Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 547 Gin, look at the bourbon

Belmode held his chin and looked at the empty inbox in silence for a moment, then suddenly remembered something.

She turned to the computer, closed the encrypted folder where the information was stored, and opened the organization's interface.

After entering his password and logging in, Belmode searched for information related to "Uzo" as before, but found nothing.

After hesitating for a moment, she chose another keyword - Jiang Xia.

After the peripheral members get code names, in order to prevent some careful insiders from guessing the identities of the code members from personnel changes. The organization usually does not immediately delete the member's files from the peripheral period, but gradually weakens his sense of existence as a "peripheral member".

Wait one to two years until the time and identity are sufficiently blurred before sealing the corresponding files.

Of course, if there is a suitable opportunity before that, the organization will take the initiative to create a "death" depending on the situation, so that the promoted "peripheral members" will disappear naturally.

However, Jiangxia was given the code name obviously less than a year ago and did not meet the conditions for sealing it.

In addition, of course, he has not yet met the right time to "die". After all, Jiang Xia's identity as a detective on the surface was originally an important part of his "Uzuo" identity. Unless he made some big mistake that was irreparable, the organization would not be able to let this useful identity be easily erased.

Due to Belmod's special relationship with the boss and her strong abilities, she has high authority in the organization.

The information on "Uzo" that Bourbon wanted to look up but couldn't find was not difficult to find in Belmode. As a "peripheral member", Jiang Xia will only be easier to investigate.

In addition, except for some extremely important tasks, other tasks will not impose restrictions on Belmode.

Belmode's fingers flew and he typed keywords on the keyboard. The file belonging to the peripheral member "Jiang Xia" was successfully found.

Then it was shockingly discovered that Jiang Xia's file had been changed two days ago.

——There is one more task to record.

Last week, in a ten-digit transaction in Gunma County, there was a flaw in the goods delivered by the organization. In addition, news leaked out, and the code-named cadre responsible for the matter was almost arrested. However, he managed to escape in the end and is currently under review by the organization.

After suffering such a loss, the organization cannot pretend that nothing happened. However, for the organization, although five billion is a lot, it is not an excessive amount. In the end, except for the local institutions in Gunma County that started to operate and deal with the aftermath, the top management of the organization only sent an elite intelligence officer to find out the causes and consequences. , and deal with the relevant parties in this transaction as appropriate.

...The person responsible for this task happens to be Bourbon.

Belmode glanced at the details of the mission and frowned.

In order to prevent themselves from being too good, the cadres in Gunma County were furiously silenced by the top management of the organization. Therefore, they were desperate for survival. After submitting the accident situation, they quickly identified three culprits who may have caused the accident and submitted supplementary information. Come up.

What Bourbon had to do was to confirm the information of the three people and then find the final suspicious person.

For him, a task of this difficulty should be concluded in one or two days, but Bourbon actually filled in a full ten days within the estimated time.

...Of course, this is not the reason why Belmode pays attention to this small task.

What she was more concerned about was that Bourbon actually included Jiang Xia in the mission team.

...Bourbon usually does a lot of traveling at public expense. He is very capable, can always find useful information, and has a great organization. No one will hold him accountable for his petty bourgeoisie... But why should he bring Jiang Xia with him?

... Bourbon does not seem to be the kind of leader who cares about his subordinates and will give them money. He is also extremely strict with peripheral members, so few people are willing to get close to him.

Judging from the mission records, when Bourbon took Jiang Xia out to do missions in the past, he only used Jiang Xia as a mission tool. Moreover, those tasks were under normal deadlines, but this time not only the time was greatly extended, but Jiang Xia has also been out of contact...

Belmode tapped his fingers on the table a few times, his eyes flickering.

After pondering for a moment, she picked up her phone and dialed Gin.

The call was quickly picked up by the other party.

"Gin, I was looking at the latest files. Guess what I found?" Belmod protracted and whispered with a hint of schadenfreude, "The new cadres you single-handedly ran away with Bourbon. , it seems that he is very focused on his task, and he has not even replied to my messages in the past two days."

...In her impression, Gin and Bourbon have never been easy to deal with.

Gin hated Bourbon's somewhat arbitrary style of not obeying orders.

And bourbon…

Bourbon seemed to hate everyone except himself. Maybe this is the pride of genius...

In short, Belmode felt that it was inconvenient for him to move around when he was in the FBI's network. If you want to get Jiang Xia out of Bourbon whose purpose is unknown, it is quite quick to find gin and wine.

After all, in Belmod's opinion, Gin's thoughts are easier to figure out than bourbon, which is too mysterious. With Jiang Xia on his side, it is safer than being taken away by Bourbon and lost contact.

However, the development was different from what she expected.

——Gin was not surprised at all by the information she provided, and seemed to have known about it for a long time.

I heard an impatient voice coming from the receiver:

"He's just playing a boring game with Bourbon - why are you looking up Uzo's files when you have nothing to do? It's none of your business."

Belmod: "...?"

...Gin actually knew?

Suddenly I felt a depressed feeling of being excluded...

Belmode was silent for a moment.

However, as a well-known actress, she controlled her tone very well, and still complained half-truthfully like a bystander who didn't mind the matter:

"What a bad attitude. This is for your own good~ You seem to be very fond of newcomers like Uzo. I just think that Bourbon still doesn't know that he is a member of Codename. If he deliberately uses him as cannon fodder to die because of some usual frictions, If you use it, the organization will suffer a loss."

Ginjiu snorted coldly upon hearing this. Bourbon is not really without vision. Judging from his current performances, he undoubtedly hopes that this "peripheral member" can grow into a capable subordinate and become part of his intelligence network.

And Uzo is not the kind of person who is easily arranged. Instead of worrying about this, it would be better to worry about him arbitrarily arranging other people.

Compared with this, Gin thought, he always felt that Belmode had a strange obsession with Uzo - at first she was obsessed with killing him, but later it turned into another kind of twisted emotion, especially after she plotted against Uzo. After Zuo failed, he was handcuffed in the room.

……Um? This woman must not have awakened any strange attributes.

Ugh, disgusting.

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