Corpse collector in Conan

Chapter 548 Want to follow up

Gin thought of those weird ways to play, and then thought of the bright image that Uzo tried his best to create, and his tone turned cold:

"You have time to keep an eye on Uzo's daily movements. Why not quickly find Shirley or deal with those FBI agents. How long do you plan to be pestered by them?"

Belmode had long been accustomed to the tingling tone of gin and was not embarrassed: "Uzo is my job just like them."

Seeing that tactful persuasion didn't work, she simply changed her policy:

"Have you forgotten, he is my patient, and since you have shown me his medical records and files, he should be left under my care.

"Speaking of which, even if Uzo keeps his illness private, why have you still refused to arrange a time for psychological treatment? Are you jealous? You don't want me to come into contact with someone younger than you, more interesting than you, and good at bartending. Newcomers with more surprising flavors?

"Actually, you both have your own merits, and I like them both. If you really mind, you can come with him for the first few treatments, and then..."

The person on the other side of the phone snorted coldly. He was also used to Belmode's strange aura and was unmoved by this clumsy provocation.

"Don't bring him into the messy news. The reports of him beating people are already hard to suppress." Gin took out a puff of smoke and bit the cigarette butt and said, "Also, if Uzo doesn't want to see you, you'd better leave him on your own initiative. Stay away...this is my advice to you."

...At present, it seems that Uzo's attention is mainly focused on Bourbon.

A person's energy is limited. As long as Bourbon is still alive, other cadres in the organization who have contact with Uzo may be able to live a more peaceful life...

But if one day, Bourbon "accidentally dies", or if Belmode draws more hatred than Bourbon, Uzo may have to switch targets. Young people are always impatient, and their interests often change. Although I don't know the specific situation between Uzo and Belmod, but if this continues, I always feel that Belmod is not far away from being on Uzo's list.

As he thought about it, Gin frowned.

...One and the other are so troublesome. Can't the two advantages of "strong ability" and "following orders and not causing trouble" coexist?

He once thought that Usa was an exception, but after Tottori Prefecture...

Gin recalled some unpleasant memories and lost interest in chatting with Belmode.

He hung up the phone with a cold face, took off his cigarette and put it out in the car's ashtray, and continued driving to the predetermined place.

Opposite him, Belmode, who had hung up the phone, snorted coldly and put down his phone.

Then he crossed his arms and stared at the darkened phone screen.

She was a little worried about Jiang Xia's current situation.

If she guessed correctly, according to her previous investigation, Jiang Xia concealed something extremely important from the organization.

——After Kudo Shinichi was drunk with APTX4869 by gin, he did not die, but degenerated into a child.

Jiang Xiaming knew this, but said nothing about the organization, and judging from the call records, he often had contact with the shrunken Kudo Shinichi. No matter in terms of mentality or actual actions, as an organization member, this is a hidden flaw.

... At present, it seems that among all the cadres, Bourbon and Jiang Xia have the most opportunities for contact.

As far as Bellmode knew, the mysterious intelligence operative was not an easy man. He had strong insight and accurate intuition. In addition, he seemed to have some unique intelligence sources and could always dig out information. Information that is difficult for ordinary people to discover, which is one of the reasons why he quickly obtained the code name.

If Bourbon found out the clues, he would take Jiang Xia on this trip to test what Jiang Xia was hiding...


I really want to follow him and see what's going on.

Unfortunately, for now, she only knows the final destination of the mission. The task that Bourbon applied for was too long, and no one knew where he and Jiang Xia were during this time.

In the worst case scenario, it might be in a hidden interrogation room...


Belmode grabbed his hair that was still wet with a little irritability, then picked up the darts on the table, tossed them twice, and then tossed them casually.

The sharp dart flew out in a spinning direction, carrying the wind and shooting towards the wall with photos on it. It was nailed to one of the photos.

In that photo, there was a man with blond hair and dark skin, wearing a delivery boy's uniform.

In the background around him, several familiar children could be vaguely seen, including Conan wearing glasses.

——It was the Bourbon and the Young Detective Team that Belmod secretly photographed during the visit to the Gomera Studio a while ago.

At this time, the dart was nailed to Toru Amuro's forehead.

Belmode looked at the picture on the wall with his forehead nailed through, picked up the wine glass, took a sip, and felt a little calmer.

...Damn bourbon.

I don’t know what kind of life Jiang Xia is living these days.

……no. After thinking about it, I still have to think of a way to go over and check the situation.

A glint flashed in Belmod's beautiful eyes.

Hundreds of kilometers away.

In the deep woods of Hyogo Prefecture.

Toru Amuro was concentrating on driving the car, but suddenly his whole body shivered and he felt like he was being stared at by something nasty.

He frowned and looked into the distance.

Outside the window, the fog is getting thicker and thicker. There was a full moon in the sky and the car's headlights were on, but it was difficult to see clearly the winding mountain road soaked in the pale mist.

Although the roads in the deep forest are regularly repaired, they are not as smooth as the roads outside, and there will inevitably be accumulation of dead branches and leaves.

Toru Amuro actually regretted it not long after he drove in.

——In this environment, even if there is no mysterious force targeting his tires, it is easy for him to run over sharp stones and the like and blow out the tires on his own.

No matter how good your driving skills are, if you can't see the road, it may be difficult to walk out of the woods intact.

However, after all, this is a path randomly chosen by dice. No matter how many times I check, there is nothing wrong with the dice, so this should be the right move...

And now, after walking several kilometers, the vehicle is still relatively stable.

Thinking of this, Toru Amuro stopped thinking and pinched his forehead alertly - reminding himself not to worry about the tires like a PTSD patient and to concentrate on driving.

Ten minutes later.

Jiang Xia, who was relying on the passenger seat to catch up on her sleep, was happily slapped awake by the ghosts.

——Compared with the main body, the ghost fetuses' induction of murderous aura and shikigami has a longer range and is more accurate.

Therefore, they were the first to discover the anomaly and thoughtfully told Jiang Xia that there was a shikigami and murderous aura in a mansion in the mountains diagonally ahead.


Jiang Xia opened her eyes a little and took a vague look at her boss, who was driving tiredly late at night. For the sake of his health, it was best to find a place to lie down and rest immediately.

After that, he glanced at the dim lights in the distance.

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