by editor Doi.

The middle-aged man with a high hairline wiped his sweat and looked around.

He failed to find Toru Amuro, who was hiding in the corner and eavesdropping suspiciously. He thought there was no one around, so he began to ask Jiang Xia for his own publishing house.

"Jiang Xia...little sir." Doi always felt that facing this face, at his age, it was a bit difficult to call him "Mr.", "Um, have you ever considered writing a book part-time? For example, based on the cases you have experienced. , adapted into unit stories and serialized in our magazine."

Jiang Xia thought about it and felt that there were not many events related to novelists, and writing a book would take up a lot of time. If you have the time, why not just get to know a few more novelists...

So I declined, "I've never written anything like this before, and I don't have any creative talent, so forget it."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you can't write." Editor-in-chief Doi misunderstood and felt hopeful, so he lowered his voice and whispered, "Actually, I know a few suitable ghostwriters. As long as you are willing to publish the novel in your own name and give it a little... publicity……"

Jiang Xia: "..."


He suspected that the editor wanted to murder him, but unfortunately there was no evidence.

Editor-in-Chief Doi wants to say something else.

But halfway through speaking, I suddenly felt a chill that was extremely strong.

He trembled, and after being stunned, he looked at Jiang Xia, and saw Jiang Xia looking at him carefully, as if she wanted to find something from him.

During the few seconds when Chief Editor Doi did not dare to move, the young detective's sharp and expectant eyes roamed back and forth over his body several times.

Then left disappointed.

Editor-in-chief Doi, who was left in place: "...?"

Although I don’t know what happened, seems that the persuasion failed?


After a while, the police finally arrived at the villa along the clear road.

After Toshiya Toshiya's body was picked up by the police, Sonoko Suzuki looked at the cars going away and sighed.

Then he didn't want to affect other people's mood, adjusted his condition as soon as possible, turned his head and asked Jiang Xia with a smile: "Xiaolan and I made an appointment to check in at the red maple leaf attraction in a few days, do we want to come together?"

Jiang Xia was very moved.

But he was torn between Suzuki Sonoko and Amuro Toru, and then found that the boss at this time seemed slightly more suspicious than before on the way to Dracula's villa - Amuro Toru didn't seem to intend to end his relationship. Observation plan. On the contrary, the journey will be extended again.

In other words, the boss still has great potential and can continue to exploit it for a while...

And Jiang Xia always felt that if he chose to follow Toru Amuro, he might be able to have both sides.

——Toru Amuro's action of secretly throwing the dice behind his back was indeed very hidden. Even if Jiang Xia was curious and wanted to see it, he had never been able to see it successfully.

But the ghosts, especially Jinpei Matsuda who was suspiciously observing Tohru Amuro, were particularly concerned about the actions of this old classmate.

Therefore, Jiang Xia quickly learned about the dice and why they kept changing routes along the way.

Judging from the current results, Amuro Toru's dice is quite magical - it can always guide them to the owner of the event physique. For example, Conan and the Maori father and daughter, such as the Suzuki sisters... or even Rum and Curacao.

And according to Suzuki Sonoko, she is going to go out with Mao Lilan soon. By then, Conan will definitely act cute and follow him... With these three people together, it may be obvious which direction Amuro Toru's dice will turn.

...Of course, if the dice really doesn't know how to move, you can also try to use puppet clay or ghosts to make it turn in the desired direction.

Jiang Xia's thoughts flashed in her mind and she quickly made a decision.

He looked at Suzuki Sonoko and regretfully declined the invitation: "We still have urgent commissions to deal with."

"Oh..." Suzuki Sonoko was a little disappointed. Coupled with the tragedy of the Tadokoro brothers and sisters last night, she did not ask any more questions for a while, waved to Jiang Xia wilfully, and got into the car sent by the Suzuki family to pick them up.

Jiang Xia also waved to her, thinking to herself: See you at the check-in attraction in a few days.

Next to him, Toru Amuro had no idea what was going to happen to him and the die next.

He declined the request to go to the Nagano Prefectural Police Headquarters to take notes, and briefly took notes with Jiang Xia at the vampire villa, and then quickly left in a low-key manner.

On the way, Toru Amuro occasionally glanced at Jiang Xia with his peripheral vision and fell into deep thought.

In Dracula's villa, Jiang Xia's reluctance to solve the case was given a reasonable explanation.

But the associations Toru Amuro had before had not completely dissipated in his mind.

——If Jiang Xia is not suspicious, there are too many "coincidences" around Jiang Xia, and there may even be potential motives for committing crimes.

But to say it is suspicious... there is no evidence at all.

Moreover, the closer he monitored Jiang Xia, the more innocent he felt. Because Toru Amuro was able to confirm that during this period of time, Jiang Xia had indeed not done anything, nor had he contacted any possible "accomplices". He didn't even know anything about the route he was going to take next.

...In any case, it was necessary not to waste manpower and complete the observation schedule for Jiangxia - there are indeed some doubts that have not yet been clarified.

Having said that, if you walk a little further, you probably won't meet anyone you know. By then, there will be fewer distractions…

Toru Amuro was secretly looking forward to it.

That night.

Tokyo, Shinde Clinic.

After taking a bath and processing the information collected by Yi Rong in the past few days, Belmode glanced at the phone next to him and frowned.

Whenever she is free, she likes to send a few messages to Jiang Xia, trying to find out information about the children she cares about. At the same time, she also hopes that Jiang Xia can get rid of her wariness about her as soon as possible, give herself to her, and come to her to be a friend. Psychotherapy or something...

However, in the past, Jiang Xia would occasionally reply when she sent messages to Jiang Xia, especially when she mentioned that she was going out for a party or traveling.

But now, no matter what I say, there is only a cold automatic reply - to the effect that he is busy, please do not contact me.

"..." I always feel like something is wrong.

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